you wish

  • 网络你想得美;梦想成真;你希望

you wishyou wish

you wish


soloist_新浪博客 ... A waft of wind 一阵风 You wish 你想得美 mortal flesh 终有一死的肉体 ...


梦想成真(you wish) (哥哥与弟弟的矛盾,原来兄弟之间是这样的。)★宛如天堂(Just Like Heaven)甜蜜十一月(Sweet N…


you wish_百度知道 ... ·You Wish 你希望 my cell phone is on 24/7 fast lane 快节奏生活 ... ...


曾国立alexZ_新浪博客 ... If you learn,you grow 如果你学习,你成长; If you grow,you wish 如果你成长,你期许; ...



最新的和优美的经典英语句子... ... 35.I'm broke. 我身无分文. 36.You wish. 你臭美. 37.This is a private. 这是私人谈话. ...


《脱口而出... ... 2. Pretty good. 不错。 3. You wish 你想得倒美! 4. No way 没门儿!/ 不可能的事!/ 怎么会呢! ...

If enemies you wish to be, then I shall simply have to crush you all a third time before exacting justice on the halfling. 如果你们想要成为敌人,那么我只得在半身人的公平裁决到来之前,将你们第三次击溃了。
Would you be good enough to tell me what you wish to see him about? 请问你可以告诉我有何事要见他吗?
Could you take the trash out for me? Honey, I'm busy cooking. Could you take the trash out for me? As you wish. 你可以帮我倒垃圾吗?甜心,我正在忙着煮饭。你可以帮我倒垃圾吗?就照你说的办。
As for your comments, if you care to make, or discussions and experiences that you wish to share as well, will be highly appreciated. 欢迎各位访客就此发表评论,或者讨论以及分享自己的经历。
Traditionally it had to be two numbers, separated by a dot - now you can choose any number of numbers that you wish. 习惯上它必须有两个数字,用点隔开-现在你可以选择使用你想要的任何数字。
Would you give me an idea how much you wish to order from us, so that we may adjust our prices accordingly? 你会给我一个主意吗你愿从我们命令多少,所以我们可能因此调整我们的价格?。
I'm not trying to tell you can have anything you wish for. 我不是在告诉你可以拥有任何想要的东西。
"Meals will be brought to you, " Deleta said. "Do not wander the ship alone. If you wish a tour, one will be arranged for you shortly. " “三餐会为你们送来的,”迪丽塔说,“不要在船上乱逛。如果你们想要四处走走,很快会给你们安排一位向导的。”
Catching the Explorer bus, complete with expert commentary, is the perfect way to see as much, or as little, of this leafy city as you wish. 登上观光车,伴有专业的解说,您完全可以按照自己的喜好,看多看少,了解这座独特的城市。
Would you give me an idea how much you wish to order from us? 您能告诉我,您想要从我们这里预订多少呢?
One last question, is there any sort of art or design work that you aren't currently doing that you wish you were? 最后一个问题,是否存在一类艺术或设计作品是你想做但目前还没做的?
Come and dine with me tonight if you're free, and we'll go into the matter afterward: in case you wish to call on our client tomorrow. 如果你有空,今晚请过来一起吃晚饭,饭后我们把事情研究一下——假如你想明天拜访我们的委托人的话。
How much do you wish to pay into your account? 你希望在你之户头上存多少?
How much longer do you wish to extract pieces and parts of the earth, burn them up and put them in the atmosphere? 你打算还要榨取地球的片段部分,烧光它们并把它们排放到大气去多久呢?
Movable hooks allow you to rearrange tools as you wish to maximize convenience. 可滑动挂钩是你随心所欲、最为便利的排列工具。
I'll leave that to you, as that seems to be your opinion. My opinion still stands whether you wish to put your own words in my mouth or not. 我得对你们说,那些似乎是你们的观点,但我还是会坚持我自己的观点,不管你是不是想把你的意愿强加给我。
And you wish, you had more than just a lifetime to give back all I've given you and that's what you believe. 你也希望可以拥有比一辈子更长的时间来回报所有我对你的付出,而这是你深信不移的。
The rest of the day is yours to do with as you wish - and you may wish to devote it to thought. 其余时间如你所愿是你自己的——你可以将它用于思考。
Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be. 不要因为不能使别人像你希望的那样而生气,因为你也不能使自己像你希望的那样。
In other words, if you wish to do so, could each of you pull out of the World Championship at short notice, say at the end of this year? 换个说法,如果你愿意这么说,你们每个人都可以在今年后提出要突然退出世界冠军的争夺吗?
But why should you wish to persuade me that I feel more than I acknowledge? 可是,你为什么偏要逼我,认为我没有把真心话全说出来呢?
"That is to say, " she resumed quickly, "you do not know her, but you wish to know her. " “就是说,”她连忙改口,“您不认识她,但是您想要认识她。”
What's done is done, no matter how hard you wish or how much you think about it. 木已成舟,无论你多么渴望,想再多也是没用的。
Next select the number of coins you wish to bet on your hand by clicking the left mouse button over the "BET ONE" button up to five times. 然后点击“下注1筹码”选择您希望在1手牌中每一手使用的筹码数目,最高可以加到5个筹码。
Finally, wish that you and your family are healthy , everything turns out as you wish! 最后,祝愿你和你的家人身体健康,万事如意!
Each of you have so much talent, and with so much time to yourself in the future will be able to devote as much to it as you wish. 你们每个人其实拥有着如此多的天赋,在未来你们都有如此多的时间,将能够呈现出如你所愿的一切。
In raising our children there is one thing I always try to remember, treat others as you wish to be treated. 在育儿方面有一点我一直试图记住:以你自己乐于接受的方式对待别人。
Do what you intuitively do on the inside to allow yourself to be ready to receive the gifts you wish. 由你的直觉指引你去做应作的,容许自己接受你渴望已久的礼物。
As you wish. Well, if your order is large enough, we are ready to reduce our prices by 2 per cent. 当你愿。好吧,如果你的次序够大的,我们准备好在2点之前每一分减少我们的价格。
Each time the dog responds as you wish, praise him. Whenever he ignores your command, make him do what you commanded and then praise him. 每当狗狗做到你的目标一定要赞美他,如果他不理睬你,再下达命令直到他听从你的指令然后赞扬他。