
美 [haɪt]英 [haɪt]
  • n.高度;高处;高地;高位
  • 网络身高;的高度;顶点


great height,medium height,dizzy height
estimate height,reach height,lose height,measure height




1.[u][c](人或物的)身高,高度the measurement of how tall a person or thing is

高being tall

2.[u]高the quality of being tall or high

高度distance above ground

3.[c][u]高度a particular distance above the ground

高处high place

4.[c][usupl]高地;高处;高位a high place or position

最强点;最高水平strongest point/level

5.[sing]最佳点;最强点;顶点the point when sth is at its best or strongest

6.[pl]更好;更高水平;极佳状况a better or greater level of sth; a situation where sth is very good

极端例子extreme example

7.[sing]~ of sth极端;极度an extreme example of a particular quality


七年级英语单词表 ... medium 中等的 height 高度 thin 瘦的 ...


维多利亚·贝克汉姆_百度百科 ... 白羊座( Aries) 身高Height) 眼睛( Eyes) ...


div style常用属性 - Nimitz - 博客园 ... 27、text-indent: 设置文本的缩进。 1、Height: 的高度。 2、Width: 的宽度。 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... bonnie adj. 漂亮的 height n. 高度, 海拔, 高地(常用复数), 顶点 fame n. 名声, 名望, 传说, <古>传闻 ...


新目标七年级下英语单词表_百度知道 ... 226 tall a. 高的 228 height n. 高度,高处 231 build v. 建立,建筑 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... bonnie adj. 漂亮的 height n. 高度, 海拔, 高地(常用复数), 顶点 fame n. 名声, 名望, 传说, <古>传闻 ...


注意:添加或调整高度值height)可以得到不同的跳跃效果。(2)左右移动的文字效果: 代码:

He made the G-Man brand so popular that, at its height, it was harder to become an FBI agent than to be accepted into an Ivy League college. 他把美国联邦调查局探员塑造成了一个流行品牌,在巅峰时期,想当一名联邦调查局探员比进一所常青藤院校还要难。
She said in the height of her trauma, she took pictures with the camera on her mobile phone, lest people should not believe her later. 她说她用手机拍摄了她遭受严重外伤的照片,以免之后人们不相信她。
The brain then adds them together as if they were natural, to create the impression of depth, as well as width and height. 然后大脑把这两个视频图像就象自然状态那样叠加在一起,从而产生具有深度以及宽度和高度的景象。
The greatness of a nation is no less determined by its population than the greatness of a man is determined by his height. 正如一个人的伟大不在于他的身高一样,一个民族的伟大不在于人口的多少。
Increasing the height of fermented grains around the wall would not reduce boundary effects evidently. 增加边界区酒醅的高度不会明显改善甑边效应。
Nadine Dorries, the Tory MP, however criticised the motion and said the extra height heels give women can help them when in the workplace. 然而,托利党下院议员纳丁娜·多瑞斯对这一提议提出攻讦,她说高跟鞋带来的分外高度能在事项场所对女性有所辅佐。
The fact that tax arbitrage was at its height during boom times also raises the question of just how real were banking profits. 税收套利活动在景气时期达到巅峰,这一事实也提出了一个问题:银行业的利润到底有多少水分?
Ur was a very wealthy city, and was at the height of its prominence around the time Abraham lived there. 吾珥是一个非常富裕的城市,而且,在亚伯拉罕的时期更达到显赫的高峰。
MeasureIt! allows you to draw out a ruler that will help you get the pixel width and height of any elements on a webpage. “量量它!”让你通过掂拿一把尺来检测出网站上的任何元素的像素高宽。
Fills the interior of an ellipse defined by a bounding rectangle specified by a pair of coordinates, a width, and a height. 填充边框所定义的椭圆的内部,该边框由一对坐标、一个宽度和一个高度指定。
In terms of magazine feeding mechanism, the total height of the magazine was determined by the size of feeding spring's assembly height. 对于弹仓式供弹机构而言,输弹簧的装配高度决定了弹仓总体高度的大小。
an easy to use system intended for the accurate verification and measurement of braille dot height on both cartons and labels. 一个容易使用的,用来准确测量和校验纸板和标签盲点高度的系统。
In some cars, it is possible to adjust the height of the seat belt (on the door pillar) - try lowering the height adjuster if one is fitted. 在一些车,它是可以调整高度的安全带(门上的支柱)-尝试降低高度调节器,如果一个装有。
This new line of floor fans offer oscillation like traditional fans, but can also be adjusted up and down to any height. 该系列落地风扇和传统风扇一样可以摇头,而且还可以上下任意调整高度。
It was one of the first sophisticated statistical inquiries into the economics of height. 这是最早从经济学角度对身高所做的详细统计调查之一。
All the children were similar in height, weight and body mass index (BMI; a ratio of height to weight used to measure obesity). 所有儿童在身高、体重和体质指标方面(BMI;身高体重之比,用来测量肥胖)都极为相似。
For this book I decided to use the breadth of the paper folded a few times and then its height halved. 至于这本书,我决定把纸折几下,再取一半的宽度。
Just input your height, weight and waist size and with the click of a button the Calculator will generate and easy-to-read report. 刚才输入您的身高,体重,腰围的大小和与按一下按钮,计算器会产生和容易阅读的报告。
Well, I do not know the definition of a strong and courageous in what should be the height. 那么我不知道坚强和勇敢应该定义在什么样的高度上。
Then, after some days, castor height than me, and I looked up to see them. 又过了些日子,蓖麻的高度超过了我,我仰着头看它们。
The size of a view is expressed with a width and a height. A view actually possess two pairs of width and height values. 视图的大小以宽度和高度表示。一个视图有两对宽度和高度值。
'It is a very good height indeed! ' said the Caterpillar angrily, rearing itself upright as it spoke (it was exactly three inches high). “这正是一个非常合适的高度。”毛毛虫生气地说,它说话时还使劲儿挺直了身子,正好是三英寸高。
You might also decide to raise the peak height of the ball's motion so that it doesn't seem to hover over the fence unrealistically. 你也可以决定小球运动峰高,以至于起来不是漂浮过栏墙那样的不真实。
Set the size of the control to a width of 500 and a height of 400 by watching the size information as you resize the control. 在调整控件大小时注意该控件的大小信息,将该控件的宽度设置为500,高度设置为400。
He longed to speak out from his own pulpit at the full height of his voice, and tell the people what he was. 他渴望从他自己的布道坛上,用最高亢的声音说话,告诉大家他是什么。
He said, with the help of his classmates, he never feels inconvenient in his life because of his 1. 2m height. 魏泽洋说,在同学的帮助下,他的生活从没有因为1.2米的身高而感到不便。
A rule says that the height of a wave (in meters) will usually be no more than one-tenth of the wind's speed (in kilometers). 规则表明,波浪的高度(以米为单位)一般小于风速(以公里为单位)的十分之一。
At a given flight height and atmospheric temperature, the surface temperature elevated with the increase of the flight velocity. 在飞行高度和大气温度一定时,表面温度随飞行速度的增大而升高。
The height of this hill is four times that of that small one. 这座山的高度是那座小山的四倍。
A Fisher spokesperson said it was essential the system was created at an easy and accessible height to deal with weights of up to 40kg. 阿费希尔的发言人说,这是必要的制度是一种简单,方便的高度来对付高达四十零公斤重量。