i see

  • 网络我明白了;我知道了;我了解

i seei see

i see


英文商务邮件开场白&结尾 ... no response necessary 无需答复 oh,I see 哦,我明白了 on the other hand 另一方面 ...


QQ技术文章_QQ教程_QQ技巧 ... CU:See You, 再见。 IC:I See我知道了。 FT:Faint, 昏倒、晕厥。 ...


博文_spiiker每日一贴_新浪博客 ... I am deeply grateful 承蒙关照 I see 我了解 10 Workplace Tips 按时上班 ...


Office 2010 sp1 64位破解版 ... | | |--其他 Other | |--原来如此 I SEE | |--风景独秀 校园秀 Landscape Zone ...


  宫位涵义:旅行与进修 关键字眼:我看I see) 基本动能:直觉力 生命格调:自我教育 人生课题:正确的应用真理。追求对 …

In the front row, I see my mother, she is smiling at me. . . It is a nice feeling to be on stage and able to chant. 我看到母亲在前排对着我微笑……能够登上舞台而且能够唱歌的感觉真的很好。
I called A Mao, and should not, I see out, I saw beans spreading in a way that we had not had the A Mao. 我叫阿毛,没有应,出去口看,只见豆撒得一地,没有我们的阿毛了。
But I see something of my own from him. 不过,我从他身上看到了我自己的一些特质。
That is not, as I see it, a question of acting or being required to act judicially, but of being required to act fairly. 我认为这不是依法或有责任依法处理的问题,而是公平行事的义务。
And indeed, in the short time I've already been at TED, I see we're even closer than I thought we were before. 真的,在我到TED的短短时间内,我看到我们实际比我想象的要接近的多。
Ok, I see you have come to see me not so much to complaIn and get thIng straIghten out In a reasonable fashIon. 我明白了,你来找我并不是真心提意见并且理智地解决问题。
Then I see him sitting in a front seat staring at me with the strangest look. 当时我看见导演坐在前排,用一种极其惊异的目光盯着我。
Ah , loyal to your sex , I see . But you and Mrs. Wright were neighbors . I suppose you were friends , too . 哈哈,忠实于你们妇女,我明白了。你与赖特夫人是邻居,但猜想你们也是朋友吧。
But I see clearly that the time had arrived when it was better for me to die and be released from trouble wherefore the oracle gave no sign. 我清楚地知道现在对我来说,死亡比在世为佳。我可以摆脱一切烦恼,因此未有神谕显现。
Every time I see my room, my heart is always a bit sour, as if life has a lot of regret. 每次看同学的空间,心里总是有那么点酸楚,好像生活中有好多遗憾。
You know, I see this old backhoe that some red-neck is running everyday, maybe digging ditches out in the sun for the phone company. 比如这台老旧的挖土机,让我仿佛看到某个乡下小伙儿每天都开着它在烈日下替电话公司挖沟。
I feel as though the way I see the world is a gift, and I feel very blessed to be able to share the beauty I see with others. 我看待世界的方式好像它是一件礼物,我很幸运能够和大家分享我看到的美。
"Letters? I see no letters, it looks as if some arcane symbol has been burned into your arm, " said the Inquisitor. “文字?我没有看到什么文字,这个烙在你手臂的印记看上去象某种神秘的符号啊,”检察官说。
The waitress turned to me, eyed my saw and commented, "And I see that. you, sir, have come for our T-bone special. " 女招待转向我,看了看我的锯,说道:“我能看出,先生,你是来吃我们的T形骨特色菜的。”
May I see? Hmm. I see what you mean. I'll have to check with the laundry service about this. Could you wait a moment, please? 我能看一下吗?嗯,我明白你的意思了。我要核对洗衣服记录。请稍等一下,好吗?
The photo is an expression of my being and I see the human body as the best artistic representation of that. 这张照片展示了我的存在。我认为人体是最好的艺术表现。
You are going to complain about this. I see. That's where the trouble come yourself. Look you. It is mouth very hard. 你想对此进行抱怨。我看。问题出在你这里。还嘴硬。
I see it's no use trying to pull it out of him. When he gets good and ready he'll tell me. 我看出试图从他口中套出话来是不可能的,待他收拾好了会告诉我的,在此之前却不会。
For me, it's not a gadget. What I see are hours and hours of sleepless nights trying to get this to where I can enjoy it. 我看到的是无数个无眠之夜,我摆弄着手机,享受它给我带来的乐趣。
And after all that I put you through now I see Im not the only one. 而且毕竟,我替你接通我见到的现在我不是唯一的一个。
Now I see that if I had been prosecuted, it would have been a disaster for my family. 现在我理解到,如果我被告发了,这对我的家庭将会是场灾难。
And yet I apprehend the world in a perception that seems to concern the immanence of the I see myself seeing myself. 可是我理解这个世界,是以一种感觉,这种感觉似乎关心到我看到我自己看到我自己这个命题的内在性。
Looking back at my family's expenses over the past few years, I see big increases in our health care costs and in how much we pay for food. 回顾我们家在过去几年的家庭开支,我发现我投入到健康护理以及食品方面的资金增长很快。
Suddenly I see a dark, hairy crack in front of me set in a bright, polished billiard ball; the legs are holding me like a pair of scissors. 突然我看到眼前一个鲜艳、光亮的台球上出现了一道黑洞洞毛茸茸的缝,这时支撑我的两条腿像一把剪刀一样。
I should be able to see what I want to be able to see out of life. If that means that I'm a heroin addict and I die, that's what I see. 我应该能从生活中看到我想要看到的东西,如果这意味着我成为瘾君子而后死亡,这就是我所看到的。
I will hide it away, and I will not tell him until he reforms, and I see that his reformation is going to be permanent. 我要把它藏起来,非等他改过自新,决不告诉他,一定要使他从此改邪归正,永不再犯。
You know I think if I see another piece of nonsense about me and Dennis I think I will. Erm. Lets see. Fall asleep. 你知道吗。我想如果我再看见另一篇关于我和丹尼斯的荒谬报道﹐我想我会。呃。让我想想。入睡。
Oh, I see. For a case like this, we'll arrange for a lawyer to go visiting your neighbor with you. 哦,明白了。对于这种案子,我们通常会安排个律师去跟您的邻居交涉。
I had been wrong about my impact. Now I see that I can be a force in the lives of our youth. 我低估了我的影响力,现在我明白我可以给我们的年轻人一种正面力量。
I see. About how much were you planning to spend? 我明白了,你打算花多少钱?