
美 [bæθ]英 [bɑːθ]
  • adj.被(光线)覆盖;沐浴着(光线);汗流浃背;泪流满面
  • v.“bath”的过去式和过去分词
  • 网络沐浴在;沉浸的;沉浸于

复数:baths 现在分词:bathing 单数:bath

take bath
hot bath,mineral bath


1.~ in sth被(光线)覆盖;沐浴着(光线)covered with light

2.~ in sth汗流浃背;泪流满面wet because covered with sweat or tears


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(B) ... bathe 沐浴 bathed 沐浴 bather 入浴者 ...


现代大学英语精读第二册Un... ... autopilot 自动驾驶 bathed 沐浴在(某种光线中) n. friendly informal conversation 向某人核实 ...


... excretion1. 排泄(作用),分泌(过程) bathed2. 沉浸的,沉浸在某种特定的情绪中,如爱情,指感觉持续地保持愉快 swe…


紫澜剑_新浪博客 ... upper 上限 bathed 沉浸于 symbiosis 共生,共栖 ...


Flickr: John&Fish's... ... #79 朱鹂斜伞( Under broken umbrella) #77 树鹊出浴( Bathed) #76 八色站台( Colorful actor) ...


指定的的... ... prolonged 延长的,指长时间的,或比预定时间更长的 bathed 1. 出汗的,指浑身大汗的 faltering 犹豫的,指不确 …

Capri is a gaunt rock of austere outline, bathed in a deep blue sea; but its vineyards, green and smiling, give it a soft and easy grace. 平淡无奇的卡普里,像一块巨砺,沐浴在深蓝色的海中;那青葱翠绿笑脸相迎的葡萄园,更增添了些许柔和舒适的魅力。
Maugre all the selfishness that chills east winds the world, the whole human family is bathed with an element of love like a fine ether. 虽然所有的自私就像来自东方的风,吹得我们冷得打颤,人类的家庭还是沐浴在爱的元素里如同晴朗的苍天。
When he got to a lake, an idea hit him that he should stop to clean the swan in the lake, so cautiously he bathed the swan in the water. 走到一个湖边,他突然觉得,应该停下来把天鹅洗一下。于是,他小心翼翼地用湖水给天鹅洗澡。
Suddenly my heart feel so warm, as if bathed in the autumn sun, my eyes began to wet. 我的心忽然感觉到异常的温暖,仿佛正沐浴在深秋的暖阳中,我的双眼开始湿润。
Bathed in luminescence, a door seems to open to another reality, always present, yet rarely witnessed. 沐浴在室内冷光中的一扇门却似乎通向另一个现实---虽然永远存在,却极少被关注。
Every investor has an "if only" trade, the missed opportunity that sits in the memory bathed in the glow of what might have been. 每个投资者都有“悔不当初”的交易——记忆深处那些笼罩在“原本可以”的光环下而被错失的机遇。
The caretaking skills were no doubt those of Fiona, on his left; he remembered noticing the tenderness with which she had bathed the Old. 照护技能无疑是费欧娜,在他的左边;他记得注意过她温柔的对待她帮忙洗过澡的老人。
The day before she died I bathed her with my sister and washed her hair as she was being transferred to the community hospital nearer home. 她过世的前一天,她转到了离家近些的社区医院,我和姐姐帮母亲洗澡,洗头发。
Since I must die, " answered she (looking upon him with her eyes all bathed in tears), " give me some little time to say my prayers. “既然我必须要死,”她回答说(满眼噙着泪水仰视着他),“给我一点点时间让我祷告一下吧。”
Out of the dull loneliness of siege, the stroll in the fresh nature of space, bathed in the New Year sun and breeze. 从单调寂寞的攻城,散步清爽自然的空间,沐浴在阳光和微风的新年。
She took it to her breast, when it had been bathed and swaddled , with a tremendous sense of satisfaction and joy. 孩子洗好包好了之后,她就把她搂抱在怀中,感觉到非常满足和快乐。
He took her by the hand and led her into the room where that morning he had bathed himself for her, and he lit a red candle upon the table. 他拉起她的手,带她走进他早晨为迎亲而洗澡的那个屋,然后,点燃了桌子上的一根红蜡烛。
"Although we live bathed in a sea of background radiation, people treat any increment as a dire risk, " he said by email. “虽然我们生活在一个充满辐射的世界,但人们把任何辐射的增加当成致命的危险,”他通过电子邮件说到。
In any case, he certainly looks like he is having a squeal of a time as he basks in the Italian countryside, bathed in the springtime sun. 不管是哪种情况,在意大利郊外沐浴在春日的阳光里,这只小睡鼠看起来像是要发出一声尖叫的样子。
He thought of home, of drowsy fields and villages bathed by the sun. 他想起了家乡,想起那沐浴在阳光下的静静的田野和村庄。
In England, Elizabeth I bathed only once a month and James I, her successor, seems to have washed only his fingers. 在英国,伊丽莎白一世一个月仅洗一次澡,而他的继任者詹姆斯一世则只洗自己的手指头。
After supper, he cleaned the kitchen, ran the dishwasher, folded laundry, bathed the kids, and put them to bed. 晚饭后清洁厨房,洗碗筷,折衣服,为孩子们洗澡后送他们上床。
The smell of its sweat and breath and leather bathed him in its steam. 它身上所散发出的汗味、鼻息和皮革味包围着他。
Of these one in particular stands out; a spectacular golden nose ring bathed in silver, which was found on her nose when uncovered. 这些发现中最为突出的是在揭露时发现的一个镀银金鼻环。
The planet and its neighbours are bathed in the solar wind, a stream of charged particles ejected from the upper atmosphere of the sun. 地球与其邻近的行星都处于太阳风(从太阳上层大气层发射出的带电粒子流)的势力范围之内。
They move silhouetted against a land white as white, bathed in gentle light as the sun traces a low arc across the horizon. 当太阳低弧度越过地平线时,它们走动的身影映衬着一地的雪白,沐浴在柔和的日光中。
Two angels undressed and bathed him, and carried him to a bed with silken sheets and a purple velvet canopy. 两个天使替他宽衣洗澡,并扶他到一张铺着丝绸被单和紫色天鹅绒床罩的床上。
Rich and fishermen will no longer talk, they shut up eyes, bathed in sunshine, enjoying the wind blowing. 富翁和渔夫不再说话,他们闭上眼睛,沐浴着阳光,享受着海风的吹拂。
If someone, say, like me, stands outside, bathed in light, an image can be projected inside, onto a wall, upside down; something like this. 比如说,如果我站在光线充足的户外,利用镜面影像就会投射到室内的墙上倒置过来。
And anyone touching the flesh of the unclean man is to have his clothing washed and his body bathed in water and be unclean till evening. 若患漏症人吐在洁净的人身上,那人必不洁净到晚上,并要洗衣服,用水洗澡。
Mom told me that out of the window the sky is blue because it has bathed in the genial sunshine. 妈妈告诉我,窗外的天空是蓝的,因为它有和煦的阳光沐浴着。
Oh, on, I sent you to the "invitation" and invited me to come down to enjoy the quiet, bathed in the mellow you? 呵,月,你在向我发出“请柬”,邀请我下楼来享受这份静谧,沐浴这份柔美么?
when you were 1 , she fed you and bathed you . to repay her , you cried all night. 当你1岁的时候,她喂你并给你洗澡,而作为报答,你整晚哭着。
thought I had never bathed in such a golden flood, without a ripple or a murmur to it. 和恬静,没有一丝涟漪,一息咽呜。我想我从来不曾沐浴于这么幽美的金色光汛之中。
And anyone touching her bed will have to have his clothing washed and his body bathed in water and be unclean till evening. 凡摸她所坐什么物件的,必不洁净到晚上,并要洗衣服,用水洗澡。