the dog

  • 网络大头狗;索尼狗;盗狗贼

the dogthe dog

the dog


首页-广州淘巴公仔-淘宝网 ... SEGA 茶犬 THE DOG 大头狗 KFC 肯德基 ...


8. 索尼狗(the dog)模仿任天狗的9. 魔法气泡 噗呦噗呦10.DQ与FF富豪街 (大富翁类型)11.禅读 (推理类)12.小小大星球13.凯蒂猫 …


推荐几部好看的电影?泰国的。_百度知道 ... 宇宙只有我和你 Last Life in the Universe 盗狗贼 The Dog 热带疾病 Tropical Malad…


有你陪伴的旅程:送给狗狗的英文书_百度百科 ... Eulogy of the Dog 狗的礼赞 The Dog 狗狗 The Integrity of Ugly 丑儿 ...


赖世雄初级美语入门16_1035947181_新浪博客 ... 他的儿子 his son 这只狗 the dog 约翰的爸爸 John’s father ...


A light passenger plane lew off course... ... a dog 一只狗 the dog 那只狗 course 不是可数 ...


小盆友最喜欢的中英文... ... Baby's First Library ABC 学习英语单词 The dog 和狗狗一起,蹦蹦跳跳、喝水吃饭 Words 学习英 …

The dog was always beside his master as the fisherman made his little boat ready to sail. 每当渔夫在做小船出海的准备时,他的狗总陪在他身边。
After the dog got the ball, I tried to dislodge it from her tenacious jaws, but I could not. 狗咬住球后,我试图将其从紧咬的狗嘴里取出,但是不行。
Each time the dog responds as you wish, praise him. Whenever he ignores your command, make him do what you commanded and then praise him. 每当狗狗做到你的目标一定要赞美他,如果他不理睬你,再下达命令直到他听从你的指令然后赞扬他。
I said the dog doesn't go, and that settles it. I don't believe he's your dog. 我是说,这狗不会走的,我们没必要再争论下去了。
The dog is usually worked on a 10-metre or (30-foot) lead, but the length of lead actually used depends on the terrain. 通常,犬只行于指导手前方10米左右,但实际的距离决定于比赛的地形。
But the father was in a mood for having fun, and it occurred to him that it would be a fine thing to throw the dog out of the window. 但是父亲正在兴头上。而且,这时他突然想到,把小狗扔到窗外将是一件好玩的事情。
It may become necessary to put the dog in his crate for a few minutes and then get him out and try again. 把狗关在狗笼里几分钟,然后再放它出来重新尝试是必须的。
for cover. The man kicked out with a ponderous foot. It caused the dog to swerve as if caught in a tid. 跑到可以躲藏的地方。小孩的父亲用笨重的脚踢打着。为了以防抓住,小狗又跑到另外一边。
The dog looked to be on its last legs, and there was an unusual lump on the side of its body. 这只狗看上去奄奄一息,因为在它身体的一侧有一个奇异的肿状物。
West Midlands Police said the dog had been seized and officers were interviewing witnesses. 西米德兰兹警方说,这条狗已经被捕,警员正在审问证人。
He looked at the piece of paper, and there was no word on it. He looked at the dog, and laughed. 屠夫于是看了看纸,原来是张白纸,上边一个字都没有。他看着小狗,忍不住笑了起来。
The dog grovel at his feet when he shout at it. 他一叫,那狗就趴在他脚下。
With that, the dog jumped to his feet, soiled the paper , ate the cookies and drank the milk. “休息去吧”,他大声对狗,他的脚,弄脏了纸,吃饼干,喝牛奶。
Through a number of domestic partnerships, walking the dog has been a form of privacy for me. 对我而言,在各种同居伴侣关系中,遛狗成了一种私密性的形式。
Then he took the money, sausage and sheep leg in a pocket, then let the dog off. 于是他收了钱,把香肠和羊腿放进一个口袋,然后让狗叼起来。
Then he took two steps, still holding the gun, and kicked the dog's body away, for us to bury it as well. 接着他朝前走了两步,手上仍然握着枪,将那条狗的尸体踢到一边,我们把它也给埋了。
Their veterinarian said he thought the dog had cataracts that might be surgically removed. 兽医认为这只狗患白内障,也许可以手术摘除。
I go over to see it, the dog has look at me, has taken a sniff at Barbecued Spare Ribs in my hand again, chasing me desperately. 我走过去看一看它,狗看了一眼我,又嗅了嗅我手中的烧排骨,就拼命地追着我。
The dog claimed that I'd never be able to photograph the musician's face on his way out. 这条看门狗要求:从他那儿出去以后决不能拍摄那位音乐家的脸。
'Watch this, ' says Robbie, with a grin. He opens the door boldly and the dog, relaxing, slinks over to the other side of the car. “瞧着啊”福勒笑着对我说,然后勇敢的打开车门,那条狗立刻安静下来,乖乖的走到另一边。
Suddenly the dog hit upon a good idea. He lit up a fire and began to fry fish. 狗狗忽然有了好办法,他点起火,开始煎鱼喽!
That will give the dog a routine and help him see that the family is the source of his food, and he has to work for it, he said. 这样会让狗狗形成习惯,帮助他明白这个家庭是他的食物来源、他也必须为他们干活儿。
He has nothing but a lovely dog. The dog has been with him for many years. 他只有一只可爱的狗。那狗已经跟他多年了。
After a minute or two sitting in contemplative silence by the fire, the dog went to the door and whined to be let out. 狗蹲在炉火旁,在沉默中静静地待了一两分钟,然后来到门边,呜呜叫着让人放它出去。
She will have to ask someone to her home and not change the daily schedule of the dog, so it would not get unused to. 只能请别人住到家里来,早晚不改变它的起居时间表,能够让狗狗不会特别不适应。
By contrast, at least the dog wins from a day in the office, which will almost certainly be greater fun than a day home alone. 相比之下,目前这项方案至少对狗而言是件好事,在办公室呆一天几乎肯定比独自在家呆一天有意思得多。
"Oh, it is nothing, " said the dog. "Every night my master puts a collar around my neck and chains me up. You will soon get used to it. " “噢!那没什么。”狗答道。“每天晚上我的主人在我脖子上套个圈并放链子把我锁住,过不了多久你也会用到的。”
What if the dog knew there was a mine but simply didn't bother to let the handler know, leading to a tragedy later? 如果是狗知道那里有个矿井但只是简单地不想麻烦而没有告诉训练者从而导致了悲剧的发生,那又该如何呢?
The hunter couldnt believe his eyes and said, The dog, walking on water! He kept rubbing his eyes and looking. 猎人不敢相信自己的眼睛,自言自语:那只狗竟然走在水上!他揉着眼睛,看了又看。
The dog walks around the front, looks at the number, and goes back to his seat. 狗狗走到车前,看了看线路号,不对,又坐回去了。