
美 [pʊʃ]英 [pʊʃ]
  • v.推动;推进;按;推销
  • n.推;激励;鼓励;搡
  • 网络推送;异能;压入

第三人称单数:pushes 现在分词:pushing 过去式:pushed

push button,push car,push luck,push dollar,push cart


v. n.

用手╱胳膊╱身体using hands/arms/body

1.[i][t]推动(人或物);移动(身体部位)to use your hands, arms or body in order to make sb/sth move forward or away from you; to move part of your body into a particular position

2.[i][t]推进(道路);挤开to use force to move past sb/sth using your hands, arms, etc.

影响affect sth

3.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.推动;促使(达到某程度或状态)to affect sth so that it reaches a particular level or state


4.[t]~ sth按;揿;摁to press a switch, button, etc., for example in order to make a machine start working


5.[t]说服;劝解;鼓励;敦劝to persuade or encourage sb to do sth that they may not want to do

辛勤工作work hard

6.[t]~ sb/yourself鞭策;督促to make sb work hard

施压put pressure on sb

7.[t](informal)~ sb (+ adv./prep.)迫使…生气(或不安)to put pressure on sb and make them angry or upset

新主意╱产品new idea/product

8.[t](informal)~ sth力劝…接受;推销to try hard to persuade people to accept or agree with a new idea, buy a new product, etc.

军队of army

10.[i]+ adv./prep.挺进;推进to move forward quickly through an area


be pushing 40, 50, etc.

接近 40 岁(或 50 岁等)to be nearly 40, 50, etc. years old

be pushing up (the) daisies

葬入地下;正忙着滋养冢上黄花to be dead and in a grave

push the boat out

挥霍享乐;铺张庆贺to spend a lot of money on enjoying yourself or celebrating sth

push the envelope

超越界线;突破to go beyond the limits of what is allowed or thought to be possible

push your luck|push it/things

(由于过去的成功过关)再冒一次险,继续碰运气to take a risk because you have successfully avoided problems in the past

push sth to the back of your mind

刻意忘掉(不愉快的事);把…丢到脑后to try to forget about sth unpleasant



推送/全局搜索/语音控制推送(Push)与全局搜索功能,也是3.0固件重要的升级体现之一。用户可以通过推送服务,更加及时的获取 …


在使用推动(Push)策略时,制造商激励经销商推广产品;然而,在使用拉动(Pull)策略时,制造商直接向消费者推广产品。EVC …


同问异能push)中的女主角叫什么(那小女孩) 2011-10-22 12:41 匿名 | 分类:小说 | 该问题已经合并到>> 提问者采纳 201…


游戏专业术语 - 重庆unity3d的日志 - 网易博客 ... Ult: 必杀技 Push: 推进 Afk: 玩家离开 ...


6. 在压入(push)一个重定位的偏移量后,程序跳到.PLT0,在PLT中的第一个入口。 push1指令在堆栈中放置第二个GOT入口(got_…


是“情”的推力push),而在自然界,电压(voltage)先导电流(current) 也正是应有的事情。可是,我们在此不能忘记,电 …



As a result of these changes, we have been able to push finances that were on the verge of collapse back to a safe position. 这些变化的结果是,濒临崩溃的财政被推回到安全位置。
It was a good joke to come up behind a naked boy, and push him into the pool. I made quite a habit of this with boys of my own size or less. 站到一个赤裸的男生后面,然后把他推进泳池,真是一个非常好玩的事情。我那时习惯和体型差不多或比我更小的男生开这样的玩笑。
Urgent things push me to go back home, but I have eggs on the spit. Recently people are busy , I have to cheek it to ask help . 有急事要回家,但是手头有事,没时间订票。最近大家都忙,只好厚着脸皮求助呗!
To bring your pelvis up with your ribs, exhale, push your hands down harder, and pull your thighs upward as if to lift them to your chest. 为了让骨盆跟上胸腔提升的步伐,来呼气,双手用力向下按去,抬起大腿,让大腿靠近胸腔。
Actively push your neck back to strengthen and stretch the front part of your neck while completing this exercise. 做练习的同时,将你的脖子向后伸展以拉伸颈部前部的肌肉。
I found myself racing the clock to finish this manuscript and get it in print. There was a force that continued to push me. 为了完成手稿出版,我觉得自己在跟时间赛跑,有一股力量不断地推动着我。
If this is welcomed with a stab in the back, you'll know how much harder to push the blade in return. 如果背后中伤似的背叛是叫人快乐的话,你会发现把刀片拔出会有多痛苦。
It was a good change by the manager. Mikel got on the ball, moved it about and allowed myself and Ballack to push on. 这是主帅所做的一个很好的变动。米克尔保持住控球并把球传来传去,让我和巴拉克可以向前推进。
She said rudely, trying to push as much fire in her eyes as possible. 她毫不客气地说,努力推动尽可能与她的眼睛非常火。
"The gap was pretty similar throughout the stint, but then Kimi started to run two tenths quicker and I started to push again, " he said. “停站前后差距太微弱了,但是小冰开始快了,所以我不得不再赶一下,”他说。
Just as they enjoy decent earnings after years of falling food prices, governments seek to push prices down. 正因为他们在经过食物价格的多年下降后,终于享受到像样点的收入时,政府却寻找方法来压低价格。
The Libyan rebels' push into Tripoli Sunday night may end up being a bit of an anti-climax for the oil markets. 周日夜间,利比亚反对派源源不断地涌入了首都的黎波里。对石油市场来说,这样的结果可能会显得有点“虎头蛇尾”。
The U. S. will continue over the next several months to try to push sanctions through the Security Council. 在未来的几个月里,美国将继续试图使安理会通过制裁决议。
The only way to get out of it is to push the cyclic forward and fly out of this vertical silo you're dropping through. 摆脱它的唯一途径就是向前推操纵杆从这个掉进去的筒状区域中飞出去。
The risk would rise further over the next year and a half if Iran continued to push ahead with its military program. 而在未来一年半内,如果伊朗继续推进其军事活动,风险将更大。
Push the ball, hook ball, the ball is summarized in the light badminton one of the technologies, techniques difficult. 推球、勾球、撮球是羽毛球技术中的轻技术之一,技术难度较大。
The push is especially critical for groups like the blind, who rely on being able to hear vehicles to avoid being hit. 这一举措对于依靠听音来避开车辆的盲人等群体来说尤其重要。
He gave it a mighty push and it opened. 他用力推了一下,它开开了。
What if the innocent man was on a bridge over the trolley and you had to push him onto the track to stop the train? 如果一个无辜的人站在火车上的桥上,你会将他推倒在铁轨上来阻止火车么?
US officials say one option that trying to push Gaddafi out of power is to create a no fly zone over Libya. 美国官员称,迫使卡扎菲下台的方法之一就是,在利比亚设立禁飞区。
Google was a massive aircraft carrier, and I was just a small dinghy trying to push it a few degrees North. Google就像是一艘超级航母,而我只是一个试图把它推到正确方向上的小橡皮艇。
But for those that are willing to see and push past the illusion, I shall support you. 但是对意愿去看穿并把幻像结束的人来说,我将支持你。
Here there was no line of giants to push her through; this gate was closed and bolted, and a guard looking wide-awake stood by it. 这儿没有推着她前进的巨人队伍了,大门是关着的,而且上了栓,门卫站在门边很警醒地看着。
Yet they seem ready to push this legislation as a way to block offshore drilling while appearing to be in favor of it. 然而,他们看似着手推行貌似获得支持的立法来阻止近海取油。
To see you dance the lonely moon dance tunes, and a push cup change light wine, no one understands the pathos. 不忍看你又舞起孤独的月舞,曲调和着推杯换盏的美酒,没人懂的哀婉。
If the door is opened, just a simple push on the door will pull the screws right out of the doorframe . 如果们打开了,很容易简单一推就把螺丝从门框里拔出来。
In terms of political tactics, allowing coastal drilling may be an effective part of a strategy to push the GOP further to the right. 在政策方面,允许近海钻探可能是有效的战略的一部分,进一步推动共和党成为右翼。
But Greece's collapsing economy and the ruin of his business would soon push him to a more determined effort. 但由于希腊经济分崩离析,生意也是一败涂地,过后不久他再次试图自杀,而且心意更加坚决。
Cause its not that I was trying to push it; I just liked the song, he said. 因为我并不是在尝试迫自己去做,而是我真的很喜欢这首歌。
Perhaps not immediately, but a push to open up overseas trading of China's notoriously restricted currency does seem to be underway. 可能现在还没有,但人民币看来的确是正在推动海外交易放开。