
英 ['ɒstrɪən]
  • adj.奥地利的;奥地利人的
  • n.奥地利人
  • 网络奥地利航空;奥地利语;奥地利学派




A would-be robber was arrested after he tried to hold up his local town hall, mistaking it for a bank, Austrian police said Wednesday. 周三,奥地利警方发布消息说,一名劫匪误将镇公所当作银行并欲实施抢劫被逮捕。
The trouble with the Austrian Parliament, he first thought, was that it did not have a German majority. 他首先想到的是,奥地利国会的问题在于,日耳曼人未占多数。
The joint is not swollen at the moment, but the Austrian will rest for a couple of days and go back to training on Thursday morning. 关节病不再肿胀,但是奥地利人要休息几天,并且在周二回复随队训练。
Austrian authorities inspecting random samples found a small amount of the substance in a milkshake at a restaurant in Graz. 奥地利政府随机检查了一部分样品,在格拉茨一个中国餐馆的奶昔中发现微量三聚氰胺。
An unemployed Austrian man has sawn off his left foot, apparently to avoid being found fit enough to go back to work, the Sky News reported. 据天空新闻报道,奥地利一名无业男子锯掉了自己的左脚,这明显是为了避免被认定身体健康适合工作。
To a strong degree, this was the fate of the entire Austrian School in the Germanic countries. 这很大程度上是整个奥地利学派在德语国家的命运。
The Austrian great surmised that Hamilton's desire to quit the race early did "not make a good impression" . 奥地利人大胆的推测汉密尔顿要求退赛是没有一个好的印象。
Or two violins that had belonged to the Austrian composer Johann Strauss II, seized from his Jewish stepdaughter. 还有两把小提琴,原本属于奥地利作曲家小约翰·施特劳斯,纳粹将它们从他的犹太继女手中夺走,如今也下落不明。
Austrian crematorium officials have blamed a deceased woman's obesity for causing a blaze which had to be tackled by firefighters. 奥地利一家火葬场的负责人称一位超级肥胖的女性死者引发了一场火灾,最后不得不出动消防队来扑灭火宅。
It is also fascinating to see that Mises was treated almost as shabbily by the Austrian academic world as by the American. 同样有趣地看到,米塞斯受到奥地利学术界的排挤,跟在美国的遭遇差不多。
vienna ( reuters ) - an austrian woman lived with the mummified remains of her aunt for a year , vienna police said wednesday. 维也纳消息-周三,维也纳警方称一名奥地利女子与已故姑妈的尸体共居了一年。
The inaugural project was an architecturally based installation in 1998 by an Austrian artist collective, Gelatin. 首届项目是建筑基础安装于1998年由奥地利艺术家集体,明胶。
From Brahms can be seen on both the German and Austrian classical music tradition, but also with a strong sense of romanticism features. 从勃拉姆斯身上既可以看到古典德奥音乐传统,同时也充满了强烈的浪漫主义特征。
Khrushchev did not enjoy it, because it was proof that Marx had been a paid informer of the Austrian police, spying on revolutionaries. 赫鲁晓夫不喜欢这封信,因为它证实,马克思曾是奥地利警方的一名领赏告密者,他在革命者队伍里当间谍。
One reason may be ignorance: most bankers do not know the Austrian theory of the business cycle. 其中一个原因可能是无知:大多数银行家不知道奥地利学派的商业周期理论。
Austrian driver Gerhard Plattner was behind the wheel a week ago, driving the car through Spain and France on his way to Frankfurt. 奥地利车手总理普拉特纳是方向盘后面的一个星期前,驾驶汽车通过西班牙和法国前往法兰克福。
He also ran errands for the ward and in his spare time made me a cigarette lighter out of an empty Austrian rifle cartridge. 他也替病房打杂,还利用空闲时间用奥军步枪子弹壳给我做了一个打火机。
This Italian war memorial was just a few km's from the Austrian boarder. 这是离奥地利边界仅仅几公里远的意大利战争纪念馆。
No more credit is flowing to the Baltics from Swedish banks, to Hungary from Austrian banks or to Iceland from Britain and the Netherlands. 瑞典各银行不再放贷给波罗的海诸国,奥地利的银行也不再向匈牙利注资,英国和荷兰的银行同样不向冰岛投钱。
Over 180 years ago, in a small Austrian town, a young man walking across the fresh snow was moved by such a Christmas scene. 180多年以前,在奥地利的一个小镇上,一个年轻人在新雪中穿行,被眼前的圣诞景致所感动。
Toi grew up in both Thailand and Austria and has a Swiss-born but Austrian-citizen father, and a Thai mother. 托伊在泰国和奥地利两国长大,父亲是出生在瑞士的奥地利公民,母亲是泰国人。
Austrian Airlines management has said that if the company had its own operations, will have the number of aircraft now has reduced by half. 奥航管理层曾表示,若公司只得独自运营,将不得不把目前拥有的飞机数量削减一半。
The governor said the sign will continue to welcome dreamers, artists and like him Austrian body-builders for generations to come. 州长表示,该标志仍将吸引几代的梦想家,艺术家前来。
Hungary would be carved within the Austrian Empire as a separate kingdom, which would have its own government. 奥地利帝国将匈牙利设置成了独立的王国,意味其有了独立的政府。
The Austrian Habsburgs, and other European nations, may not be entirely willing to see a Frenchman or French nominee as King of Spain. 奥地利哈布斯堡王朝,和其他欧洲国家,可能不完全愿意看到法国或法语提名为西班牙国王。
Historians note that it was the 1931 failure of an Austrian bank, Credit Anstalt, that ushered in the worst phase of the Great Depression. 历史学家留意到,1931年时,正是奥地利联合信贷银行(CreditAnstalt)的破产宣告了大萧条时期最糟糕阶段的到来。
Mr. Bell: The Alps are gorgeous. We drove up to a village the day before yesterday. We took photos and ate a delicious Austrian dinner. 贝尔先生:阿尔卑斯山美极了。前天我们开车去山上的一个村庄,拍了一些照片,还吃了一顿可口的奥地利晚餐。
Two Austrian nurses nicknamed "death angels" after killing at least 20 elderly patients are to be released early from prison next month. 两个绰号为“死亡天使”的澳大利亚护士,杀了至少20名老年病人,将在下个月从监狱提早释放。
According to the Austrian Times, Heidemarie says she "had become irritated by the greedy consumer society" she was witnessing. 据澳大利亚时代杂志报导,Heidemarie对她所看到的贪婪的消费者现象很恼火。
"Just as Austrian theory suggests, " wrote Woods, "the Fed's mischief was responsible for the Great Depression. " “正像奥地利经济学派所预计的那样,”伍兹写到,“美联储的错误政策导致了大萧条。”