what i ve done

  • 网络过去的我

what i ve donewhat i ve done

what i ve done


摇滚 R&B - Yahoo!奇摩知识+ ... 19.Everything Back But You( 不要你回来) 1.What I ve Done( 过去的我) 2.Given Up( 放弃了) ...

"I'm not proud about what I've done and I realize that I need to make amends and return the coats to their rightful owners, " he said. 他说:“对自己的所为,我感到万分羞愧。我意识到必须改正行为,把这些年来(偷来的)外套归还给失主。”
Through a year's hard work, not only have I become mature, but I've also realized that what I've done is ordinary but of great significance. 一年多的耕耘,使我不断成熟和完善,使我认识到自己的岗位是多么的平凡而又伟大。
What I've done in the case of these two stocks is factor stock-specific risk into my definition of cheap. 在这两只股票的例子里,我用特定风险因素作出自己对便宜的定义。
Yes, of course. What I've done is change a glass of water into a full-grown oak tree without altering the accidents of the glass of water. 当然可以,我所做的是在不改变本质的状况下将一杯清水变成了一棵茂盛的橡树。
What I know is what I said, what I saw and what I've done. And I'm with a broken heart. 我所知道的是我说过什么,见过什么,做过什么和我破碎的心。
I know. I feel like a failure. My father is going to be so disappointed when he finds out what I've done. 我知道。我觉得自己太失败了。我爸爸要是知道我做了些什么的话,他一定会很失望的。
What I've done over the past four weeks tells me that's the case and I've got total confidence in it. 我最近四个星期的情况告诉我这一点并且给了我十足的信心。
The question remains: How do I relate what I've done to what they want, even if it's not directly related? 问题会依旧:我该如何将已做的工作和他们想要得的联系起来,即使没有直接地联系?
What I've done is going to be puzzled over and studied and followed. . . forever. 我的所做将会引来人们的疑惑、研究和效仿……直到永远。
I will do anything and everything to compensate for what I've done, as long as you will let me. (修补你们的关系)我将会做任何事、每件事去补偿我所做的。
i apologize for what i've done . please forgive me for the harming. i admit that i 'm a selfish guy. 对不起。请原谅我对你的伤害。我承认,我是自私的。英文怎么译?。
Something sometime may reminds me of what I've done, and then the regret will tear my heart into pieces. 某些时间某些时候也许能够让我回忆起我所做的一切,然后抱怨就像流泪一样淋刷我的心进入平静。
You came to see what I've done to my grand plan, I've torn the boardwalk apart. 你来到这里,看看我那宏伟的计划进展如何。我已经把木板铺成的道路撕成了碎片。
Mok: I don't think I've reached my prime yet. I'm pretty happy with what I've done, but the best is yet to come. 我一点都不绝得自己已经达到了巅峰,我对自己的现状蛮满足的,但我认为我最大的成就还未来临。
I know that I have hurt you for what I've done and I am asking for your forgiveness and hoping that we could start all over again. 我知道我伤害了我干了什么你,我要求你的宽恕,并希望我们可以从头再来。
I'm happy with what I've done for now, with scoring two goals, but I'm determined to do a lot more. 我对目前自己所做的很满意,已经进了两个球,但我相信我还能做的更多。
My feelings for you have deepened, and I can't help thinking that what I've done is something so terrible. 我对你的感觉越来越深了,有时候我止不住在想我做了多少疯狂的事情。
Recently, I've even received requests from a relative to do up his business website after he had seen what I've done here. 最近我甚至收到了一个亲戚的要求让我帮他建一个商业网站,自从他看见我在做什么之后。
I'm happy with what I've done so far and hopefully there's more to come. 我对自己的表现感到满意,希望还能更好。
He keeps getting at me and I really don't know what I've done wrong. 他老是指责我,我真不知做错了什么事。
What I've done is none of your business. 我所做的跟你无关。
I take full responsibility for what I've done, and I don't take that lightly. 我要为我的所做所为负全部责任,对这一点我确信不疑。
And I understand my responsibility in what I've done wrong here. 我了解在这里我做错事所要负的责任
I will do anything and everything to compensate for what I've done, if you let me. 如果你同意,我愿意做任何事和每件事来补偿我所做的一切。
I've played my drum, and I've done my sums. That's what I've done today. 我已经演奏我的鼓,并且我已经从事实中得出合乎逻辑的结论。那是我今天所做的。
So I can drill in to what I've done over specific time frames. 因此我能深入具体时间段的具体事件。
For what I've done, I start again and whatever pain may come, today this ends. I'm forgiving what I've done. 对于我做过的事,我再次开始而且无论可能会有怎样的痛苦,今天这会结束。我在原谅我做过的事。
Please forgive me for what I've done. 对不起,这是我的错,请您多多原谅。
JB: No. You can intimate nudity without actually being nude. That's what I've done, anyway. 没有。你可以在没有真裸露的情况下,把裸露的亲密感流露出来。我就是那样做的。
(Not taking the beer properly, spills his drink) Oh, darn. Look what I've done. (接饮料时,不小心打翻了。)啊呀,瞧我多粗心。