
美 [ɪnˈklud]英 [ɪnˈkluːd]
  • v.包括;包含;使成为…的一部分

第三人称单数:includes 现在分词:including 过去式:included

include item,include extension,include everything,model include,section include
probably include



1.包括;包含if one thingincludes another, it has the second thing as one of its parts

2.使成为…的一部分to make sb/sth part of sth

You can include none at all if the function is being used as a procedure and has no useful return value. 如果函数被用作一个过程,并且没有任何有用的返回值,那么可以不包含return语句。
To be considered with your bid, include the phrase "willing to do a mich up" and your best work. Include 3 urls that are active is ideal. 要考虑你的出价,包括把“愿意做一个莫赫了”和你最好的工作。包括3个活跃的网址是理想。
You'll be amazed at how much more interested readers will be in your posts if you include an image with each one. 如果你的博文各自有一张图片,你会很惊奇为什么那么多人会踩你的博客。
He made such clear efforts to include the memory of his mother in the most important day of his life. 他为了保存关于他母亲在他人生中最重要的几天的记忆做出了明确的努力。
The model can include dependencies and interrelationships that allow you to understand the impact of decisions during the refactoring. 此模型可以包括依赖关系和交互关系,以便了解重构期间决策的影响。
their job advertisements and corporate websites will alert you to which ones they favour. Then tailor your CV to include the buzzwords. 不同雇主对于流行语侧重点亦不同。他们广告和企业网站可以告诉你他们青睐何种术语。你简历中可以添加这些术语。
QUnit is very easy to get started with, as you only need to include two files in a html page, no need to install and build anything. QUnit很容易学习,你只需在html页面中包含两个文件,不需要安装或者构建任何其他东西。
Potential plans include travelling photographic exhibitions, and printing fine art copies of her work, he said. 他表示,可能的商业计划包括巡回展出莱博维茨的摄影作品,以及将其摄影作品制成精美的印刷品。
They did not include the word corporation at all. 他们从来没有把公司包括进去。
This option sends the contact information as an attachment and does not include an Electronic Business Card in the body of the message. 此选项将联系人信息作为附件发送,并且不在邮件的正文中包括电子名片。
When you include early work experience, it isn't difficult to calculate the general age of a candidate. 当把早期的工作经历写进去,就不难算出一个应聘者的大概年龄了。
If macroeconomic theory is to be of any use at all, it must include an explanation for unemployment. 如果宏观经济理论要想有所助益的话,就必须包含一个对失业问题的解释。
If a particular line of code is causing an error, include enough code to make it clear what that line is trying to accomplish. 如果是某行代码导致了问题,应附上足够的代码以让人明白这行代码需要完成什么任务。
This paraphrases a warning that cellphone manufacturers include in the small print that is often tossed aside when a new phone is purchased. 在这里警告大家,手机制造商当出售新手机时,经常会标注一些警告语,包括利用小打印语。
Goals for the future include all the simple technologies needed to make ready- to - use therapeutic foods to treat malnutrition. 未来的目标是把这些简单的技术用于化学的食物中,来治疗营养不良。
If they get 'Melo, they get him on the agent's desire to include cap-crushing Richard Hamilton(notes) into the deal. 如果他们得到了卡梅隆,他们就得接受经纪人把能挤爆工资帽的汉密尔顿加到交易中。
If you include a Predict Value, you will see a chart that shows how much lift the model provides. 如果选择“预测值”,您将看到一个显示模型提供的提升幅度的图表。
When a style sheet is applied to an XML document, it is often helpful to include the creation date of the transformed result in the output. 将样式表应用于XML文档时,在输出中包含已转换结果的创建日期通常都很有用。
The WTO cannot live up to its name if it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind. 如果世贸组织不能容纳占世界人口五分之一的国家,那它就名不符实。
Both of those options, however, are likely to include some sort of dilution for existing investors. 不过这两种方式对现有投资者可能都有一定的稀释效应。
The company said the results include an 18-cent reduction per share from the repurchase of preferred shares from the U. S. Treasury. 该公司表示,以上数字包含了从美国财政部重新购入优先股每股所亏损的18美分。
The prices quoted above do not include any taxes, duties, ~s and any other charges of any kind which may be levied. 上述报价不包括税款、关税、进口税及其他各种可能征收的费用在内。
Blade: The expanded part of a leaf or petal. The term is often loosely used to include the entire leaf of grasses and similar plants. 叶片叶子或花瓣的展开部分。此词经常被不严格地用于泛指草和类似植物的叶子总称。
John ordered his own flowers and bad the clerk be sure that delivery would include a note telling his mother how much he loved her. 约翰订好自己的花,让店员无比在递送的花束里放一张便笺,告诉母亲他有多么爱她。
To understand the first light of the universe, we really have to include the role of these supermassive black holes in galaxy formation. 为了了解宇宙的第一个光线,我们真的要把特大质量的黑洞在星系形成过程中所承担的角色考虑近来。
In an era in which the law had such an influence, it would be surprising if his reading did not include law books. 在一个法律如此风行的时代,如果莎翁不读法律书,那反而是令人称奇的一件事。
With a new report created (or an existing report imported into your workspace), you're ready to include the report in your JSP. 创建好新报表(或者将已有的报表导入到工作区)之后,就可以将这个报表包括到JSP中。
Note that this does not include the server name, which can be retrieved separately. 注意,这不包括服务器名,服务器名可以单独检索。
I thought it would be fitting to include him in the Apple logo. 我认为苹果的标志里应该包含着他。
This study had aery small number of participants and importantly did not include a randomised control group for comparison of results. 这项研究只有少数的参与者并且重要的是并没有包括一个随机控制组用来和结果做对照。