
美 [hil]英 [hiːl]
  • n.足跟;脚后跟;(袜子等的)后跟;(鞋、靴子等的)后跟
  • v.给(鞋等)修理后跟;倾侧;倾斜
  • 网络脚跟;踵;鞋跟

复数:heels 现在分词:heeling 过去式:heeled

high heel
come heel,wear heel


n. v.

袜子╱鞋的部分part of sock/shoe

3.[c](鞋、靴子等的)后跟the raised part on the bottom of a shoe, boot, etc. that makes the shoe, etc. higher at the back


4.有…后跟的having the type of heel mentioned


5.[pl]女高跟鞋a pair of women's shoes that have high heels


at/on sbs heels

紧跟某人following closely behind sb

bring sb/sth to heel

使某人就范;迫使某人服从(纪律)to force sb to obey you and accept discipline

come to heel

愿意听从(某人);顺从to agree to obey sb and accept their orders

(hard/hot) on sbs/sths heels

紧跟;紧接在后very close behind sb/sth; very soon after sth

take to your heels

逃走;溜掉to run away from sb/sth

turn/spin on your heel

急向后转;突然转身to turn around suddenly so that you are facing in the opposite direction

under the heel of sb

完全受某人控制completely controlled by sb


九年级英语单词表 ... adjustable 可调节的 heel 脚后跟;鞋跟 battery 电池 ...


踝字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 踝骨 huáigǔ 脚跟heel〗 踝 huái ...

求人体各各器官的英文名称_百度知道 ... 脚腱- -Achilles' tendon - -Heel 脚背- -Instep ...


ecco爱步官方旗舰店,爱步女鞋,爱步男鞋 ... 热门分类 hot: 鞋跟 Heel: 尺码 Size: ...


生活常用英语单词_百度文库 ... sole 鞋底 heel 鞋后跟 lace 鞋带 ...


加拿大木结构别墅住宅_民智一郎_新浪博客 ... overhang: 屋檐 heel: (屋架)跟部 truss plate: 屋架齿板 ...

Bend the front knee, keeping the back leg straight, press the right heel down on the floor. 前腿膝关节弯曲,后腿保持绷直状态,右脚后跟贴紧地面并向下压。
Mila is embracing this path as the script of the savior is one of her "Achilles Heel's" in ascension. Mila正在融入这条道路,因为拯救者的剧本是她提升中“阿喀琉斯之踵”(译注:指致命的薄弱点)的一个。
I've been observing this guy for a whole year and I can't seem to find his Achilles' heel. 我观察这家伙整整一年了,但似乎找不到他有什么致命的弱点。
Only Gu dictator hands in the sky wipe in the pocket, heel in the behind of Zhao Tie Zhu, came out a hospital. 独孤皇天双手擦在口袋里,跟在赵铁柱后面,走出了医院。
And he turned on his heel without another look at me, and disappeared out the door. 他打开他的脚后跟没有再看看我,消失出了门。
"What sort of work is it? " he asked, lingering a moment as he turned upon his heel to go into the bathroom. “干的是什么活?”在转身进洗澡间之前他停留了一会儿,问道。
There was no room for that, for there was exactly the very print of a foot, toes, heel and every part of a foot. 完全不是那么回事,因为一点也不错,不折不扣是一个人的脚印,脚趾头,脚后跟,样样俱全。
Just as Achilles turned to leave, the faithless Paris took out a poisoned arrow and shot at his heel from behind. 阿基里斯刚转身要走,不守信用的帕利斯拿出毒箭从后面射中了他的脚后跟。
And what was not even funny, they considered the heel's pad, with a tiny fat layer there to be meant for cushioning! ! 这并不像是在开玩笑,他们考虑到脚后跟的“衬垫”,有一小块脂肪层可以作为缓冲之用!
With your leg stretched out in front of you and the knee supported, make an imaginary line from the heel to the ground. 将你的腿前向伸展,膝盖绷紧,作一条从脚后跟到地面的垂线。
Her heel came down on something sharp, a stone or piece of broken crockery. Cersei cried out in pain. 脚后跟踩到什么利物,石头或是破碎的瓦片,瑟曦疼的叫了出来。
OBJECTIVE: To discuss the case of a porcelain gallbladder found incidentally in a patient with low back and heel pain. 目的:讨论的情况下,瓷器偶然发现胆囊癌患者腰背和足跟痛。
Bruno Frisoni, creative director of Roger Vivier, said he thought the mid-heel-height was the "most interesting" going forward. 罗杰?维威耶的创意总监——布鲁诺?弗里索尼(BrunoFrisoni)说,他觉得中跟鞋将会是未来“最有趣”的时尚品。
I didn't bother your meaning, but Europe is lusty, he seems to be not to want to see my heel you lonely and attach. 我没有要打扰你的意思,但欧烈,他似乎并不想看到我跟你单独在一起。
In true romantic-comedy fashion, the heel of my shoe got stuck in the pavement, and I had to lean down to pull it out just as he walked in. 我们的重逢颇有浪漫喜剧的风格:我的鞋跟陷进了路边,当我弯腰去拔的时候,他正巧路过。
Achilles Heel: John just loves to be the hero, meaning he could be easily tempted into a potentially fatal dangerous situation. 弱点:约翰就是爱逞英雄,这就是说他很容易诱入潜在且致命的危险之中。
As in all standing poses, both of your feet should bear equal weight on the front of the heel and the rear of the ball of the foot. 在所有的站姿,双脚应该均匀地承担重量,重量在脚跟的前面和脚球的后面。
Obviously, most men will not want to wear a 4in-high heel no matter how much they might need one. 显然,大多数男士不会喜欢穿4英寸高的鞋子,无论他们多么需要。
A slim, prosperous couple in their sixties, they moved easily: she with a simple precision, he with the odd heel-tap, a bit of dash. 夫妇年纪60几岁,身材消瘦,富有,在舞池轻快地滑动:她舞步简约精准,他不时来一下踢踏舞,稍显卖弄。
More damaging is the absence of Charles. Wounded in the heel a few days before, he is unable to lead his troops. 查理离开战场之后,战况更加吃紧。由于查理几天前脚踝受了伤,他已无法再领军作战。
Then her mother gave her a knife, and said, "Cut a piece off your heel. When you are queen you will no longer have to go on foot. " 她妈妈给了她一把刀,说,“把脚后跟削掉一部分,只要你当上了王后,还在乎这脚趾头干嘛,你想到哪儿去根本就不需要用脚了。”
But now Summerville had come to heel, which might be another motive for her trip out West. 可是现在索姆威勒紧跟着她,或许离开西方有其它的活动。
Heel pain in runners is usually caused by inflammation of the plantar fascia, a condition known as plantar fasciitis. 足跟痛通常由于跖腱膜发炎引起的,这就是足底筋膜炎。
There's veins on the feet, and then my heel's, like, pink, you know, and my Achilles' tendon -- that moves a little bit. 脚上甚至还有静脉血管,而我的脚跟是粉色的,像你看到的,而我的阿基里斯腱--它还能微微地动弹。
He stood for a long moment, but there was no reply. He struck the heel of his hand against the door and the timbers shuddered. 他站了很长时间,但是听不到屋里的回答。他用手掌的根部敲着门,木门颤动着。
She will start with a low one-inch heel and build up to a towering five inches by the age of 23, as she teeters into womanhood. 她最初会穿低于一英寸的根,在23岁缓缓地走进一个女人时代的时候使其达到五英寸的高度。
Assessment: This has a bit of extra heel, so it's perfect for the vertically challenged. The buckle is flash without being crass. 评价:该鞋鞋跟超高,因此对于想要凭此鞋显得高挑些的人来说是个极佳的选择。饰扣亮闪而不粗俗。
Striking the ground with the smaller area near the front of the foot is less forceful and does less damage than landing square on your heel. 用靠近脚掌前端的较小区域触地比脚跟着地要小,损伤也要少。
And with that I turned on my heel and marched off. I didn't even look round to see if he was boarding the train. 说完我转身拔腿就走,甚至没有回头看一眼他是否上了车。
You were always too good for him anyway. He was a bit of a heel. 不过,你老是对他太好了,他有点无赖。