take care of yourself

  • 网络照顾好自己;你自己多保重;照顾好你自己

take care of yourselftake care of yourself

take care of yourself


英文翻译送别某人_百度知道 ... see somebody off 为某人送行 take care of yourself 照顾好自己 keep contact 保持联络 ...


见面、分手时_旺旺英语教学网 ... 再见! Bye. * Take care of yourself.( 你自己多保重!) Don't worry about me.( 别担心我!) ...


英文翻译_百度知道 ... ok! I will! 好,我去做! Take care of yourself! 照顾好你自己 Best regards! 祝好!(一般是信结尾时用) ...


美国流行俚语(连载)[旺旺英语论坛] ... Take your time 慢慢来(不要急) Take care of yourself 请多保重 It’s done 就这样办 ...


IMusicsX: Raymond Lam ... 09. 反话( Irony) 10. 自己保重( Take Care Of Yourself) 01. 顽石( Stone) ...


狗狗的哲学之二_文学_乐龄网 ... 1、 跟着感觉走 LISTEN TO YOUR BODY 2、 好好照顾自己 TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF 3 …


最IN英文流行语 ... 16. I've been dying to see you. 我非常想见到你。 18. Take care of yourself. 自己当心,照顾好你自己。 ...


中学英语常用语500句——... ... 515. out a figure. 崭露头角。 519. take care of yourself. 好自为之。 520. Good trip. 一路顺风 ...

Take care of yourself and please tell him what I said to you when you see him. 请照顾好您自己。如果你能看到他。请告诉他我和你说的话。
To be honest with you, I do not want to be the cause of you not being able to take care of yourself. 老实对你说吧,我不想我成为你生活不能自理的原因。
You cannot be very effective in your relationships when you are tired, run down or resentful of never being able to take care of yourself. 因为要是当你疲倦,无力,或则说一直抱怨自己没能好好照顾自己,你就无法和别人维持良好的关系。
Even as a child you were the one who could be relied on to take care of yourself and do what you believe is right. 甚至还在孩提时代,你就能自理,做自己认为是对的事。
He only wants you to be happy in life. He only wants you to be able to take care of yourself, and those you love. 他希望你生活开心,他希望你能照顾自己,能照顾你所爱的人。
2 all the children, including children, take care of yourself, excessive can do or should do not let children do. 包办孩子的一切,过度照顾,本来孩子自己可以做的或应该做的也不让孩子做。
Remember to take care of yourself and to get much needed rest in order for you to have enough energy to breeze through the holidays. 为了能有足够的精力轻松度过假期,记住要照顾好自己,让自己得以充分休息。
He train moment, she said, to take care of yourself physically, he looked back, her face was wet with tears. 他上火车的那一刹那,她说,以后要自己保重身体,他回头,看她满脸泪水。
Take care of yourself and your loved ones by learning to let go of your passion and intensity for a respite. 爱护你自己和你爱的人,学会放下你的热诚和浓烈的感情一段时间。
Take care of yourself and always remember that I loved you more than anything in life. I just forgot to tell you. 好好照顾自己,永远记住,我这辈子最爱的是你,我只是忘了说出口。
Take care of yourself, it is not allowed to cross the flight region and come close to steep department. 注意安全,不得私自跨越飞行区域,陡坡处禁止靠近。
I saw the taxi from far away, I held my tears and said to her, "Take care of yourself, take good care of yourself. " 我看到出租车从远处开了过来,我强忍住泪水对她说,“保重,一定要保重。”
Redefine those unexpected waits in traffic or a grocery lines as an opportunity to take a few minutes to take care of yourself. 对堵车或杂货店排队等待重新定义,把那当作花些时间来关心自己的机会。
Now that you know that happiness requires action, you can begin to take care of yourself in new and different ways. 现在,你知道幸福需要行动,就该开始用新的不同方式照顾自己。
the weather is becoming colder and colder, take care of yourself . remember wearing more clothes . don't let me worry about you . 天气越来越冷了,照顾好自己,记住多穿点衣服,不要让我担心。
"Shocked to hear that, " an email responded. "Master, please take care of yourself! " 一封回信说:“惊悉!大师,请多多保重!”
Do you think about how you take care of yourself as you work at your computer? 当你在电脑前工作时,你想过如何保护好自己吗?
The weather is becoming colder and colder, take care of yourself ! remember wear more cloths! Don't let me worry about you. 天气越来越冷了,请照顾好你自己,记得多穿衣服,不要让我担心你!
You'll gain a whole new sense of your ability to take care of yourself. 你将会对自己照顾自己的能力有一个全新的感知。
It's being healthy, free from pain, being able to take care of yourself. It's having good times with friends and family. 健康、没有疾病、可以自己照顾自己、有时间和自己的朋友及家庭在一起,这些都是幸福的元素。
I hope to start some exercise to keep good health when we settle down in Portugal Take care of yourself, thanks for your rgds. 我希望当我们在葡萄牙定居后,我可以开始做一些锻炼来保持身体健康。照顾好你自己,谢谢你的问候。
If people resent you for spending on such things, remind them that you can't take care of anyone else if you don't take care of yourself. 如果人们对你在这些东西上花钱表现怨恨,提醒他们你如果照顾不自己也无法照顾他人。
We're so sorry that you have to leave. Well, take care of yourself. 你要走了真是太遗憾啦,那么多保重吧。
Please take care of yourself not to catch a cold. . . . . wish you a very happy Christmas. . . I am praying for your happiness! 请好好照顾身体,别感冒……圣诞节快乐…为你们的幸福祷告!
It means living a life in which you feel whole and happy, and can take care of yourself emotionally and financially. 它意味着过上一个你令你感到完整和快乐,能够从情感上和经济上照顾自己的生活。
Dear Sally, i'm sorry to hear that you're not feeling well, I think you should take care of yourself, that's the most important! Yours敬爱的莎莉,本人很负疚听到你不舒适,本人想你应该照顾自己,这是最重要的!
Wearing nice clothes demonstrate social status; accentuate your physical features and shows that you take care of yourself. 穿着漂亮的衣服可以显示你的社会地位和身份,突出你的身材且说明你懂得照顾自己。
Understand that you are the center and take care of yourself is the foundation of being effective and efficient at work. 了解自己是万事的中心,关心自己是有效工作的基础。
PUT ON YOUR OXYGEN MASK FIRST: Don't overwhelm yourself. Take care of yourself so you can be useful and supportive of others. 先戴上你的氧气罩:不要埋没了自己,照顾好自己,这样你才能成为一个有用的人。
That 15% margin gives you the additional resources to take care of yourself and continue the next day without burnout. 15%的余力使你能照顾自己,在每二天工作时不至于筋疲力竭。