
美 [ˈækʃ(ə)n]英 ['ækʃ(ə)n]
  • n.行动;行为;诉讼;战斗
  • v.确保处理(某事)
  • 网络动作;操作;作用


take action,perform action,justify action,action prevent,spur action
immediate action,decisive action,prompt action,joint action,swift action


n. v.

作为what sb does

1.[u]行动;行为过程the process of doing sth in order to make sth happen or to deal with a situation

2.[c]所做之事;行为a thing that sb does

诉讼程序legal process

3.[c][u]诉讼;起诉a legal process to stop a person or company from doing sth, or to make them pay for a mistake, etc.

战争in war

4.[u]战斗;作战fighting in a battle or war

故事;戏剧in story/play

5.[u](故事、戏剧等中的)情节the events in a story, play, etc.

激动人心的事exciting events

6.[u]激动人心的事exciting events


7.[u]~ of sth (on sth)(一种物质或化学品对另一种所起的)作用the effect that one substance or chemical has on another

身体部位of part of the body

8.[u][c](身体部位的)动作,功能the way a part of the body moves or functions


actions speak louder than words

行动胜于语言what a person actually does means more than what they say they will do

in action

在活动中;在运转if sb/sth isin action , they are doing the activity or work that is typical for them

into action

实行;实施if you put an idea or a planinto action , you start making it happen or work

out of action

不能工作;失去作用;停止运转not able to work or be used because of injury or damage

a piece/slice of the action

插手,参与(尤指为了赚钱)a share or role in an interesting or exciting activity, especially in order to make money


行动牌的用途繁多:有些可再衍生更多行动(+ action),让更多行动牌的能力叠加;有些让玩家抽牌(+ card),暂时增大手牌;有 …


动作 / 行为的集合是事情,事情的最小单位是动作action)[4]。从古至今,在话语定式(discourse)和事情之间,总是拥有一 …




机械制图全部符号及表示含义 - 豆丁网 ... ACIS 汇出 action 操作 动作 active 活动(的) 作用中 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... boss n 老板;上司 action n 动作;情节;作用;举动 think highly of 对……高度评价 ...


任务可以由系列活动action)来完成,复合的活动就是任务,活动构成了流程的基本单元。 活动有一系列动作(motion)来 …


七年级英语单词表 ... 3. go to a movie 去看电影 4. action 动作片 5. comedy n. 喜剧 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... boss n 老板;上司 action n 动作;情节;作用;举动 think highly of 对……高度评价 ...

Before aliens took over his body, Tom Cruise was an awesome action hero back in the day. 在外星人夺走他的身体之前,汤姆克鲁斯在过去只是一个令人畏惧的动作明星。
The Xinhua News Agency said five power stations were put out of action and six transformer substations were shut down in Sichuan. 据新华社报道,目前四川省有五所电站和六所变电站停止运转。
This mode was the only one available in all old-time revolvers, and is still available in most double-action revolvers. 这种模式是唯一一个在所有旧的时间左轮手枪,并在大多数仍然是双动手枪可用。
While some of the greatest ideas and solutions come up in brainstorm meetings, we also lose most of our time in discussion without action. 当在头脑风暴的会议上有一些顶级的主意或者解决方法提出时,我们也浪费了很多时间在没有行动的讨论上。
Affirmative action has been a divisive issue in the United States for close to thirty years. 扶持行动已接近30年来在美国分裂的问题。
The prime minister has condemned it as an invasion of privacy and his lawyer has said he would take legal action against the newspaper. 贝卢斯科尼谴责这是侵犯隐私,并且他的律师也说将对报纸采取法律行动。
The market's response was different because it had been in fear mode for so long that it was ready to interpret such action positively. 市场的回应不同是因为人们在恐惧的心理里太久而想去积极地打断这个行为。
He was in a fevered state of mind, owing to the blight his wife's action threatened to cast upon his entire future. 他太太的行为对他的未来和前途造成了可怕的威胁,这使他心里火烧火燎的。
Preventive action may need to be taken to stop a suspected terrorist from carrying out his murderous intent. 为了防止恐怖分子嫌疑人进行恐怖行为需要实施预防性的措施。
In both America and Australia the public seems to be growing more doubtful even as policymakers feel more certain of the need for action. 在美国和澳大利亚,即使政策制定者们更加确信有必要行动,民众的怀疑似乎加深了。
The idea is to come out with vague and noble sentiments with which no one can disagree, but which do not commit anyone to specific action. 他们的理念就是想出模糊、高尚、没有人能反对的观点,但又不使任何人承诺采取任何特定的措施。
For a user, seeing data frequently leads immediately to additional questions, or to the desire to take some action. 对于用户而言,查看数据通常会立即引发更多的问题,或者引起采取某种操作的需要。
Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it. 每件事你想它等在那里等你去问。每件事你想你所想,但是你必须要有所行动才能得到它。
Action has just started out in overseas markets, and I look forward to hearing each of your views on our present and future projects. Action在海外市场方面才刚起步,我希望能听听各位对于目前和未来计划的看法。
We become aware of the fact that there are several possible courses of action, and all of them seem to be right. 我们知道事实上存在着多种行为方式的可能性,他们看上去似乎都是正确的。
"There is a degree of unanimity that there must be swift and effective action taken against the Taliban in Pakistan, " he said. 巴基斯坦人民一致认为,必须采取快速有效的行动,对付那里的塔利班分子。
The games had all spent at least five hours a week on action games in the previous year. 这些玩家在过去的一年里每周都至少花5个小时在玩动作游戏。
Action may be taken by one voting group on a matter even though no action is taken by another voting group entitled to vote on the matter. 对某一事项可以由一个投票团体来单独采取行为,即使有投票权的另外投票团体没有采取任何行为。
After reading the first few lines of the proposed table of contents, it was clear to me that this book was not an "Ext JS in Action" . 在阅读了提案内容表格的前几行之后,我就意识到这本书不是“ExtJSinAction”。
Implementation of the Renewable Energy Directive provides a real opportunity for targeted action in certain EU countries, " he said. " 采用更好的合理空间规划程序。再生能源指令的实施为欧洲一些国家的既定目标提供了真正的机会。
And yet he felt he alone had the whole worry of what action to take, and the responsibility for her life as well as his. 但是他感到,他一个人要全部承担该采取什么行动的焦虑,并且对她和他自己的生活负责了。
the lack of the spirit to put words into action, the last is often attributed to the failure of their own fate. 不将自己的想法付诸时间,最后经常将失败归结为运气。
There had not passed the least immodest word or action between us, oh, that it had been so to the last. 我们中间未曾有过一点儿无廉耻的话或者举动。啊,如果一直这样有多么好啊!
It cannot be expelled by a simple action, no matter how much its victims try to hide it. 它不能够通过一个简单的行为而祛除,不管其受害者多么想隐藏它。
The rhythmic action of tooth brushing seems to affect people who hae a rare form of epilepsy associated with a small brain lesion. 刷牙的节律性动作可能影响某种罕见类型的癫痫患者,他们的疾病与大脑的微小损伤有关。
Although the meeting didn't produce a specific action plan, Mr. Strauss-Kahn hinted that such plans would be forthcoming. 虽然会议没有产生具体的行动计划,但卡恩暗示此类计划可能即将出台。
After the Senate refused to allow Richard an up-or-down vote when I nominated him in 2011, I took action to appoint him on my own. 自从2011年参议院拒绝我对理查德的提名进行投票表决之后,我行使自己的特权直接进行了任命。
After he gets it under substantive law, the insurer can exercise this right by an action at law if he wants to be indemnified. 保险人为维护自己的利益,在满足实体法规定的条件取得代位求偿权后,可以通过诉讼的途径行使该项权利。
Mr Lee said the aim was to persuade Pyongyang to "admit its wrongdoing and pledge never again to engage in such reprehensible action" . 李明博表示,其目的是劝说朝鲜政府“承认其错误行径,并承诺不再进行此类应受谴责的行为”。
"I would like to see a more globally coordinated action to support the Fed, " Dallara told Reuters ahead of the World Economic Forum. “我希望看到更为全球合作性的动作,来支持美联储的行动,”Dallara在达沃斯世界经济论坛开始前向路透表示。