a thousand years

  • 网络一千年;千岁;千秋

a thousand yearsa thousand years

a thousand years


尚恩LC... ... 311307 Fight For You 为你而战 20 291119 A Thousand Years 一千年~ 21 403811 Teenage Dream 滚床单啊用力 …


Иероглиф - Словарь китайских иероглифов... ... 千吨[ kiloton] 千岁[ a thousand years] 千万[ be sure] ...


《白狗秋千架》,White Dog... ... ) White Dog Swing 《白狗秋千架》 ) a thousand years;centuries 千秋 ) parallel swing 平行秋 …


暮光之城4:破晓 -... ... From Now On( 此刻开始) A Thousand Years( 千年之恋 ~ 爱德华与贝拉之歌) Neighbors( 伙伴) ...

The Sith conspiracy, which had been festering in the shadows of the Republic for a thousand years, sprang into action. 西斯的阴谋,已经在共和国的阴影下潜伏了一千年,现在终于爆发了。
It is a shame that for a thousand years the world's banquets have utterly ignored the baby, as if he didn't amount to anything! 一千年来世上的宴会完全忽略了婴儿这个主题,似千说他真是一无是处!
But, boy, she had a thousand years of magic stored in her head. 但是,小崽子,在她的脑子里藏有千年的神奇故事。
Wait. They have also known for a thousand years how to get that ethanol out of the formerly sugary liquid and into a more or less pure form. 他们还知道如何将乙醇从含糖液体提取出来,从而得到较为纯净的乙醇。
For at least a thousand years, dominating the oceans has been a key step toward dominating the world. 一千多年来,统治海洋一直是走向统治世界的关键一步。
Taishan walnut, also known as walnuts, there are a thousand years of cultivation history, with "chicken feet cotton" excellent walnut. 泰山核桃又名胡桃,有上千年的栽培历史,以“鸡爪绵”核桃为优。
The thought of a planet a thousand years from now where everyone speaks just a few languages, or just one, depresses me. 想到这个星球在从现在起一千年前,每个人才说着少数几种语言,或者仅仅一种,让我沮丧。
Standing before the compound, it seemed to Dinin as if the place were a thousand years removed from that time of glory. 可是此刻站在宅邸前,狄宁看见的只是一片远离了那荣光时代千年之久的废墟。
They are so powerful that the Dark Templar have outlawed their creation for a thousand years out of fear. 他们是如此强大,已取缔的黑暗圣堂武士为他们创造出了一千多年的恐惧。
One last question: Suppose, Lord Russell, this film were to be looked at by our descendants like a dead-sea scroll in a thousand years time. 最后一个问题:罗素勋爵,假定这段录像,将被我们的后人看到,如同死海古卷一般,在一千年后被人看见。
When the word lord came into Old English more than a thousand years ago it held the meaning of someone who manages servants. 当单词lord在一千多年以前进入古英语的时候,它有“仆人管理者”的意思。
We are entering now upon a thousand years of warfare between the once quite separated civilizations of Mesopotamia and the Nile. 我们这会儿即将进入持续一千年的战争时期,以前完全分离的美索不达米亚文明和尼罗河文明之间冲突不断。
Each of the two cultures has its own traditional operas and ballads, recording a thousand years of Fujian's history. 这两种文化都有各自的传统戏剧及诗歌,它们共同记录了福建千年的历史沧桑。
I've been sleeping a thousand years it seems. Got to open my eyes to everything. 我仿佛已经沉睡了千年。要睁开双眼看看这世界。
Paleontological evidence shows that the animals have been living on Yellowstone land for at least a thousand years. 古生物学证明显示这种动物在黄石公园已经生活了至少一千年。
The civilisation in Central America today is not at all like the civilisation there a thousand years ago. 现今的中美洲文明与一千年前的文明是不完全相同的。
Galileo lived at a time when the human spirit was waking after a thousand years of sleep. 伽利略生活的时代是人类灵魂经过了千年沉睡之后正在苏醒的时代。
I would like to grow into a hawthorn, guarding you to the pain, a thousand years. 我想长成一棵山楂树,守着你给的疼痛,一千年。
For over a thousand years, special golden "singing bowls" have been part of a secret healing tradition in Tibet. 一千多年来,特殊的金色颂钵一直是西藏神秘疗愈传统的一部分。
for a thousand years until the capital was moved to tokyo , it served as the center of the japanese culture as its imperial capital. 在日本迁都至东京之前,作为日本国的国都,一千多年来,他一直被视为日本的文化交流中心。
In the Bible it tells of a thousand years of peace, and then the devil will be loosed, even from the bottomless pit yet. 圣经里告诉你,有1000年的安宁,然后恶魔会被释放,甚至来自无底洞。
Many of the papyri had not been read for over a thousand years. 很多的纸莎草纸一千多年来都没有被解读。
If the constellations appeared only once in a thousand years, he observed in Nature, imagine what an exciting event it would be. 他在《自然》中说,如果天上的群星一千年只出现一次,那么,试想这会足一个多么激动人心的事情。
That bottle that takes just three minutes to drink can take up to a thousand years to biodegrade. 一瓶只用3分钟就能喝完的瓶装水却需要花长达1000年来生物降解。
At the break of dawn of a century. A thousand years of joy and tears. We leave behind. 在新世纪曙光降临之际,过往千年的欢笑与泪水,就让我们全都抛诸身后。
Where Parliament now stands has been a centre of authority for over a thousand years. 英国议会所在地,作为英国的权力中心已经有超过一千年的历史了。
Saw a look of boundless desert, a thousand years of the Snowy Mountains, panoramic view of barren Great Gobi. 只见一望无边的大沙漠,千年不化的大雪山,寸草不生的大戈壁尽收眼底。
A walled fortress has stood on this Moscow site for the better part of a thousand years. 这座有围墙的城堡耸立在一千年来莫斯科最佳位置上。
A thousand years later, Sith acolytes sparked what would become known as the Great Sith War. 一千年以后,西斯门徒点燃了后来被称为西斯大战的战火。
If the constellations appeared only once in a thousand years, imagine what an exciting event it would be. 如果星群在一千年里只出现一次,想象下这将会是何等激动人心的事情。