
美 [əˈmʌŋst]英 [ə'mʌŋst]
  • prep.〈书〉同“among”
  • 网络在…之间;在…之中;在…当中




新东方考研高频词汇_百度文库 ... ambition 报复;野心 amongst 在…的中间,在…之间 analyst 分析家 ...


人教版_高中英语_选修9单词 - 豆丁网 ... snach,vt. 攫取;抢走 amongst,prep. 在……中间;在……之中 vinegar,n. 醋 ...


lost 第四季 第二集_看lost学英语... ... spirit: 精神 amongst: 在…当中 push sb. out: 推出某人 ...


人教版_高中英语_选修9单词 - 豆丁网 ... snach,vt. 攫取;抢走 amongst,prep. 在……中间;在……之中 vinegar,n. 醋 ...


... 6.landscape n. 风景, 景色 1.amongst prep. (表示位置)处在…中, 为…所环绕, 为…所环抱 2.shelter n. 避难所; 庇护所 ...


2010年5月27日... ... 1.tackle vt. 解决; 应付 2.amongst prep. (表示排斥)除…之外(还有) 3.present vt. 出现; 出席; 显示 ...

It was the dynamic consequences of the competition amongst fragmented political bodies that resulted in an especially creative environment. 这是分裂的政治体制间竞争的动态结果,这导致了创造性的环境。
She could have been lingering amongst some of her more disreputable thoughts before clothing them for ever in convention. 在把邪恶的念头永远遮掩在习俗之中以前,她也许长期沉溺在自己的更为脏肮的思想中。
He said: "He won't be considered for the game but will travel just to get in and amongst the lads. It'll help him to feel a part of it. " 国王说:“他不会上场的,但是会跟我们一起去布拉格观战,这会帮助他尽快融入我们这个大家庭。”
Seems to have found his passion for the game again, and with that, has elevated himself into elite status amongst his peers. 看起来又找到了他对于这个游戏的激情,这样来估量他在和同龄人竞争中的精英地位吧。
Glasshouses are nurseries for seedlings scattered around the central part of the garden, amongst the school sports fields and playgrounds. 培育种子的温室苗园位在花园的中心区,周围有学校运动场和操场。
The proof of our existence is no longer a matter for speculation, and only the most sceptic amongst you could deny it. 我们存在的证据不再是一种推测,只有你们当中的最怀疑的人才会否认它。
I scratched around amongst the old tools, and got a pickaxe and give it to him, and he took it and went to work, and never said a word. 我在那堆破烂的农具里翻了一下,找到一把尖嘴镐,递给了他。他接过去了,干起来了,一句话也没有说。
yet to him who amongst her acquaintance might have approximated to this kind, she was but a transient impression, half forgotten. 可是在她认识的接近这一标准的人中间,她在那个人心中只留下一个短暂的印象,并且差不多已经被他忘记了。
Here in Trinity it is right that I should give you an account of how he lived amongst you during these years of his greatest achievement. 正是在三一学院这儿,我将对你们阐述他如何在你们中间生活,如何在这些年中取得他的最伟大的成就。
Looking out of the train window, I spotted a pair of camels feeding on the sparse vegetation amongst the salt flats. 从火车窗外看去,我看见两只骆驼在植被稀少的盐碱平地上觅食。
Amongst birds, the contest is often of a more peaceful character. 鸟类的斗争往往比较和平。
Antonia's figure, with its throat settled in the collar of her cape, slender, tall, severe, looked impatient and remote amongst the bustle. 安东妮亚的脖子舒适地藏在她的披肩的衣领里,身材纤巧,颀长,面容严肃,在杂沓的人群中显得又急躁又冷漠。
The hint of a link tarnished Scargill and yet trust of him amongst striking miners remained firm. 暗示与不明款项有染令斯卡吉尔声誉受损,然而,他在矿工中的威信依然牢不可破。
Once or twice something moved about with a rustle and a splash amongst the rushes at the side of the pond. 一次或者两次,有什么东西在沿着池塘边的芦苇丛中爬行,并伴随着嘶嘶沙沙的响声。
It created a real buzz amongst the players and it got even better when he said the names of the two he'd be taking with him. 肯尼的话音刚落,教室里立刻炸开了锅,而当他说出那两个名字的时候,我感到更加美妙了。
The tendency of a person to allow himself to be degraded, robbed, deceived, and exploited might be the diffidence of a God amongst men. 一个人听凭自己堕落、被掠夺、被欺骗、被利用,这或许是缺乏自信的表现。
The move would seem to have been made to avoid provoking unrest amongst the Shi'a majority in Bahrain. 该动作表面上像是避免激怒在巴林占大多数的什叶派穆斯林。
Two out of every three of us are overweight. Cases of diabetes are exploding, especially amongst our younger population. 我们每三人有两人是超重的,糖尿病病案正在激增,特别是在我们年轻的人群中。
This question is often the most difficult to answer (and the right answer is rarely "divide them equally amongst the co-founders" ). 这个问题往往也是最难回答的(并且,正确的答案常常不是“在创始人之间平分这些股份”)。
Once upon a time there was a frog called Mr. Jeremy Fisher; he lived in a little damp house amongst the buttercups at the edge of a pond. 从前有位青蛙先生,他叫杰里米·费希尔,住在池塘边毛茛之间一个潮湿的小房子里。
So tonight being able to be in a room amongst our peer being recognized with an honor like this, it's really very special. 因此,今晚能给授予我们这样的荣誉,的确是非常特别的。
In June, Voyager 1 relayed data that showed it was no longer traveling amongst the outward flow of solar wind particles. 今年6月,旅行者1号发回数据表明,它不再在向外传送的太阳风粒子流中旅行。
Needless to say, the mortality rate amongst derro children is quite high with only one out of every three children surviving to adulthood. 不用说,迪洛矮人小孩的死亡率非常高,每三个只有一个有幸活到成年。
There is no appetite for learning, particularly amongst senior management, who seem to others to feel that they know it all already. 没有学习的欲望,特别是对于高管,让人们感觉他们什麽都懂。
The children and "SFS" staff held a minute of silence around a symbolic candle display and then shared their emotions amongst each other. 每一位小朋友和“明日之星”的工作人员围绕蜡烛,为遇难同胞默哀,并彼此表达了他们悲痛的心情。
The bum first led me to a table and asked me to sit down and wait for a moment while he looked for something special amongst the shelves. 老流浪汉先领我走到一张桌子前,请我坐下稍等片刻,他则到一排排的书架上去翻找那些特别的东西。
Even as we roam freely amongst each dimension he continues to reward us, there is no doubt a Creator is looking out for everyone. 甚至当我们自由漫步在每个维度中,他还是继续奖赏我们,毫无疑问地造物主照看着每一个人
Ignatius is the name of a Roman Catholic saint; Doyle was born into a Roman Catholic family amongst a sea of Protestants. 伊格是一个罗马天主教圣徒的名字,道尔产生于一个被新教徒包围的罗马天主教家庭。
Sheep Head, Morocco. After it has been sitting in the open amongst the flies all day, bring it home and boil it up into a soup. 产自摩洛哥,把放在外面一整天、围满苍蝇的羊头带回家煮汤,然后……
Wenger could not pick a winner amongst the last eight but he did suggest it would be one of his domestic rivals. 温格没能率队进入八强,但是他认为国内对手中的一个将成为冠军联赛冠军。