
美 [ˌeɪ bi ˈes]英 [ˌeɪ biː ˈes]
  • n.汽车防抱死系统;腹肌
  • 网络防抱死制动系统(Antilock Brake System);美国船级社(American Bureau of Shipping);工程塑料



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防抱死制动系统(Antilock Brake System)

防抱死制动系统ABS)在什么情况下可以最大限度发挥制动器效能?机动车在道路上发生故障,需要停车排除时,驾驶人应该 …

美国船级社(American Bureau of Shipping)

美国船级社美国船级社ABS)成立于1862年,属非政府组织,主要致力于为公共利益和客户需求服务,通过开发和验证海洋 …


当然工程塑料ABS)架构配不锈钢面板的最好啦我们贝尔来格蒸汽挂烫机就是这样的以下是详细的说明看看能不能帮到你蒸 …


4、制动防抱死系统(ABS)的主要功用是防止车辆紧急制动时出现轮胎打滑。( ) 5、汽车高速行驶出现爆胎时,驾驶员可以立即拉 …

防抱死系统(Antilock Braking System)

防抱死系统ABS)一样,制动辅助系统(BAS)也集成在电控车辆稳定行驶系统(ESP)中。为了调节制动压力,该系统 …


Unity 脚本类总索引 ... shader 着色器 Abs 绝对值 Acos 反余弦 ...

资产支持证券(asset-backed securities)

信贷资产支持证券abs)是英文asset-backed securities的缩写,即信贷资产支持证券。abs是一种信托受益凭证,代表特定目 …

Taking into Pickup bed cover of its own weight factor, pickup bed cover is usually by flat fiberglass or ABS plastic production. 考虑到平盖的自身重量因素,皮卡后箱平盖通常采用玻璃钢或者ABS塑料制作。
One of the easiest ways to get six pack abs involves burning off the body fat that covers the abdominal muscles. 打造腹肌最简单的方法之一就是燃烧覆盖在腹部肌肉上的脂肪。
He said the issue involved software that controls the car's anti-lock braking system (ABS). 他表示,问题涉及控制该车防抱死系统(ABS)的软件。
One tactic would be to rule that only a small fraction of any ABS or corporate-bond issue could be permissible. 一种措施便是规定对于各种资产支持证券或公司债券,只有一小部分能获得允许。
The only thing stopping me from my own rippling set of abs is the sit-ups I don't do (okay, and maybe chocolate cake). 唯一能使我停止炫耀自己的小腹肌肉的,大概是我不再做仰卧起坐吧(好吧,可能还有巧克力蛋糕)。
Without bending at the elbows any further, bring your arms down and across the body using your abs to initiate the movement. 不需要再更多地弯曲肘部,把双臂自然落下并通过全身用腹部带动整个运动。
Maybe you can attain washboard abs and buff biceps by the time bikini season rolls around, but you're going to have to work for it. 也许在比基尼季节时你也许你能拥有搓衣板和强壮腹肌的好身材(大概是这个意思吧,汗),但你不得不为此而努力。
Aim To develop a simple, fast, easy-to-do and new detecting method of the Abs against Taenia Solium cysticercosis for country veterinarian. 目的研制一种简便快速检测囊虫抗体的新方法,提供基层单位使用。
Available on all big tent structures, our lightweight integrated ABS solid walling system is quick and easy to install. 适用于所有大帐篷结构,我们的轻质墙体系统集成的ABS的固体快捷,易于安装。
The conference set out a roadmap for negotiations on access and benefit sharing (ABS) of genetic resources to help curb biopiracy. 这次大会制定了就遗传资源获取和利益分享进行谈判以遏制生物剽窃的路线图。
"There ought to be government-backed ABS, " said Fed economist Wayne Passmore in a presentation to the American Economic Association. “应该有政府支持的ABS,”美联储经济学家WaynePassmore在美国经济协会讲话时表示。
But if you want to kick it up a notch, and REALLY work your abs and thighs, try dolphin kick with your arms in the air. 的方法。但如果你想练习开口蝶腿并且你非常希望能够锻炼abs部位和大腿部位的话,那么就试试双臂上举的海豚腿吧!
ABS asks every manager for a monthly report on its underlying assets so correlation across the ABS fund can be mitigated. ABS要求每个经理人每月提交标的资产报告,这样可以减少整个ABS基金的资产相关性。
With no conscious exertion on your part, core muscles in your abs, back, waist and thighs are activated as you work to maintain balance. 在运动过程中为了保持平衡,身体会自发调动全身核心肌肉协调起来(包括臀部、背部、腰和大腿),达到平衡目的。
You're working the full range of the abs, just before you get out of bed. First thing in the morning. 你完全锻炼了腹肌,只需在你下床前。早晨要做的第一件事。
The surface property of inorganic particles is modified by the coupling agent before they are added into the ABS resin. 用硅烷偶联剂将几种常用的无机粒子进行表面处理后与ABS进行共混。
Resume: The 5 BX method will get you to work muscle everyone wants to be in shape: pectorals, abs, legs and arms. 回顾:五组基本练习可以帮助塑身,锻炼每块肌肉:胸肌,腹肌,腿部肌肉和胳膊的肌肉。
A practicing Bladesmith may take the performance test with a Master Smith following two (2) years of membership in the ABS. 一个实习刀匠必须在一位至少有两年ABS成员资格的高级刀匠的监督下进行测试。
The Troubleshooter uses his own standard runner sizing when working with ABS as well as a full- taper nozzle . 对ABS工件,模工采用了他们自己的标准型流道,和全锥形射嘴。
RDP microcapsule flame retardant ABS resin were fabricated by means of melt blending, and researched the combustion properties of products. 采用熔融共混法制备了RDP微胶囊阻燃ABS树脂,并对产品进行了燃烧性检测。
When such tide conditions occur, rock pickers can generally wade out in knee-deep water and find the abs. 在发生这种落潮情况时,岩石搜索者一般可以在齐膝深的水中跋涉并且找到鲍鱼。
The heavy molds use a great deal of force to form the melted ABS into the shape of a brick. 该模具用高压使融化的ABS塑料成为零件的形状。
Just get with your feet about hip width apart, and then curl up and squeeze at the top, keep your abs tight. 双手拿着水瓶(或罐头),双脚约与臀部同宽站立,然后手臂弯曲,上臂挤压,腹肌收紧。
Made any New Year's resolutions yet? Here's an idea: Focus on the state of your relationships instead of the state of your abs. 你订好新年计划了吗?不妨考虑一下这个:多关注你的人际关系状况,而不是腹肌状况。
It all helps you add serious size to your chest, back, legs, and arms, while finishing off the flab that covers your abs. 这都有助于塑造你的胸部、背部、腿及手臂肌肉,并消耗掉覆盖住你腹肌的赘肉。
Long glass fiber ( LGF)reinforced ABS composite was prepared by means of a new method. 采用悬浮浸渍拉挤成型法制备长玻纤增强ABS复合材料。
Sure you'll get strong abs, core strength is always good, but the "six-pack" will not appear by doing that. 当然,这样专注去练的话,你会拥有结实的腹肌,但是却不可能会有6块腹肌。
Yes, your abs may be a disgrace but focusing only on an ab machine won't pay the dividends of full body exercises. 是的,也许你的腹肌让你感觉很丢脸,但你仅仅只努力地在腹部前屈机上锻炼而不进行全身锻炼。
Spot reduction is not possible either, so doing a lot of abs will not burn off the fat on your midsection. 局部减肥也是不太可能,所以光做各式的腹部运动并不会减掉上腹部的脂肪。
ABS's mantra is "every manager, one at a time" , meaning that its portfolios are not driven by asset allocation decisions. ABS的格言是“每个经理,一次一个”,意思是其投资组合不是由资产配置决策驱动的。