
美 [pleɪn]英 [pleɪn]
  • n.平面;飞机;刨子;境界
  • v.用刨子刨平;滑翔;擦着水面疾驶
  • adj.平的;平坦的
  • 网络水平;平面物体

复数:planes 现在分词:planing 过去式:planed



1.飞机a flying vehicle with wings and one or more engines

2.平面any flat or level surface, or an imaginary flat surface through or joining material objects

3.(思想、存在或发展的)水平,程度,阶段,境界a level of thought, existence or development


初中英语单词表大全2182个带音标 - 豆丁网 ... goodness 善良;美德 469 plane 飞机 470 with 对....;关于 471 ...


数学常用英文词汇_百度文库 ... equilateral 等边形 plane 平面 square 正方形,平方 ...

机械英语词汇|各类常用英语词汇 ... mill 锉 plane grind 磨 ...


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《老友记》4000个高频单词 - 豆丁网 ... incredible adj. <口>难以置信的 plane n. 平面, 飞机, 水平, 程度, 刨 tough n. 恶棍 ...


maya工具_百度知道 ... Cone 圆台(锥)体 Plane 平面物体 Circle 圆 ...


新目标八年级下册英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... accident n. 事故,意外的事 159 plane a. 平的; modern a. 现代的; ...

But Air Force undersecretary for space programmes Gary Payton has said the plane programme is not pursuing "offensive capabilities" . 但负责太空计划的空军副部长加里·佩顿说,研制太空飞机计划的目的不在于追求“攻击性能”。
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw this cool photo of a crow landing on an eagle. 它是一只鸟,还是一架飞机?当我看到乌鸦骑着老鹰遨游的时候,我简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。
The size of a hole determines how much air could rush out of a plane at once -- and how dangerous the situation will become. 洞的大小决定了有多少空气可以立刻流出飞机--及情况会变得多危险。
He jumped in with his equipment and yelled, "Let's go! Let's go! " The pilot swung the plane into the wind and soon they were in the air. 他带着他的装备跳上去大声说,“开吧!开吧!”驾驶员把飞机转向风头很快就飞在空中。
'We didn't want to put people unnecessarily in harm's way, ' he said. 'We were the first agency to know everybody was out of the plane. ' 卡萨诺说,“我们不希望任何人受到不必要的伤害。当时我们是第一个得知所有人均已离开飞机的部门。”
Moments earlier, Madden had landed on this same road; he took the photo through the window of his plane. 没几分钟前麦登才搭机在同一条路上着陆,他隔着座机的窗户拍下这幅照片。
While all the other passengers made for the exit. He alone remained in his seat as if unwilling to leave the plane. 当全部乘客都向出口处走去时,他却独自留在座位上,好像不愿意离开这架飞机似的。
got off the flight with a full welcome, there was a woman standing next to the man who appeared timid at the welcoming of the plane. 贵宾拜登一下飞机就受到热烈欢迎,但在机场的欢迎仪式上,拜登身旁站着的一个女孩子略显羞涩。
She soon had enough money to pay for some of the cost of a plane of her own, another old Curtiss Jenny. 不久,她有足够的钱支付的是她自己的飞机,另一个老柯蒂斯珍妮一些代价。
Also, airlines have limits on how much you are allowed to bring on the plane. 而且,航空公司对于登机携带品也有限制。
The plane came down in a forest as it tried to land in fog in Smolensk airport. 飞机试图在大雾中降落在斯摩棱斯克机场时坠毁。
Well, that means the gradient is actually perpendicular to the tangent plane or to the surface at this point. 那意味着,梯度向量在这点上,垂直于切平面或者是等值面。
The mayor of one town was ready to send a private plane to New York to help. 有一个城市的市长准备送一架私人飞机来纽约援助。
A passenger surnamed Guo said he saw a pit on one of the aircraft wings the size of a bowl when he got off the plane. 150余名乘客晚点近6小时。一名郭姓乘客表示,他在下飞机时看到机翼上有一个碗口大小的凹洞。
He said the device broke into two pieces as he rushed to the back of the plane to throw it down the toilet. 他说,炸弹已烧成了两半,他迅速冲到机舱后部将炸弹扔进了厕所。
Rising up into the sky on board of a plane allows a human to see the world from an absolutely different angle. 乘坐飞机升到空中,人便能以完全不同的角度来打量这个世界。
a mechanical drawing of an object as if made by a plane cutting through it horizontally. 好像是用一个平面水平切开一样的物体的机械图。
He said the incident occurred during a maintenance check in preparation for the plane's departure. 事故发生时,此机械员正在做该机离开前的保养检查。
During the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, the Boomers will assist you and your chosen faction by bombarding the enemy from the plane. 在第二次胡佛大坝之战中,爆破者将用对敌高空轰炸的方式帮助你所效忠的一方。
A doctor, a lawyer, a little boy and a priest were out for a Sunday afternoon flight on a small private plane. 一个医生,一个律师,一个小男孩以及一个牧师在星期天下午坐一辆私人飞去出游。
The only thing Mark ever did was throw firecrackers out of his plane, but just to scare poachers, not to hurt anyone. 马克唯一做过的就是从飞机里往外扔爆竹,也就是吓唬吓唬偷猎者而已,根本伤不着他们。
Witnesses said the plane crashed through the hilltop airport's boundary wall and fell into a valley, CNN-IBN reported. 目击者说,飞机穿过小山顶上机场上的围墙,并掉进入一个山谷而坠毁,CNN-IBN电视台报道。
After 20minutes, the little boy picked up a toy plane, walked up to my Dad and said, "how much for this, Mister? " 20分钟后,小男孩拿起一架玩具飞机,走向我爸爸,问:“先生,这个多少钱?”
The genetic algorithm is usually selected as an optimization tool for the least square fitting about ordered plane data by B-spline curves. 在B样条曲线的最小二乘拟合平面有序数据问题中,经常采用遗传算法进行优化。
As a secret training base for a revolutionary new plane, it was an excellent site, its remoteness effectively masking its activity. 作为完全新型飞机的秘密训练基地是非常理想的。它地处边陲,人们不易了解其中的活动。
When the plane landed, one of the passengers rushed up to her and said, "I'm meeting my wife right away. " 当飞机落地时,一个乘客冲过来说:我马上要和我妻子见面了,怎么才能把口香糖弄出来?
If you think of a point in a plane as a 12 matrix, you can transform that point by multiplying it by a 22 matrix. 如果将平面中的点视为12矩阵,则可通过将该点乘以一个22矩阵来将该点变换。
It has always been a big mystery to me why anyone would want to jump out of a plane and put their trust in a parachute. 为什么会有人想跳出飞机而去信任一把降落伞,这对我一直是一个很大的谜。
On the plane I saw a film and had a good meal. After about 2 hours' flight, the plane began to get lower. I got to Xi'an safely. 在飞机上我看了场片子,吃了一顿可口的饭。年夜约两小时后,飞机起头下降。我平安达到了西安;
However, an airline spokesman said poor weather was more likely to have been a factor in the crash than the condition of the plane. 然而,一名航空公司发言人说飞机失事的决定因素更大的可能是因为恶劣的天气而不是飞机的状态。