he was 50 years old

he was 50 years oldhe was 50 years old

he was 50 years old

That's not to mention that Jackson was fifty years old and, because he was in rehearsal, was probably not performing "full out. " 更不用说杰克逊已年满50,而且在彩排时多半不会尽全力表演。
Oh, really I thought he was 50 years old at (the)least. 噢,真的吗我以为他至少50岁了。
He was Akili Mayaki, about 50 years old, and wearing a blue-and-white-striped djellaba and an immaculate white turban. 他名叫阿克利·马雅克,五十岁左右,身穿蓝白相间的阿拉伯式长袍和毫无暇疵的白色穆斯林头巾。
More than 50 years ago. if one was 70 years old, he was really old. 五十多年前,一个人如果70岁了,那他真的老了。
When he was 50 years old, he adopted a little girl who is three years now. 50岁那年他收养了一个女孩,现在已经三岁了。