
美 [ˈkwestʃ(ə)n]英 ['kwestʃ(ə)n]
  • n.问题;疑问;怀疑;议题
  • v.问;怀疑;质询;正式提问
  • 网络询问;发问;质疑

复数:questions 现在分词:questioning 过去式:questioned

answer question,ask question,discuss question,raise question,put question
same question,difficult question,real question,simple question,key question


n. v.

1.[c]问题;疑问a sentence, phrase or word that asks for information

2.[c]考题;试题a task or request for information that is intended to test your knowledge or understanding, for example in an exam or a competition

3.[c]~ (of sth)(待讨论或处理的)事情,议题,课题a matter or topic that needs to be discussed or dealt with

4.[u]怀疑;困惑doubt or confusion about sth


bring/throw sth into question

引起有关…的怀疑(或议论)to cause sth to become a matter for doubt and discussion

come into question

成为怀疑(或讨论)的对象to become a matter for doubt and discussion

good question!

(表示不知道答案)问得好used to show that you do not know the answer to a question

in question

讨论(或议论)中的that is being discussed

just/merely/only a question of (sth/doing sth)

只不过是…的问题(指不难预料、解释、做等的事情)used to say that sth is not difficult to predict, explain, do, etc.

out of the question

不可能;不允许;不值得讨论impossible or not allowed and therefore not worth discussing

there is/was no question of (sth happening/sb doing sth)

(某事)是不可能的there is/was no possibility of sth


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... her pron. 她的 question n. 问题;难题;询问;疑问 answer n. 回答;答复;答案 ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... her pron. 她的 question n. 问题;难题;询问;疑问 answer n. 回答;答复;答案 ...


二是提问Question)——把文章的标题及主要内容转化为问题的形式,在问题的提示下深入阅读。三是阅读(Read)——根 …


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... her pron. 她的 question n. 问题;难题;询问;疑问 answer n. 回答;答复;答案 ...


浏览(survey)、发问(question)、细读(read)、背诵(recite)、复习(review)。它的优点足让孩子一读再读,一次此一次深入;缺点 …


带英文的cf名字,好看的cf英文名字 ... 敷衍 Perfunctory 质疑 Question 择忆 Optional Yi ...


人教版高中英语单词表(第二册下必修) - 豆丁网 ... height n. 高;高度 question vt. 询问;质问 pilot n. 飞行员 ...

Not just a great Who song, but a pretty good question to ask yourself. 《谁》不仅仅是一首伟大的歌,也是一个非常适合询问自己的问题。
My first thought was that this was like a classic interview question: "What food would you be if you were a food? " 我第一反应是这像是一个经典的面试问题:“如果你是一种食物,你会是什么?”
Sociological researcher Glenn Firebaugh claims that it is not just a question of having or not having a lot of money. 社会学的研究人员声称他们格伦·菲尔鲍格的问题不仅仅是具有或没有很多钱。
This theatre of war is bigger than the simple issue of being gay, just as the question of love swamps the question of mere sexuality. 就像爱的问题压倒了性取向的问题,这场战争比身为同性恋的问题要重要得多。
The report immediately raised the question of whether the same technique could be used to clone people. 这个报告立即提出了是否同样技术也可以用于克隆人的问题。
"How much weight China can pull will depend on the commodity in question, " said Xinyi Chen, analyst at Barclays Capital. “中国究竟能产生多大的影响力,这将取决于具体商品的情况,”巴克莱资本分析师XinyiChen表示。
Lucas touched upon a frequently asked question: what was the imagined storyline beyond Episode VI? 卢卡斯被一个经常被提及的问题感动了:EP6以后的故事情节是什么样子的?
But it's not just a question of marking up the price in between. 但这并不只是一个提高差价的问题。
Absently, he put the question to the two he had hoped were to be his first subjects, still stunned by what they had told him. 他心不在焉地把这个问题扔给那两个他原本希望会成为他第一批臣民的因维人,仍旧处于被他们刚告之内容所造成的震惊当中。
This question is just a question of the foundations of the validity of contract. 这一问题就是契约效力根源的问题。
How much good all of this will do is an open question. 这些措施将会带来多少成效仍有待回答。
The question for UBS: did the bank need all this capital? 瑞士银行面临的问题是:它真的需要这么多资金吗?
With regard to the matter at the request of the right type of question, profession in the civil law more controversial. 关于物上请求权的类型问题,在民法界争议较大。
She looked up a little, thought about my question for a second or two. 她稍稍抬头向上看看,考虑了一两秒钟我的问题。
So every issue gets reframed as if it were really a question touching some deep (or not so deep) ideological question. 所以,每个议题都被重新包装,仿佛这是一个关于意识形态的深层次问题(实际上并不那么深刻)。
If there was one question I was allowed to ask. 如果允许我提一个问题。
We'll throw these letters in the fire, and you must promise to forget the whole thing. There is no question of your marrying Dora! 你们俩都太年轻!我们会把这些信件烧掉,你必须保证忘掉这整件事。你不可能娶朵拉!
And even if this does turn out to be a stock picker's market, what makes you think your broker is the stock picker in question? 面且,即使市场确实是一个选股人的市场,你要怎样才能相信你的经纪商就是合适的选股人呢?
Let's play a game in chains. Practice the general question of the past continuous tense after the example. 让学生做接龙游戏,操练过去进行时的一般疑问句。
This could be in general way, which is often called a personal statement, or as a response to specific question. 这可能是一般性的介绍,常常叫做“个人情况说明”,或者是对某个特定问题作出回答。
The question is how much you're explaining and how much you're engineering a model. 问题是你解释了多少,你改造了多少。
Greece set reason in a prominent place in answering the question of "what is human being" . 古希腊人对“人是什么”问题的回答把理性提到至高无上的地位。
A professor stands, and announces the first question, "How much is five and two? " 一位教授站了起来,宣布第一道题,“五加二等于几?”
The face of someone else's question, she used the most simple language the feelings: "He is now difficult than I, I should help him. " 面对别人的质疑,她用最质朴的语言表达了心声:“他现在比我困难,我应该帮助他。”
People differ over the question of whether halting the financial aid was the right thing to do. 对于中断经济援助是否正确,人们有不同的看法。
The thought of a hundred elephants-worth of water suspended in the sky begs another question - what keeps it up there? 一想到100头大象那么重的水悬在空中,你不得不考虑另一个问题——是什么让它牢牢的挂在天空中的呢?
That'sa good question, because as you know designing complex chips is a very, very difficult task set. 这是一个很好的问题,因为正如你所知道的复杂芯片设计是一个非常。
Now he could ponder the last question in light of his previous answers and perhaps ascertain the correct response. 现在他可以按照以前寻找答案的方式深思最后一个问题,也许可以找到正确的答案。
As you see in Figure 4, The solution to the point-in-polygon problem is to draw a horizontal line starting at the point in question. 如图4中所示,点包容问题的解决方案是绘制一条从所关注的点开始的水平线。
If the note were somehow exposed, the girl in question would be deeply ashamed, as if she herself had done something wrong. 接到纸条的女生立刻明白那小子想干什么,女生普遍的反应是紧张和害怕,假如纸条一旦曝光,女生就会深感羞愧,好像她自己做错了什么。