over my head

  • 网络我听不懂;就在我头顶;我头都大了

over my headover my head

over my head


求关于肢体语言的英语句子20句。_百度知道 ... Make a wish( 许愿) Over my head我听不懂!) Palm up( 手心朝上) ...


张祈_新浪博客 ... And a heaven full of stars 天空满繁星, Over my head, 就在我头顶, White and topaz 洁白又晶黄, ...


个人收集的的歌词中英对照翻译。_sum41吧... ... The end! 回复 收起回复 Over My Head 我头都大了 The hell song 地狱之歌 ...


Garfield 2002-4 _看加菲猫学英语... ... look like: 看起来像 over my head: 在我头上 chess: 象棋 ...


最近常听的欧... ... 63:AQUA---around the world( 今天推荐这首..舞曲风格...爽就一个字!) 69:sum41-over my head( 再来一首.…


yellow.vera's... ... 78.Open the faucet. 打开水龙头。 79.Over my head. 这对我来说太难了。 80.Package store. 瓶装酒销售店 ...


实用英语 - 影子人生的日志 -... ... open the faucet 打开水龙头 over my head 这对我说太难了 package store 瓶装酒销售店 ...


布莱恩·利特尔_百度百科 ... I'm Alive( 我还活着) Over My Head无法承担) We Lift You Up( 我们把你抬起) ...

Last semester I signed up to take calculus, but I dropped out of class after two weeks -- that kind of math is just too far over my head. 上学期我报名参加微积分那个班。但是,上了两个礼拜课以后我就退出了。那种数学对我来说实在是太难懂了。
your life sounds much better than living in the cold woods. i'd like a roof over my head. i'll come with you and ask your master for work. 你的生活要可比在冰冷的森林里强多了。我也希望住在房子里。我跟你你走,让你的主人也给我个差事干干。
Posts here -- depends on how much slang is used. Many threads go right over my head. 在这里的帖-这取决于多少俚语使用。有些帖我完全看不懂。
'I used to run around the street with a fishbowl over my head pretending I was an astronaut. 我常常头上顶着个鱼缸在街上跑来跑去,假装自己是宇航员。
If I keep her in the dark I'm guaranteed to have a roof over my head for the two remaining years. 如果对她隐瞒情感,我可以确保自己在接下来的两年内有栖身之处。
He knows that I sleep with a pillow over my head; I'll lock us out of the house at a regular basis, and I will also eat the last chocolate. 他也知道我总是喜欢在头上放着枕头睡觉;把我们锁在屋外是我的家常便饭,还有我也会把盒子里最后一块巧克力吃掉。
One wrong step and I could either make a desperate, flailing grab for the boat or be over my head in water! 要是一步踏错,就可能扑腾着连小艇都够不着,要不就是在水里来一个倒栽葱!
The goal was like a cold bucket of water over my head, but thanks to my teammates we got back on track and I really must thank then. 那个进球仿佛一盆冷水浇在了我的头上,但感谢我的队友让我们回到正确的轨道上,我必须要真诚的感谢他们。
"Then what? " I whispered. He continued to stare over my head. “然后怎么了?”我低声问道。他的视线越过我的头顶,继续说道。
A few other men approached the wreckage and ''put a coat over my head so I wouldn't be able to identify anybody, '' Talbot said. “另外几个人走近汽车残骸,然后用衣服蒙住我的头,以防我以后认出他们。”托尔伯特回忆道。
Lightning started on the horizon and spread across the sky over my head. Photo taken from my from porch this past July. 来自地平线的闪电划破我头顶的天空。七月我在前门廊照下了照片。
I pressed the shutter as the owl rose over my head, taking on the shape, for a moment, of the bird that sits atop a totem pole. 当这只猫头鹰飞过我头顶时,我按下了快门,拍下了它,它的形态就像图腾柱顶部的鸟一样。
O Lord God, the strength of my salvation, you have been a cover over my head in the day of the fight. 主耶和华,我救恩的力量阿,在争战的日子,你遮蔽了我的头。
I got to jump around and have planes fly a few feet over my head. 我在飞机只离我头顶几尺远的地方跳上跳下。
Yeah, I was definitely in a little over my head, just as far as the stress emotionally and physically. 就身体上和精神上的压力,我觉得我有点高估自己了。
When his light was shining over my head, and when I went through the dark by his light. 那时他的灯照在我头上.我藉他的光行过黑暗。
I wish the company would reveal their plans; I hate having the threat of redundancy hanging over my head. 我希望公司能公开他们的方案,我讨厌裁员的威胁笼罩着我的头上。
Garfield: Louis, this is a little bit lower than I expected. If I didn't have a box over my head, I'd be humiliated. 加菲:路易斯,这比我想象中还要低调啊。如果不是一个盒子盖着我的头,我真会羞死了。
Give me a blue sky over my head, green grass beneath my feet, a winding road before me, let me think. 头顶蓝天,脚踏绿地,面向清凉的道路,让我想想。
To illustrate how the body reacts to cold, I'd like to pour the entire basin of icy water over my head. 为了演示身体对寒冷的反应,我要将这整盆的冰水从我头上泼下去。
The melody just appeared out of nowhere while the words flew over my head as my thoughts were focused on surrendering to the moment. 我的思绪还集中在当时的环境上,歌词就飞过我的脑海,然后曲子不知道怎么就出现了。
Rubens: So both of you are here, CM and S333. The heat over my head was a different signature type. 那么你们都在这儿啊,CM和S333。我头部的热度是一种独特的署名类型。
The waves came crashing over my head and I could feel myself being sucked under by the currents. 海浪从我头顶卷过时,我感到完全被水流吞噬了。
With a potential larceny conviction hanging over my head, I looked for a teaching job. 我的头脑里徘徊着潜在的盗窃罪名,我寻找一份教学工作。
My bedroom had been changed to another room. I lay on my bed, pulled the sheet over my head, and cried until I fell asleep. 我的卧室已换到另一个房间。我躺在床上,用被单蒙住头,哭着哭着睡着了。
Only the falling blossoms show no vulgar attitude, And don't mind my languor, dropping all over my head. 唯有落花無俗態,不嫌憔悴滿頭來。
Three long years had passed over my head since I had tasted ale, beer, wine, or liquor of any kind. 我已经有整整三年没有喝过啤酒、葡萄酒或任何一种酒了。
Give me a clear blue sky over my head, green grass beneath my feet, a winding road before me, and let me think! 头顶,是湛蓝的天空;脚下,是碧绿的草地;前方,是迂回的道路,这一切都带给我无尽的想象。
I may as well put a bin bag over my head for all the impact my face has. 或许我也可以在头上套一个箱袋,不让别人看到我的脸。
So I resigned myself back to my dark room, put a cloth over my head and tried to do what my mother always tells me: 'go to another place'. 所以我又回到小黑屋,头上裹一块布,试着做我妈经常给我说的:“去另外一个地方。”