
美 [ɡɑrd]英 [ɡɑː(r)d]
  • n.保护;警卫;卫兵;保卫
  • v.警卫;守卫;保卫;看守
  • 网络后卫;警戒;防护装置

复数:guards 现在分词:guarding 过去式:guarded

guard Gate,guard embassy
jealously guard


n. v.

警卫people who protect

1.[c]卫兵;警卫员;看守a person, such as a soldier, a police officer or a prison officer, who protects a place or people, or prevents prisoners from escaping

2.[cspv](统称)卫兵,警卫,看守a group of people, such as soldiers or police officers, who protect sb/sth

3.[u]警戒;保卫;保护;看守the act or duty of protecting property, places or people from attack or danger; the act or duty of preventing prisoners from escaping

防止受伤against injury

5.[c]防护罩;防护装置;防护用品something that covers a part of a person's body or a dangerous part of a machine to prevent injury

拳击;击剑in boxing/fencing

6.[c]防御姿势a position you take to defend yourself, especially in a sport such as boxing or fencing


be on your guard

警惕;提防;警戒to be very careful and prepared for sth difficult or dangerous

mount/stand/keep guard (over sb/sth)

守卫;看守;保卫to watch or protect sb/sth

off (your) guard

不警惕;不提防;不警戒not careful or prepared for sth difficult or dangerous


湘北篮球队_百度百科 ... 名字:潮崎 哲士( Tetsushi Shiozaki) 位置:后卫( Guard) 名字:角田 悟( Satoru Kakuta) ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... group n. 组,群 guard n. 防护装置,警戒 guess vi. 猜 ...


关于职业的英语单词_百度文库 ... geologist: 地质学家 guard: 警卫 guide: 导游 ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... group n. 组,群 guard n. 防护装置,警戒 guess vi. 猜 ...


2011年中考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... grow 生长,种植 535. guard 保卫 536. guess 猜 537. ...


上海教育出版社七年级《英语》上册单词表_百度文库 ... activity n. 活动 guard n. 警卫;卫兵;看守 construction n. 建筑;建造…


专业音频术语中英文对照 ... GTR gate reverb 门混响 Guard 保护,防护装置 GUI graphical user interface 图形用户接口 ...

I'm here, with you, beside you, to guard you and to guide you . . . 我就在这里,陪着你,伴着你,保护你,指引你……
The guard came and said, "Don't feel sad. " "But you know it's my train, " Tom said, "they two only came here to say goodbay to me. " 列车员走过来说:“不要伤心了。”“可是你要知道,是我要上火车,”汤姆说,“他们俩不过是来向我告别的。”
Korean Coast Guard officers cite increasingly aggressive behavior by Chinese fishermen trying to avoid arrest. 韩国海警称中国渔民拒捕的行为越来越有恃无恐。
'Excuse me, Commander, 'the guard said. He looked at the clock near the door. “对不起,司令。”那个卫兵说。他看了看门边挂着的表。
That was my excuse to myself , although I knew it was wrong of me to leave only two unwounded men to guard the stockade . 这只是我自己的借口而已,我知道只留下两个未受伤的人守卫木屋是错误的。
Still be on your guard as the final acts of the dark Ones play themselves out, and as we so often implore you, do not give in to fear. 请依旧保持警觉,因为黑暗势力在做最后的挣扎而依旧是出局的结局,并且作为我们这么经常的“恳求”你们,不要跌入“恐惧”中。
Haro'd Wayne is a bank guard. He is explaining the bank's security program to one of his friends. 哈罗德·韦恩是位银行警卫,他正向他的一个朋友说明银行的保安工作。
He might easily have used his Annapolis ring to bribe a guard for a few extra helpings of rice, but that would not do. 他完全可以用他的安纳波利斯戒指贿赂一个守卫,换取少许额外的米饭,但是他没有那么做。
"In that case, you may use it to guard my daughter. " said the lord, "I depend on you to keep her from harm. " “如果是那样的话,你就用你的剑去保护我的女儿吧,”君主说,“我将依赖你使他免于伤害。”
She was frank, because she had nothing to conceal, assured because she knew of nothing to be on her guard against. 她坦然,因为她没有什么可隐瞒的;她安祥,因为她不知道有什么需要戒备的。
Rockets point guard Rafer Alston said he recently chatted with Battier about the fact that he's never been on the squad. 火箭控球后卫阿尔斯通说,他最近和巴蒂尔聊过这个问题,为什么巴蒂尔从来没有上榜。
The only person who seemed to have absorbed the lessons of that game was a skinny little guard on the UMass freshman team named Rick Pitino. 似乎只有一个人吸取了这个教训,那就是当时麻省大学一年级队瘦小的后卫,RickPitino。
It was known, however, that this cadre was an elite special operations unit within the Emperor's Royal Guard. 但这只是个从未被证实的谣传。事实上,这个组织是一个隶属于皇家禁卫的精锐特种部队。
The sergeant is looking for volunteer for guard duty , so I'd keep my head down for a while if I were you. 那中士正在寻找志愿值勤者,因此如果我是你的话,我就暂时不抛头露面了。
To pay for tuition, he took a day job that wasn't too stressful ? as a security guard for a multi-national company. 为了支付学费,他早上做一些不需要太大压力的工作-在一家外国公司做保全人员。
Here there was no line of giants to push her through; this gate was closed and bolted, and a guard looking wide-awake stood by it. 这儿没有推着她前进的巨人队伍了,大门是关着的,而且上了栓,门卫站在门边很警醒地看着。
The Russian News Agency reported the incident yesterday and said the coast guard just found an empty boat in a three-day search. 俄罗斯新闻通讯社于昨天对该事件进行报道,报道声称,经过三天的搜索,海岸警卫仅发现了一艘空船。
'Commander Zadak did not stop. A guard opened the door of the train and the Commander got in. Slowly, the train began to move. ' 扎达克司令并没有停下脚步。一个卫兵打开火车门,扎达克跨了进去。火车缓缓地开动了。
Bank credit needs to be loosened for private companies and a tough regulatory regime should be designed to guard against a state monopoly. 银行信贷必须对私企放开,同时建设严格的监管机制,以防范政府垄断。
JVG thinks Bonzi will be a Power guard down in the post when Yao is out of the game. JVG认为棒子会是一个强硬的低位进攻的后卫,当要命不在场时攻击内线。
A former finance minister said he could administer the subsidised bread programme only if he had one security guard for each sack of flour. 前财政部长说,如果他有安全警卫来看守每一袋面粉的话,他就能够管理好面包补贴项目。
What of it? A small guard, what a swollen-headed punk! 你有什么了不起,一个小保安而已,神气啥呀?
In his teens, Mr. Zhang was a Red Guard in Chongqing, he said, but did not see any fighting because his parents made him stay at home. 在他的少年时代,张先生是一个重庆的红卫兵,他说,但是他没有看到任何争斗因为他的父母命令他呆在家里。
Maybe Andrew Bynum was on to something when he referred to Kobe Bryant as "Kobe Nash , " a passing reference to Phoenix guard Steve Nash . 当拜纳姆把科比说成“科比纳什”,那个菲尼克斯的传球后卫史蒂夫纳什的时候,他可能是在说某件事。
Expressive statues and totem are the guard of the garden and also the soul of it. 富有表情的雕像和图腾是园林的守护者,更是园中艺术灵魂所在。
Shoot a round or two into his head for a checkpoint, then quickly gun down the guard who sometimes asks if he's all right. 枪击他地头部一或两个轮回来找到打破点。然后疾速地击倒船主身边地保卫。
Instead, Mr. Williams said, he was asked to phone a security guard and send him to the singer's bedroom. 威廉姆斯说,相反,莫瑞叫他给一名保安打电话,让保安到杰克逊的卧室去。
'It appears to have been a very old dog, and had a number of marks on its bones, suggesting it was a guard dog in life, as well as death. ' ‘看起来他已经很老了,骨头上还有很多记号,暗示着他活着的时候就是守卫犬,死了以后仍然是。’
I believe Head is going to be an amazing guard down the road, and he has the potential be to a Sam Cassell for the Rockets this year. 我以为海德正在向一个令人吃惊的后卫转变的过程中,他有潜力成为火箭队原来的卡塞尔。
And He said to them, Watch and guard yourself from all covetousness, for no one's life is in the abundance of his possessions. 于是对众人说,你们要当心,要自守,免去一切的贪婪;因为人的生命,不在于家业丰富。