a reason

  • 网络一个理由;原因;动机

a reasona reason

a reason


光景消逝歌曲 光景消逝专辑 在线试听 mp3下载 ... Fashion ? 时尚? A Reason 一个理由 Real Us 真实的我们 ...


"So" & "Therefore" 两个都可以用作句子的开头,只要有 原因 (a reason) 在 "Therefore" 句子前面就得!For detail, you may got…


.... 正当理由,道理,情理 Cause 1. 理由,动机(a reason) (for) 1 2. 原因 Explanation 1. 解释,说明,阐述 (for) 2. 解释性文字,说明...


歌曲 强烈推荐 超好听的女声 本人大爱啊 (A Reason) 歌手 搜 酷т 总监歌曲试听 日志 标签 谁听过 统计 评价 歌手资料 搜 酷т 总监

but I do not turn for protection to dreary cliches about respect for elders-as if mere age were a reason for respect. 但我不会而求助于尊重长辈之类的陈词滥调-似乎只要年老受到尊重的理由。
That's also a reason for trying to understand what stimulates interest. 这也是我们要尝试了解好奇情绪的激励源的原因。
I don't see that it's sensible to regard the risk of a population spike as a reason not to give people the best healthcare that we can. 因为人口上扬的风险而拒绝给予人们最好的医疗,我认为是一种不明智的理由。
She wondered what could induce him to go alone. There was something back of this. She rummaged her brain for a reason. 她猜度着他为什么要单独去。这里面一定有鬼。她挖空心思要找出他的动机来。
There's a reason a country with a population one-fifth the size of that of the United States buys millions more newspapers each week. 一个人口仅有美国人口总数五分之一的国家每周购买几百万份报纸是有原因的。
Your real hysteria! This is just a reason because you must think of like this. . . . . . . You jointly fight with it otherwise right away! 您真歇斯底里!这不过是因为您一定要这样想的缘故。……不然您就会同它搏斗的!
Francis: Ah, there's a reason for that. There's been needle between them ever since Garfield beat Jake to the top marketing job. 法郎西斯:那是有原因的。自从加菲尔德抢在杰克之前,获得销售部最高级职位,两人就一直不和。
But I am one of those people who believe things usually happen for a reason, even if it is a bad one. 相反,我是我属于这样一类人,即认为事情的发生时有原因的,即使是坏的。
Now, none of what I have said should be taken as a reason to be complacent about rising health care costs. 不过,我前面所说的一切并不能成为应该满足于医疗保健费用上升的任何理由。
Also, non-real-time tasks do not have full Linux platform support (the thin kernel execution is called thin for a reason). 而且,非实时任务并未得到Linux平台的完全支持(瘦内核执行称为瘦的一个原因)。
Whether my back ache was true or false, these holes might be a reason to see a doctor. 不管腰疼真不真,光那些窟窿也能成为看医生的理由。
Even so, Apple's iPhone is popular for a reason. The interface is classic Apple, easy to navigate, consumer friendly, and simplistic. 尽管如此,苹果的iPhone的流行是有道理的,界面是经典的苹果,很容易导航,对消费者友好,简约。
AS I told my father my devastating news, he looked at me, as a loving father does, and said, " Everything happens for a reason. " 当我告诉父亲落选的消息时,他看着我,像一个充满慈爱的父亲通常作的那样,说:“任何事情的发生都是有原因的。”
I've been looking for a reason to leave him and now that he cheated on me, that's was the clincher. 我一直在找个理由想和他分手,现在我发现他欺骗我,这正好做个了结。
A boy who will kiss my neck, just to have a reason to tell me how much he loves my new perfume. 一个男孩会亲吻我的脖子,只是为了有一个理由,告诉我他有多爱我的新香水。
It would be difficult to say: I could not then distinctly say it to myself; yet I had a reason, and a logical, natural reason too. 这很难说,那时候连我自己也说不明白,但我有缘由,一个合乎逻辑、自然而然的缘由。
At 6 pages, it's hard to see a reason for making it a chapter. 仅有6页就当成一章可能的确没有什么好理由。
Some of them were looking for a reason to accuse Jesus, so they watched him closely to see if he would heal him on the Sabbath. 众人窥探耶稣在安息日医治不医治,意思是要控告耶稣。
The end of love is not the end of life. It should be the beginning of understanding that love ends for a reason and leaves with a lesson. 爱的终结并不是生活的终止。它让人开始懂得爱总会为某个原因结束,留下教训。
That God has called us for a purpose and for a reason and that we are called to be able to give praise and thanksgiving to Him. 主呼召我们必有因由,我们被呼召,就要称颂和感谢祂。
In fact, like dark chocolate, small chunks here and there can be good for you, or at least give you a reason to get of bed in the morning. 事实上,像黑巧克力,多多少少会有好处,至少可以给您一个睡懒觉的理由。
You broke up with him for a reason. 你跟他分手是有原因的
But if I'm going to continue doing these adventures, there has to be a reason for me to do them beyond just getting there. 但是如果我要继续这些冒险,就必须要有坚持下去的动力而不仅仅只是到达那里。
In it she asked him to come home, but she did not give a reason. 信上她请他回去,却没说明为什么。
Victor can't just kiss her, he's gotta, gotta really give her a reason, you know? 维克不能只是亲她,他必须…必须给她有力的理由。
"This happened to me for a reason, and I know it was for me to help someone else" is how he puts it now. “上天让我得了这种病是有理由的,我知道那就是选中我去帮助那些同样患有这种疾病的人”。这就是他的表述。
Everything does not happen for a reason. Sometimes all you need is just to stop for a minute. More stupid questions, more stupid answers. 不是每件事发生都能找出原因来。有时候你需要的只是让脑袋停止思考一会儿。问越多愚蠢的问题,就得到越多愚蠢的结论。
This month's announcement did not say how long he might be away or give a reason. 苹果公司本月的公告并没有说明他将休假多长时间,也没有给出具体的休假原因。
And, when depressing thoughts seem to get you down, put a smile on your face and think: you're alive and still around for a reason. . . 所以,当抑郁的想法使得你情绪低落时,微笑着想想:你还活着,为了某一个理由而存在着。
In its statement, Foxconn International did not refer to rising labour costs as a reason for the profit warning. 富士康国际在声明中未将劳动力成本增加列为盈利警告的原因。