
美 [ˈhɑloʊ]英 [ˈhɒləʊ]
  • n.孔;洞;凹陷处;坑洼处
  • v.
  • adj.中空的;空心的;凹陷的;沉闷回荡的
  • adv.彻底
  • 网络空洞的;空虚道

第三人称单数:hollows 现在分词:hollowing 过去式:hollowed 比较级:hollower 最高级:hollowest

hollow promise,hollow voice,sound hollow


1.中空的;空心的having a hole or empty space inside

2.凹陷的sinking deeply into the face

3.[ubn]沉闷回荡的;空响的making a low sound like that made by an empty object when it is hit

4.[ubn]无诚意的;虚伪的not sincere

5.[ubn]无真正价值的without real value


英语单词的奥秘 - luozhong10的日志 - 网易博客 ... hole( 洞,孔); hollow空的,洞的,中空的); porosity( 多孔性, …


英语字根表 - 豆丁网 ... cast=to throw 投掷 cav=hollow 中空的 cede,ceed=to go,to yield 去,让步 ...


英语单词立体记忆 ... → butterfly 蝴蝶 → hollow 空的,空洞的 → shallow 浅的,浅薄的 ...


四级高频重点700词 - 豆丁网 ... wonder 惊奇,奇迹 hollow 空的,中空的,空虚道 hook 钩 ...


上海学生英文报_ssp小学版 ... A & B:why 为什么 A & B:hollow 空心的 A & B:strange 奇怪的 ...

At the time of his execution, his artificial, hollow laughter was the saddest sound the Rebels present ever heard. 在他被处决之时,他空洞的人工笑声是当时出席的叛军们一生中所听过的最最悲哀的声音。
It was the only place left with all nine European woodpecker species, because, he realized, some of them only nest in hollow, dying trees. 这里是唯一生活着全部九种欧洲啄木鸟的地方。他于是意识到,有些啄木鸟的品种只栖身于中空的、濒临死亡的树木中。
We may imagine a time when, in the infancy of the human race, some enterprising mortal crept into a hollow in a rock for shelter. 我们可以想象那个时候,人类还在婴孩期,有些进取心很强的人爬进岩穴去找荫蔽。
But when the man saw that he was not able to overcome Jacob, he gave him a blow in the hollow part of his leg, so that his leg was damaged. 那人见自己胜不过他,就将他的大腿窝摸了一把,雅各的大腿窝正在摔跤的时候就扭了。
I feel a bit better just keeping company with you, rather than giving you a few words of hollow comfort. 仅是和你在一起,陪着你,远比说上几句空洞的安慰要让我感觉更好。
and that, finally, the earth, though containing many cavities near the surface, is itself not a hollow globe. 最后,虽然靠近表面有很多空洞,但是地球自身并不是一个空心的球。
Rukia sat down cautiously, across from the hollow. "Ichigo didn't make you. " She said quietly. 露琪亚小心翼翼的坐到虚的对面。“一护没有造出你来。”她平静的说。
He would cup his chin in the hollow of his hand when he HAD something on his mind. 他有心事时总是把手掌心托住自己的下巴。
Just then a hollow groan, more desolate than all that had preceded it, came from the attics and made Eugenie and her mother shudder. 这时顶楼上传来一声格外凄惨的悲啼,把尤金妮亚和她的母亲吓呆了。
So he cut off the hollow aluminum leg of his parents' patio furniture, filled it with homemade rocket fuel and got ready to set it off. 于是,他从父母置放在露台上一套桌椅的空心铝制腿脚上截取了一段,把它用土制的火箭燃料塞满,准备点火发射。
But this narrative sounds hollow if it has no basis in reality. 但叙述性的言语如果不以事实作为根基,听起来会让人感觉空洞无物。
What he said is all hollow promise. 他所说的都是空洞的诺言
The shell is arranged around the hollow-fiber membrane or capillary membrane and the aeration device is arranged at the bottom of the shell. 外壳设在中空纤维膜或毛细管膜周围,爆气装置位于外壳的底部。
While words themselves may ring hollow, having another person intent on providing comfort itself is often what makes us feel better. 虽然语言听上去是空洞的,但是有人决意提供安慰这件事本身通常就会让我们感觉好一些了。
It was a large brass bull that was completely hollow inside with a door on the side large enough for a man to enter. 这是一只巨大的中空铜牛,边上有一扇门,足以一人进入。
When you think about it in those terms, it makes Android's ascent towards dominance in Asia seem like a hollow victory for Google. 从这些方面看,的确Android渐渐在亚洲占据了主要地位,但对谷歌来说只是个空洞的胜利。
She cradled him in her arms and he licked her jawbone , then cuddled into the hollow of her neck. 她将它搂在怀里,小狗舔着她的颚骨,然后舒服地缩在她脖颈凹陷处。
The kind of hollow batten whose performance indicators meet the national standards can replace the product made of natural gypsum. 经测试,该产品完全可替代天然石膏空心条板,技术性能指标达到了国家规定的相关标准。
My first hollow clay augers became "Earth Augers " . They began to remind me of earth shapes left behind the plow in the rolling farmlands. 我的第一部中空的作品就叫做《大地旋转》,它们使我注意到犁过的农场土地的形状。
The hollow smiled into the back of her neck. ". . . not a hollow" It murmured. "Not really. And I'd never hurt you, Rukia-Chan. " 虚把脸埋在她的后颈,微微笑了。“……不是一只虚,”它喃喃的说,“不是。我不会伤害你的,亲爱的露琪亚。”
The only shelter he could find was the hollow trunk of a great tree. 他所能找到的唯一的栖身之处是空心的大树树干。
This time, like my heart is gone - as if I was hollow, because I shall be everything my heart to stay in your bodies. 这一次好像是我的心不见了—仿佛我是镂空的,因为我应经把我内心的所有东西留在你身上了。
She found her former ability to have degenerated to the production of a hollow rush of wind through the lips, and no clear note at all. 她发现她吹口哨的能力已经退化了,只能从撮起的嘴唇中吹出一阵阵空洞的风声,根本就吹不成清楚的音调。
A dirty yellow sky had threatened rain all day and a hollow stillness hung over the valley. 那天天色昏暗,整天像要下雨的样子,空荡荡的山谷一片寂静。
Heavier taxation might narrow the division between rich and poor, but it would be a hollow triumph if it stifled the economy. 加大税收力度也许会缩小贫富间的差距,但如果它抑制了经济的发展,那也只是毫无意义的成就。
Stan's buildings are largely hollow, with just a few structural supports - also made from the toothpicks he buys direct from a wholesaler. 斯坦的建筑大多为空心,只有少数几个支撑结构,这些支撑结构也是用他直接从一个批发商那里购买的牙签制作的。
He leaps upward in a flurry of light and I slide back into my cave, to coil around the hollow that contains my treasures. 在微弱的光线中,他向上跃去,而我滑回了自己的山洞,盘绕着满藏着我的财宝的洞穴。
At the heart of any submersible lies the hollow sphere where the aquanauts work. 潜水器的核心是用于潜水员工作的空心球舱。
Who has gathered up the wind in the hollow of his hands? 谁聚风在掌握中?
XXV Your tongue thrums and moves Into me, and I become Hollow and blaze with Whirling light, like the inside Of a vast expanding pearl. 你的舌头在我的里面拨弄游走,于是我被掏空,通体燃烧霍霍的光,犹如一颗硕大的珍珠膨胀的内部。