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With the gong that opened the eleventh round, Sandel rushed, making a show of freshness which he did not really possess. 第十一个回合的锣声响过之后,桑德尔为了显示他实际上并没有的锐气,发动猛攻。
The reason why I let each students sing on stage, is to let oneself, a show of his own voice. 我之所以让每一位同学都上台唱歌,就是想让大家展示一下自己,发出属于自己的声音。
Since reserve, a show of modesty and a sense of humor are part of his own nature, the typical Englishman tends to expect them in others. 因为沉默寡言、谦虚的表现和幽默感是英国人天生性格的组成部分,典型的英国人总是期望别人也具有这种品质。
It's one of those moments where, whatever's going on with her as an actor, it's not a show. 在那些时刻,无论她是作为自己还是一个演员,珍妮弗所诠释出来的东西不仅仅只是一场节目表演。
Once my journalistic identity was known, however, the police arrived and made a show of locking one of the doors. 不过,就在我的记者身份暴露之时,警方到达并锁上了大厅其中的一扇门。
She said that role-playing is not only a show, more like the animation to express the role of love. 她说,角色扮演不仅是一种表演,更多的是为了表达对喜欢的动漫角色的热爱。
These paintings and others make a show of Manet's portraits at the Royal Academy in London one not to be missed. 这三幅画还有其他一些作品正在伦敦皇家艺术院的一个马内肖像画展览中展出,实在不容错过。
But they did not really care, I could see that, and only made a show of being excited. 但是在我看来,他们全无所谓,他们激动只不过是做做样子而已。
But a show that pushes boundaries and presents the country's leaders in a less-than-positive light is bound to spark criticism . 但一个大打擦边球且以一种消极的方式呈现国家的领导人的电视节目秀势必引发批评。
WHEN it came to putting on a show, nobody else in the computer industry, or any other industry for that matter, could match Steve Jobs. 当要举行一场展览会时,计算机行业或任何其他行业在对待这件事情上没人可以和史蒂夫•乔布斯相提并论。
There is nothing Christ dislikes more than for His people to make a show-thing of Him, and not to use Him. 上帝最不喜欢的,就是祂的子民把祂当作一个展览品,不去用祂。
Putting on a show and having official carbon auditors isn't really necessary, he said, but it draws attention in a different way. 他还说,给一场演出配上碳排放审计员的做法并不是完全必要,但却能够以另一种方式引起人们的注意。
The best way to regain face was to put on a show of indifference, to let people know he wasn't worried about his job. 还他一个满不在乎,表示饭碗并不关心,这倒是挽回面子的妙法。
If Britain can put on a show its people can be proud of, it may create a sense of optimism that will breathe new life into the economy. 若是英国能够办出一场国人都能感到骄傲的盛事,也许创造出来的乐观感就能让经济重生。
One view holds that this was "victors' justice" imposed by an illegitimate tribunal after a show trial. 有人认为,审判徒具其表,法庭并不合法,“胜者正义”亦属强加。
He learned that the office had been told by city leaders to produce a show in 2010 for the 65th anniversary of the Japanese defeat. 之后他得知办公室已经被市领导告知要为打败65周年发表演出。
But finally we managed to break the ice by talking about the movies, and now I'm taking her to a show Saturday night. 可是后来我们谈论起电影来,从而打破了僵局。星期六晚上,我要请她去看演出。
When you see a honest and nice person on such a show, it's kind of like finding a gem in a pile of gravel. 当你在那样的节目里面发现一个诚实而不错的人,简直就像在一堆沙砾里发现宝石一样。
Be careful not to make a show of your righteousness before people. If you do so, you do not gain anything from your Father in heaven. 你们要小心,做好事不可在人前张扬、为引起他人注意;否则,你们就不要指望天父的赏报了。
There are any number of ways to overstate a bit of pop culture, but overstating a show about nothing is perhaps the easiest. 夸大流行文化有很多方法,但夸大一个无关紧要的节目可能是最容易的。
The ability to keep a smile on your face and proper posture while your horse tries to crow hop , shy and buck his way around a show ring . 当在亮相圈里马又蹦又跳想把你甩下来的时候,你身体要保持适当地姿势、在脸上要保持笑容的能力。
The Extender is always on and running, ready for you to turn on your TV, watch a show, or view some pictures. 扩展器始终处于打开和运行状态,以备您随时打开电视、观看节目或查看一些图片。
Once the dream has started, his body relaxes and his eyes become more active, as if the curtain had gone up on a show . 梦一开始,身体便呈放松状态,眼睛变得更为活跃,好像一场演出已经启幕一样。
With a start she awoke to find that she was in fashion's crowd, on parade in a show place -- and such a show place! 她蓦地一惊,发现自己正置身于时髦的人群中,在这个炫耀的地方展示自己,而且是如此壮观的地方!
Your reality: That thank-you email was a show of good manners, not a subtle hint for him to ask you out again. 真实的你:你写这封邮件只是出于礼貌,并非给他一个暗示“我想再次约你”。
Straw polling entails asking for a show of hands to see how the group feels about a particular issue. 民意调查在要大家举手示意成员们对一个特殊议题的感受如何时是必要的。
always wanted to be devoted instead of bratty, and brave instead of just a show-off; but truth is, word are always easier spoken than done. 总是想,把任性转化为认真,把逞强转化为勇气,然而,只是心里想想,嘴上说说,自己什么也做不到!
I feel a little more professional, the audience may not understand its difficult to play, not a show will not know those feelings inside. 我觉得比较专业一点,观众不一定能理解它的难演,不演戏不会知道里面那些感受。
Anna found a beautiful toy in a show window and look at it for a few minutes. 安娜看到商店橱窗里陈列了一个漂亮的玩具,她看了一小会儿。
But she had also realized that the viability of a cover story had nothing to do with how high a show's ratings were. 但她也认识到,封面故事与节目的高收视率没有关系。