a sky full of stars

  • 网络满天星斗

a sky full of starsa sky full of stars

a sky full of stars


... look a person full in the face 正视某人的脸 a sky full of stars 满天星斗 full of 1. 充满...的 2. 全神贯注于...的 ...

It's supposed to be so deep, if you fell to the bottom and looked up, you'd see a sky full of stars in the middle of the day. 它看起来很深,如果你掉到最下面,然后抬头看,中午的时候你会看到满天的星星。
a full glass; a sky full of stars; a full life; the auditorium was full to overflowing. 满杯子;满是星星的天空;充实的生活;观众席上座无虚席。
Watching bison, seeing a sky full of stars, and hiking through that scenery was overwhelming. 我们守望野牛,仰望漫天繁星,在那让人无法自拔的景色中独步旅行。
flat like a sky full of stars, can not see which one is their own. brilliant meteor, is the disappearance of their own; 平淡似满天的繁星,看不清哪一颗是自己。流星的精彩,在于消失自己;