to mother

  • 网络送给母亲;提醒我给母亲写信;致妈妈

to motherto mother

to mother


...lice Joyce Davidson)的一首诗「送给母亲」(To Mother)写道:


2011年高考英... ... ____________ me ________________ to mother. 提醒我给母亲写信。 award sb. sth./sth. to sb. 授予某人 …


YUI所有歌名的翻译 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... feel my soul 感受灵魂 to mother 致妈妈 understand 明白 ...


山寨版 yui 妹妹cd... - 阿金叔叔 ~ 回忆录... ... 3.光辉 GLORIA 4.致母亲 to Mother 5.旋转木马 Merry Go Round ...


船山笔记: November 2008 ... to father a daughter 做起父亲来 to mother 抚养 to summer 过夏天/避暑 ...


为人母”(to mother)这一英语单词则不同,不仅包含“养”,也包含“教”的意思。由于“为人父”不能与之对应,英语词汇实质上缺 …

Yue's most obvious exclusivity to mother lies in that she does't like seeing her mother talk too much with anyone else. 小猪对妈妈的独占性比较明显地体现在,她不喜欢妈妈跟别人聊天儿聊得太多。
Stylist: (to mother, in an aside) Don't worry. You can always chop off the mohawk later and convert it into a nice buzz cut. 发型师:(借一步和孩子母亲说道)别担心。一会儿可以把中间那道剪掉变成一个帅气的寸头。
They were concerned that she may not be fully prepared to mother her own baby. 他们担心她可能还没有作好充分的准备来哺育她自己的宝宝。
I was shocked when he flew off the handle and told me if I mentioned anything of the kind to mother he'd skin me alive . 是我震惊的是,他怒不可遏的对我说,如果我对妈妈提起任何这类事情,他要活剥我的皮。
She would also like to discard as ordinary people like Mei Lan back to mother, but she did not do so. 她如普通人一样也想抛弃媚兰回到母亲身边,但她没有这样做。
It was the lying face he presented to Mother and Father, when Peter had been cruel to him and he dared not let it show. 这就是原来表现给父母看的那张脸,当彼得残忍的对他的时候他不敢表现出来。
Listens to mother saying that that day on the avenue people face her to look, looked while smiles. 听妈妈讲,那天大街上的人都朝她看,边看边笑。
I don't want to have anything to do with you any more, I'm packing up my things and going off to mother. 我再也不想和你有任何关系了,我现在就收拾东西回娘家去~!
If I had thought of it would have talked to mother. 如果我想到了我都会跟妈妈讲了。
Theres love to God, to Mother, to a child to the country where you were born, and there love that joins a man and woman for all their life. 我们可以爱上帝,爱母亲,爱小孩,爱你出生的国家。爱使得男人和女人为了他们的一生而结合在一起。
He and his wife were Greenblood born, a pair of Dornish orphans come home to Mother Rhoyne. 他们夫妇俩都有绿血血统,作为一对多恩的孤儿回到了罗伊达母亲的怀抱。
As he wrote, Daddy read parts of his letter out loud to Mother. 当爸爸写信时,他把信上的某些部分大声念给母亲听。
When my eldest son was eight, the extended family booked a houseboat and spent the days leading up to Mother's Day cruising on the river. 在我大儿子8岁的时候,我们大家庭订了艘游艇,预备母亲节在河上巡游。
"We want to go back to Mother Earth, get nutrition for our families, " she said in Spanish. 我们想要回到母亲的土地上,为我们的家人获得营养。
I failed in a math exam, but I lied to mother that I got a good mark. 有一次我数学考试不及格,可我骗妈妈说我考得不错。
The birthday is not the day we were born, also the day important to our mother, so don't forget to say "thanks " to mother! 生日不仅是我们出生的日子,更是母亲的受难日,所以在你过生日时,庆祝之余,不要忘记向母亲说声:“谢谢您!”
After a hesitation, grandmother passed me to mother just the same. Mother embraced me for the first time, grinning radiantly. 娘第一次将我搂在怀里,咧开嘴笑了,笑得春风满面。
Father's Day traditionally takes a backseat to Mother's Day, and, for the most part, dads are cool with that, experts say. 据专家称,父亲节在传统意义上的重要性次于母亲节,并且多数父亲对这个节日的态度是冷淡的。
The women in the Family drama of the dramas of Yuan Dynasty are mainly referred to mother and wife in this article. 元杂剧家庭剧中的女性,本文主要指母亲、妻子两类。
In one of those visits, to Mother Teresa's orphanage in Bangladesh, she brought two infant girls in need of medical care home to Arizona. 有一次在孟加拉国访问特雷莎修女(Teresa)主持的孤儿院时,辛迪将两个需治疗的女婴带回亚利桑那。
My middle school life are free, I can live in schools, do not have all day to listen to mother father speak! 我的初中生活是自由自在的,我可以住在学校,不必整天听爸爸妈妈说话!
'Don't use such bad words! 'cried Tess. 'I shall go back to mother! I hate you! ' “请不要说这么脏的话!”苔丝叫道,“我要回到妈妈那儿去,我恨你!”
All we got was what we pinched out of the larder and then you used to go and tell tales to mother. 我们当时能得到的只不过是我们从储藏室偷拿的食品,而你常常去向妈妈告发我们。
His wife had done everything possible to mother him. 妻子竭尽全力,像母亲一样照顾他。
The Reverend John Miles presided over the service, referring to Mother as an American original. 约翰.迈尔斯牧师主持了葬礼。他把母亲称为“美国的原创人物”。
As one of the world's symbolic seven billionth occupants, little Danica May Camacho's birth is not only significant to mother and father. 据英国《每日邮报》10月31日报道,作为象征性的世界第70亿个居民之一,小丹尼卡-卡马乔是的出生不单单只是对她的父母意义重大。
Ketal compounds are superior to mother-of floral, fruit incense smell, is a new type of spices , widely used in daily food and fragrance. 缩酮化合物具有优于母体酮的花香、果香气味,是一类新型合成香料,广泛应用于食品和日用香精。
Now if only humans had such a simple system for figuring out who to bring home to mother. 如果人类也有这么简单的系统来分辨:带谁回家,领谁认妈,那可就好了。
Composting your organic food scraps is the best way to return to mother earth the energy that went into preparing your food. 有机食物残渣堆肥是一种使能量回归大地为食物的吸收做准备的最好方法。
To mother on Mothers Day: Thank you for all of the wonderful things that you h ave done for me. 母亲节给妈妈:谢谢您为我做了那么多奇妙的事。