order by

  • 网络排序;排序依据;分组排序

order byorder by

order by


如与排序ORDER BY)相关的索引优化及覆盖索引(Covering index)的话题本文并未涉及,同时除B-Tree索引外MySQL还 …


VF教案(详) - 风色物语的日志 - 网易博客 ... 3、 筛选 à WHERE 4、 排序依据 à ORDER BY 5、 分组依据 à GROUP BY ...


...聚集索引 外键列 应 应 主键列 应 应 列经常被分组排序(order by) 应 应 返回某范围内的数据 应 不应 小数目的不同值 应 不应 …


(2)排序语句(order by):将每个分区进行排序。 (3)窗口语句:定义当前窗口,具体说是对每一个分组,按照给定的排序规 …


(1)排序方式Order by)栏:单选项组,用户可以选择频数分布表中数值及其对应频率的排列顺序。按值的升序排序(Asce…


4)对数据排序ORDER BY):Order By 子句将使所返回序列中的元素按指定的一个或多个字段排序。若要按相反顺序(从 …


只有一个办法,在数据库中存一个字段为排序用Order by),然后在上移下移的操作后修改该字段的值(对调),再DataSet.…


sql学习笔记_2010.4.3_舞林_百度空间 ... where 子语句 order by 对结果排序 insert into 向表中插入新的行 ...

Okay, I'll make a few calls and run our order by housekeeping first to make sure. Is there anything else we need to order while I'm at it? 好的,我去打几个电话,先让总务部门核实一下,再续订单。还有什么东西需要我们一起下订单的?
At the end of each bridge, a great rush of relief would come over me, only to be replaced in short order by fear of the next obstacle. 每穿过一座高桥我就会大大地舒一口气,可等在前面的是又一个令人畏惧的关口。
One of us mentioned three Wurzburgers to the waiter; the dark-haired young man acknowledged his inclusion in the order by a smile and a nod. 我们当中有人向侍者要了三杯维尔茨堡酒,黑发小伙子明白也包括他有一杯在内,便笑了笑,点了点头。
Analytic functions are the last set of operations performed in a query except for the final ORDER BY clause. 除了ORDERBY(按…排序)语句外,分析函数是一条查询被执行的操作。
An index will be used for both an ascending and a descending ORDER BY, whether the index was ascending or descending. 不管索引是升序排列还是降序排列,在执行升序或降序ORDERBY操作时都会使用索引。
Therefore, you may often choose to implement indexes that include only the columns referred to in the WHERE and ORDER BY clauses. 因此,您常常可以选择实现只包括在WHERE和ORDERBY子句中引用到的列的索引。
Most versions of SQL require that ORDER BY items appear in the select list, but Adaptive Server Anywhere has no such restriction. 大多数SQL版本都要求ORDERBY项出现在选择列表中,但AdaptiveServerAnywhere没有这样的限制。
Subordinates must thus number two or more, each being kept in order by fear of the other's promotion. 所以,A就会安排两个或者更多的副手;这么安排,每个下属还会表现得规规矩矩,以防其他人得到提升。
Adopted layer analysis method to determine the weight, and sort order by means of linear-weight comprehensive evaluation. 采用了层次分析法来确定指标权重,并运用线性加权综合评价法进行竞争力综合排序。
We are canvassing for an order. We will be able to build up a good order by the end of this month. 本公司正在催促一份订单,到本月底,本公司可以取得一笔好订单。
Indexes are automatically used to improve the performance of queries issued to the database, and to sort queries with an ORDER BY clause. 索引自动用于改进向数据库发出的查询的性能,以及通过ORDERBY子句对查询排序。
Only if it gets its own economic house in order, by boosting domestic saving, will its "advice" to Beijing seem credible. 只有当它把它自己的经济搞得秩序井然的时候,它对北京的“建议”才会看起来可信。
There can be only one ORDER BY or COMPUTE clause after the last SELECT statement; it is applied to the final, combined result set. 而只能在最后一个SELECT语句的后面使用一个ORDERBY或COMPUTE子句;该子句适用于最终的组合结果集。
Indicates that the data column is being used to order the query results (is part of an ORDER BY clause ) . 表示数据列用于排序查询结果(ORDERBY子句的一部分)。
Notice that the members of these hierarchies are now sorted in chronological order , by year and then by quarter or semester, respectively . 注意,这些层次结构的成员现在按时间顺序排序,首先按年份、然后分别按季度或半期排序。
Using queries as the target of a data change operation allows deletion or updates of rows determined by complex SQL including ORDER BY. 通过使用作为数据更改操作的目标的查询,可以删除或更新由复杂的SQL(包括ORDERBY)确定的行。
Kevin: We need part of that order by next week, so we would like to do a partial air shipment. 凯文:我们下个星期就要一部分的订货,所以我们有部份想用空运。
User groups let you group tests in a logical order by using various characteristics representing various types of users on your system. 用户组让您使用多种特性来表达您系统上的各种类型的用户,在逻辑顺序下分组测试。
Now, every time a high-profile work of art is stolen, the possibility of it being stolen to order by a Mr Big is raised. 因此,现在,每当一幅艺术珍品被盗,人们就会猜想这可能是专门为某位大人物偷盗的。
Flying-by-wire also fits very handily into the craving for order by the air traffic controllers -- everything is under digital control. 这种自动飞行装置可以非常容易地满足空中交通管控员们对于秩序的渴求——所有的东西都处于数字化监控之中。
To get around your difficulty, Mr. Peter, I'd suggest that you reduce your order by half. You can send in an additional order later. 为了要传开你的困难,彼得先生,我将会你减少一半的你次序。你稍后能在一个附加的次序中送。
An OLAP function can be included in expressions in a select-list or the ORDER BY clause of a select-statement. OLAP函数可以包括在一个select列表的表达式中或select语句的ORDERBY子句中。
This query is just like the previous one but with ORDER BY added to ensure that the first record in id order will be returned. 这个查询和之前那个差不多,只是加上了ORDERBY来保证以id号排序的第一个记录会返回。
It has all the tools for creating, printing, and submitting an order by email and supports updating product information via the Internet. 它的创建,打印和通过电子邮件提交订单的所有工具,并支持通过互联网更新产品信息。
We also need to know the size of an order by the middle of the array data is referred to as value. 我们还需要知道一个按大小排列的数组中间位置上的数据称为是中值。
And, once we begin using the RANDOM option, we must be very careful to code both a GROUP BY and an ORDER BY when order matters. 而且,一旦我们开始使用RANDOM选项,我们必须在排序至关重要时非常小心地编写GROUPBY和ORDERBY。
This was dangerous because the interest rate spread could be wiped out in short order by volatile currency movements. 这样做很危险,因为货币波动性大,利差可能在很短的时间里被抹去。
The first query specification of the UNION is used to determine the names to be matched with the ORDER BY clause. UNION的第一个查询说明用于确定与ORDERBY子句匹配的名称。
This limits the total size of columns specified in an ORDER BY clause. 这限制了在ORDERBY子句中指定的列的总大小。
We shall increase our order by 10% on condition that you reduce your price accordingly. What do you think? 我们将订货数量增加10%,你们相应的降低价格,如何?。