
美 [ɡest]英 [ɡest]
  • n.客人;宾客;旅客;特邀嘉宾
  • v.做特邀嘉宾;做客串;做特约演员
  • 网络来宾;访客;来宾帐户

第三人称单数:guests 现在分词:guesting 过去式:guested

welcome guest,uninvited guest,unexpected guest,frequent guest,unwelcome guest


n. v.

1.客人;宾客a person that you have invited to your house or to a particular event that you are paying for

2.旅客;房客a person who is staying at a hotel, etc.

3.特别嘉宾;客串演员a famous person or performer who takes part in a television show or concert

4.特邀嘉宾a person who is invited to a particular place or organization, or to speak at a meeting


be my guest

请便;随便used to give sb permission to do sth that they have asked to do


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... guess vi. 猜 guest n. 客人,宾客 guitar n. 吉他,六弦琴 ...


启用来宾(guest)账户,把自己的账户设置密码,让别人用你机器的时候都用来宾账户,你用你自己的账户就好了,一般情况下来 …


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... guess vi. 猜 guest n. 客人,宾客 guitar n. 吉他,六弦琴 ...


普 通的访客guest)只能浏览IQ3的Web页面,而不能修 改相应设备参数和控制程序。 (3)I Q 3 内部采用特殊的操作系统…


五星级酒店英语大全!_百度文库 ... receive 接待,接见,欢迎 guest 旅客,宿客 welcome to 欢迎到来 ...


开启来宾帐户Guest)是一种方法,但出于安全考虑是不太好的。所以,你还可以在打印服务器上新建一个用户,用户名和密 …


珠海街舞的标志 - 珠海街道标志舞团 - 网易博客 ... Battle Judges/ 裁判 Guest/ 嘉宾 Time( 时间)/比赛项目 ...


来宾账户guest)或者受限用户(user)的权限设置 2010-01-16 16:02:54| 分类: 操作系统 | 标签: |字号大中小 订阅 评论这 …

He was surprised to find Mrs. Smith did not know her guest's name. 他惊奇地发现史密斯太太不知道她的客人的名字。
To maintain and update guest profiles as laid down in the front office procedures. 按照前厅部的规定坚持更新客人的档案。
When the guest approaches the front desk to open a new safe deposit box direct him to the safe deposit box room. 当客人走到前台,需要开新的保险箱时,引导客人到保险箱房间。
The hire is also a bit of a breach for The Huffington Post, which relies on a younger staff and unpaid guest bloggers. 此次Fineman也打破了HuffingtonPost的惯例,该网站一直招聘年轻的员工和无偿的嘉宾作者。
Its social-media claim to fame, at least in the customer service department, is helping a guest who tweeted that he had a moth in his room. 酒店的客服部门正在帮助一位客人,他用Twitter信息说房间里有一只飞蛾。
Darkness has not come and the fisher had to catch one more fish to cook for their dinner since there was no fish left for his guest. 因为天还没有黑,家里也没有剩余的鱼给客人,渔夫得再去抓一条鱼来做晚餐。
Bomb threats should be taken seriously and guest and employees safety is of paramount importance and must be considered at all times. 严肃认真地处理爆炸恐吓事件,时刻将客人和员工的安全放在首要位置。
I'm already on Meik's guest list and will probably stay with him in his van. 我还在Meik的客人列表中,而且很可能跟他一起去住他的货车。
If you think you can do the job. Be my guest and give it a try. 如果你认为你能做这个工作,那就去试着做一下吧。
Well, since no one guessed my mystery guest, I'm going to have to tell you all. 既然没有人猜出来我的神秘客人是谁那我就告诉你们吧
As you are an invited guest, all the charges will be borne by the organization. I don't think you'll have to pay the bill. 因为您是被邀请来客人,一切费用都接待单位负担,所以我想您不用付钱。
Mr Guest's widow and two grown-up children had no idea how much his collection was worth and were "pleasantly surprised" by the valuation. 盖斯特先生的遗孀和两个长大成人的孩子原先并不知道他收藏品的价值,所以对拍卖行的估价十分惊喜。
"Now fire away, " he said, when he had got his guest into a shirt and a pair of duck trousers. 他给客人穿好衬衫和帆布裤,说:“现在,请你开诚布公地讲吧!”
Several times on his trips to China, which he made as a guest of the Chinese G overnment, Bill's birthday occurred while he was in Beijing. 以中国官方客人的身份,比尔来访中国已多次了,而且在北京停留期间恰适他生日也有好几次了。
She did not see why when she was alone she would be less good a diner than when she had a guest. 她就是不明白为什么她单独吃的晚餐不如有客人时吃得香。
With his Israeli guest at his side, Mr Obama appeared to set a rough deadline for his proposed dialogue with Iran. 在以色列客人来访的情况下,奥巴马似乎给其承诺的美伊对话定下了一个粗略的最后期限。
Guest: Yes. Could you take a message for a guest in Room 1013? I just tried to call him, but there was no answer. 客人:是的。你能给1013号房间的客人转达个口信吗?我刚打电话想找他,可没人答话。
'This wine almost made me cry, ' he said, recalling the time when a guest at the hotel let him try a glass at a dinner. 吕杨回忆起酒店的一位客人让他在某场晚宴上尝一杯的场景:这种酒几乎会让我流泪。
Occasionally, when he felt the urge in his back and shoulders, Kostya returned to the gym, but once there he felt like a guest. 偶尔,当他感到后背和肩膀有些冲动的时候,克斯特亚会回到训练馆。但进到那里之后,他感觉就像一个客人。
Sure, we had safety training pertaining to things like an intoxicated or irate guest who threatens physical harm to us or other guests. 当然,我们接受了安全培训,比如防止醉酒或发怒的客人对我们或其他客人造成身体上的伤害。
It's safe to assume that Herod was a guest in the palace built by his father, the palace that now housed the Roman authority in the land. 假定希律安提巴是他父亲所建的宫殿里的一位客人是比较保险的。那座宫殿现在是罗马当局在那片土地上的家园。
Here, the guest operating system is aware that it's running on a hypervisor and includes drivers that act as the front end. 在这里,来宾操作系统知道它运行在hypervisor之上,并包含了充当前端的驱动程序。
You asked me what was the name, you do things quickly, I also took over a guest. 你管我叫什么名字,快点办你的事情,完了我还要接下一个客人。
One of you may have misunderstood the time set for your meeting, and this way, the guest isn' t left thinking that you were simply late. 你们当中可能有人把安排的会面时间搞错了,这样的话,就不会让客人认为你迟到了。
Do not host and guest Tuirang too long Oh, we are all hungry stomach, we wait for you to open eat! 主客可别推让太久哦,大家肚子都饿了,就等你开吃了!
At least once each month, take a surprise trial balance of the guest ledger and agree the total to the "D" Report. 每月至少制作一次客人挂账试算平衡表,其总额必须与每日报表中的数据相同。
So, each guest had a basic version that we kept for later cloning and a customized clone of that guest that performed the actual build task. 因此,每个客户机都拥有一个基本版本,可以在稍后克隆,定制后的克隆版本将执行实际的构建任务。
'I thought for a moment, ' replied the guest, 'then I said, "You went there with me - and came back with your mother. " 客人回答:“我想了一会,然后我说,你和我一起到的意大利,然后是和妈妈一起回来的。”
What made the hostess very embarrassed was that the so-called special guest did not show himself up after her invitation. 使主持人非常尴尬的是尽管再三邀请,所谓的特邀嘉宾也没有出现。
As a guest, I dismissed all this as pathology, but I couldn't help considering his wife with profound curiosity. 作为一个客人,我把他的这种行为当做一种病理表现进行忽略,但是我忍不住带着极大的好奇去想他的妻子。