
美 [ˈɔf(ə)l]英 [ˈɔːf(ə)l]
  • adj.糟糕的;非常的
  • adv.〈口〉十分地
  • 网络可怕的;极坏的;让人讨厌的

awful lot,awful weather,awful thing,awful mess,awful truth
awful smell


1.(informal)很坏的;极讨厌的very bad or unpleasant

2.(informal)非常的;很多的;过多的used to emphasize sth, especially that there is a large amount or too much of sth

3.骇人听闻的;可怕的very shocking


大学英语四级词汇 a_在线英语听力室 ... aware a.意识到的,知道的 awful a.可怕的;极坏的 accent n.口音,音调;重音符号 ...


七年级英语单词表 ... unfriendly 不友善的;不友好的 awful 极坏的;极讨厌的 delicious 美味的 ...


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... away adv. 在远处 awful adj. 可怕的,糟糕的 B B.C adj. 公元前 ...


新概念英语单词表带音标(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... way 路途 第71 课 awful 让人讨厌的,坏的 time 次(数) ...


Dream - 最真的梦 - 网易博客 ... almost!- 差不多了 awful!- 好可怕啊 allow me!- 让我来 ...


英语音标知识(3) ... we (主格)我们 awful 可怕的;吓人的 all 一切的;所有的 ...

It's hard to disappoint them. When my grades even begin to drop at all, I feel as though I've failed. It's an awful feeling. 令他们失望是不好受的。我的分数哪怕刚有点下降,我就会觉得好像自己已经失败了,那种感觉非常可怕。
If that hill didn't change its shape on bad nights there would be an awful steamboat grave-yard around here inside of a year. 如果在视线不好的夜间那座山没有变化外形,那个地方一年内一定会出现一个蒸汽船的坟场。
He felt that this silence was God's judgment; that all creation had been stilled before the just and awful wrath of God. 他感到,这沉寂就是上帝的审判,天地万物在公正而可怕的神谴面前变得寂静无声。
He's improved an awful lot over the last few years and I know I'm not the only one who thinks that. 他在过去的几年中取得了相当惊人的进步,我知道我不是唯一这么想的人。
It's an awful thing to live in the dark, unable to see what others take for granted. 生活在黑暗之中,看不见别人习以为常的美好事物,是可怕的事情。
She looked up at him quickly, but he was ready for her. He had banished from his face the awful despair that he carried in his soul. 她马上地抬起眼来看着他,可他已经做好准备,脸上不再表现出隐藏心中那可怕的绝望。
She said she had a sore throat and was feeling awful. 她说她嗓子疼,而且感觉很难受。
THE dramatic $2-a-share rescue of Bear Stearns was, almost everyone agreed at the time, the best way out of an awful situation. 以每股2美元的戏剧性价格救贝尔史登公司于水火,这几乎是当时所有人都赞同的最佳出路了。
He remembered uneasily the awful glow of her skin and the distracting clarity of her eyes. 他心绪不安地回想起她那特别光润的皮肤和晶莹迷人的眼睛。
i ' m ashamed to say this , but i was in a rock band and we were really awful , but a fun thing for me to do. 我很惭愧说这个,当我们在摇滚乐队的时候确实很可怕,但对我来说是件非常有趣的事情。
When I get phlegm in my throat, no matter how much I cough, I can't clear my throat and it 's all awful feeling . 当我喉咙有痰时,不管我咳多久,也不能清出来,感觉很不舒服。
I used to hear stories of awful tragedies and think of all the reasons it could never happen to me. 以前,我读着那些可怕的悲剧,根本想象不到有任何理由这些事情会发生在我的身上。
Dane buried his head in his hands. "Floria and I have been all over the galaxy. I've met so many beings. He's one in a line of awful ones. " Dane用手臂抱住头,“我和Floria去过银河系很多地方,见过无数的人,他给我的印象很差,我得仔细想想。”
To be left alone without God, would be too awful for words, but to be left alone with Him is a foretaste of Heaven! 总之,剩下一人而没有神同在,是太凄凉的事;剩下一人而有主同在的话,是预尝天上的光景!
My mother carried on something awful. She wanted me to put it away in the savings bank out of reach of temptation. 我妈妈看上去有点担心,她让我把钱存进银行里,以防我被诱惑。
He got to his feet, swaying from stiffness, trying to shake off sleep and that awful dream. 他站到地上,身子僵硬得东摇西晃,一心想把睡意和那个恶梦赶掉。
"I guess I'll not try to go out to-day, " he said to Carrie at breakfast. "It's going to be awful bad, so the papers say. " “我想我今天就不出去了,”早饭时,他对嘉莉说。“天气将会很糟,报纸上这么说的。”
Suddenly he said: "My dear Victor, what is the matter with you? Are you ill? Has something awful happened? " 他突然说道:“我亲爱的维克多,你怎么啦?你生病了吗?发生了什么可怕的事情了吗?”
words : This looks an awful lot like the beginning of a second Great Depression . 别拐弯抹角了:这看起来极像是第二次大萧条的前兆。
Well. But I hope we won't get lost. It would be so awful! " and the girl shuddered at the thought of the dreadful possibilities. " “行是行,不过但愿别再迷了路。真是要命!”小姑娘一想到前途未卜,不禁打了个寒颤。
"I love to have fun but I also need to do this to take my mind off (the fact) that business is just awful these days, " he said. “我也爱玩,我必须出去才能让精神放松一下,这几天的生意真是糟糕。”
Where to get a good pizza in London? This question arose because an American friend of mine had the most awful experience. 伦敦哪里才能吃到可口的匹萨呢?我提出这个问题完全是因为我一个美国朋友的可怕经历。
This sounds an awful lot like a heroin addict who robs his mother's purse of rent money and buys drugs and prostitutes with it. 这听起来很像瘾君子从他母亲那里强抢钱包用来买毒品、嫖妓。
She told the Lord that it was awful, she had to sleep in cold back alleys where there was no food and life was hard. 她告诉主说太可怕了,她必须睡在冰冷的后巷,那里没有食物,生活十分艰苦。
Oh, if it had been His will to take the grey head to rest before this awful visitation on my house and name! 啊!要是在那个恶运降临我的门楣之前,上帝就让我这白发苍苍的老人与世长辞,那该多好!
But I love my awful life so much right now, that I find it hilarious when I am unable to convince anyone else of it. 即时它摧毁了我的家,但现在十分我喜欢我糟糕的生活,当我不能使其他人确信是我发现它是欢闹的。
I might have been given a bad break, but I've got an awful lot to live for. Thank you. 虽然我的生命本已应该就此停滞,但我仍然为一些糟糕的事情疲于劳碌。
Well, Emily came into Mark Melcher' s drugstore one day and got behind the prescription counter and began to take on something awful. 然而有一天,埃米莉·霍顿小姐来到了马克·梅切尔的药店,径直走到了柜台后面,开始向马克讲述她的糟糕的情况。
But just then he was doing, I believe, what I was trying to do: hold on to our lives despite this awful error in judgment. 但就在这时,他在干什么,我相信,我要怎样做:在我们的生活,尽管持有这种可怕的错误判断。
The pick sliced through the air where his head had been and smashed against the wall with awful impact, barely missing the swirl stone node. 一只镐头切过他头部原先所在的空气,带着骇人的力量撞击在石壁上,差点砸中露出的漩涡石。