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and I said, good for you, Yun Mei, you did it. You know. 我说,祝贺你,芸美,你做到了。你知道
Let the wife Xiao yun order no alcohol, very difficult boxed continued to a orgies, the method was wife wishes quartz. 晓云命令,不许石峰持续喝酒,十分困难想了一个排遣愿望的方法又被老婆堵死了。
Rumor passed on in the office which said that Yun's husband did not love her at all and spent money on anything else rather than on her. 办公室有几位就传言她的老公不爱她,把钱财花在别的方面了。不然的话,也不至于这样吧?
"Kim asked: " 5 Yun says that he did not know to take Aioi, compared with g? 金氏又问:“五运之说,不知取相生、相克?”
Yun-Ne'Shel differed markedly from other Yuuzhan Vong gods in that she did not require sacrifices from those who sought her aid. 云-内舍尔与其他遇战疯神祗的重大区别在于他不要求那些寻求她帮助的人牺牲。
Yun-Min good at study and sum up the management ladder, and the company is the "best manager" honorary title of one of the winners. 韫敏善于学习和总结,管理水平不断提升,是公司“最佳经理人”荣誉称号的获得者之一。
How much easier such treatments would be, theorises Dr Yun, if the lasers could be generated internally, by a patient's own cells. 如果真的能让生物激光产生于病人自身体细胞中,这样产生的治疗该多简便呀!
Alibaba is no doubt the Chinese Internet history of a miracle, the miracle was created by Ma Yun and his team created. 阿里巴巴无疑是中国互联网史上的一次奇迹,这次奇迹是由马云和他的团队创造的。
Feng Yun-thing's eyes rolled in amazement, while his straggly moustache twitched, and he broke out into a cold sweat all over. 冯云卿眼珠往上一翻,出了一身冷汗,那几茎月牙须又簌簌地抖了。
In fact, business in the door is always open for you, take the first step, you and Ma Yun in a road. 其实创业之门随时为你敞开,走出第一步的时候,你便和马云在一条路上了。
Lu Yun, one of the "two Lus" , is often ignored by researchers because of his brother's effects on literature. 作为“二陆”之一的陆云,受其兄文学成就的影响,往往被研究者们忽视。
Smoke into the sky, like a fairy taking off Xian-yun, thump blurred, when disappeared the next. 炊烟腾空而起,就像仙人起飞的仙云,扑腾迷离,时隐时现。
Comrade Chen Yun and I realized the gravity of the matter and immediately brought it to Comrade Mao Zedong 's attention. 这样一来,陈云同志和我才觉得问题严重,立即向毛泽东同志反映,引起他的注意。
I'll just check Mr. Ling Yun's schedule, and see if I can arrange an appointment for you, just a moment. 让我看一下凌先生的日程表,看看是否能为您安排见面,请稍等。
Two of his students studied with him for more than two years, one is Xing Yun, who went on to college in Guangzhou. 这些学生中的两个人跟他学了两年多,一个叫XingYun,他已经到广州上了大学。
Yun state prisons for Discipline Inspection, you are to understand the director Liu Yang Lu things, or to investigate who! 郓州监狱纪委,你们是来了解矿长刘仰露事情,还是来调查谁的!
And I said that youth are poetry, high style, Yun by far-reaching and meaningful resistance implicitly read-resistant materials. 而我却说青春是诗,格调高昂,蕴藉深远,隽永含蓄耐读耐品。
Dutch-born Yun Yin Lee, visiting Prato as a tourist, says: "The police here look at me in a way I've never been looked at in Holland. " 在荷兰出生的李运英旅游时到了普拉托,她这样说:“这里警察看我的眼神我在荷兰从来没有看到过。”
Hong Yun heard very good moisturizing effect of cosmetics, do not know my skin type is suitable to use what? 听说虹韵化装品保湿效果挺好,不知道我的皮肤类型适宜用哪些?
Zhao Yun experience tells us: personal strength is strong, if he only thinks of the salary, only one: occupation, not the cause of. 赵云的经历告诉我们:个人实力再强,若只想着高薪,结果只有一个:有职业,没事业。
On his tour to the east, when passing through the branches of Fuyao, Yun Jiang happened to see Hong Meng leaping on the ground. 云将在往东游的路上,经过扶摇之枝时,巧遇在陆地上不停拍腿跳跃着的鸿蒙。
Bai Yun appeared to have contractions into Wednesday but there were no plans to intervene unless she showed signs of medical distress. 她从周三开始出现感染,但是工作人员现在还不打算介入,除非她有健康危险。
Don't want to Indus gave sad, do not want to let her Ye Yun aggravated a melancholy, so quiet that she indistinct illusory her beauty. 不想对梧桐赋予伤感,不想让她的叶韵加重一笔惆怅,于是安静的让她隐隐约约幻现她的美感。
Tian Yun, vice president of the China Macro Economics Institute, said, "the latest measures will be ineffective. " 中国宏观经济学会会长副主任,田耘说,“最新的措施是无效的。”
Do not be silly joke . . . detail page you can search Baidu Yun Ni thin paste under the vines to see the official website. 别闹笑话…详细的你可以百度网页搜下蔓妮韵瘦身贴官网看看。
I have been registered through your web site off two years ago in the American-born panda Su Lin and her mother, Bai Yun. 我一直通过你们的网站关注册二年前在美国出生的大熊猫苏琳和她的母亲白云。
TING Yun-ping and not the bone-yellow flowers in the body can be integrated with the differences in development, flower-new advances. 而恽寿平的没骨花卉则在黄徐体异中得以综合与发展,为花鸟画新辟蹊径。
Zhang Yun also said the crisis showed that the laissez-faire market economy, will not be at peace forever. 张云还表示,本次危机表明完全放任的市场经济,不会永保太平。
And Xia Yun-Lan a group, always say what is not in place, and now I get a little do not want the Health Committee of the. 和夏韫岚一组,总是被说什么工作不到位的,现在弄的我都有点不想当这个卫生委员了。
In retaliation mother, younger brother of Wu Yun He decided to stay in the side, a star's agent, his brother, and met en color. 为了报复生母,武赫决定留在弟弟允身边,成为巨星弟弟的经纪人,并认识了恩彩。