the shy

  • 网络腼腆的

the shythe shy

the shy


波列斯拉夫五世(Boleslaw V),绰号"朴素的(the Chaste)"或"腼腆的(the Shy)。亨利克传记:波兰的有力诸侯。

Two of the herons raised their heads to watch as the Shy Maid drifted away from the bank, out into the current. 两只白鹭抬起头看着害羞小姐号离岸滑进水流,缓缓向下游驶去。
The Shy Maid moved through the fog like a blind man groping his way down an unfamiliar hall. 害羞小姐号像一个在陌生的大楼里搜寻道路的盲人一样穿过浓雾。
Your powerful desire to be the center of attention along with your vanity is pernicious for the shy, sensitive Crab. Not a choice alliance. 害羞、敏感的蟹子并不适合过于强势、以自我为中心的狮子。巨蟹座人并不是你理想的选择。
The roof the boy was standing on turned out to be the cabin of the Shy Maid, an old ramshackle single-masted pole boat. 那男孩站的屋顶其实是破旧不堪的单桅撑船“害羞小姐”号的一个船舱。
On the Shy Maid, he made his bed atop the roof of the cabin, with a coil of hempen rope for a pillow. 在害羞小姐号上,他在船舱顶上铺床,用一卷麻绳做了个枕头。
Your face still lightens up the shy in the night, your voice still rhymes the rainfall, and your hair still soften the wind. 你的脸仍然点亮夜空,你的声音仍然使落雨充满韵律,你的头发仍然让风变得轻柔。
The Shy Maid moved with the current. Her sail had not been raised since she first entered the Sorrows. 害羞小姐号随着水流飘荡,她的风帆自从来到伤心地就没有鼓起过。
Not the shy ice cream bells' giggle of Rachel and Lucy's family, but all of a sudden and surprised like a pile of dishes breaking. 不是拉切尔和露西一家人那样羞涩的傻笑,向冰淇淋铃声一样,而是突然的、吃惊的笑,像一叠盘子打碎了的感觉。
Arcade roulette adapted version of the game, if you also like to stimulate the capsule in the shy, it would be used to vent the game on! 街机轮盘赌游戏的改编版,如果你喜欢刺激又囊中羞涩,那就用这个游戏发泄一下吧!
all the shy, already Danran no deposit, is replaced by a more infatuated with such a feeling. 所有的害羞,早已经淡然无存,取代的是更加迷恋着那样的感觉。
The shy manual worker didn't talk much about his dream, but he sang it out loud with his amazing voice. 这名从事体力工作的劳动者很腼腆,在谈论自己梦想时着墨不多,却用美妙歌喉大声唱出自己的梦想。
You are not the shy person you think you are! 你不是自己想像中那样害羞的人!
No longer the shy girl who married a prince, she used her glamour and know-how to win recognition for her causes. 不再是当年那位嫁给王子的羞涩女孩的她,运用了个人魅力与技巧为自己的事业赢得了众人的认可。
Then, the shy boy takes out the prepared ring and helps his girl to wear it on her finger in front of the audience and hosts. 然后,羞涩的小男孩在现场给他的女朋友戴上了事先就准备好了的求婚戒指。
These masks come in varied shapes and colors like, the aggressor, the conformist, the nice guy, the shy one, etc. 这些面具有多种形状及颜色,像是侵略型的、顺从型的、乖孩子型的、害羞型的等等。
When you lose contact with the birds, the shy and timid quail, then you lose contact with your child and the person across the street. 当你失去与鸟类,与害羞胆小的鹌鹑的联系时,你就与你的孩子和路上的行人失去了联系。
The shy child clung to her mother. 这个怕羞的女孩紧贴着妈妈。
The shy waitress apologized to me for making a mistake after she charged me 100 yuan for just one tin of coke. 害羞的服务员因为一听可乐收了我100元的错误而向我道歉。
But the shy little girl has a reason to smile at last, for now she has been left with just a small red scar after an operation. 但是经过手术后,现在她的鼻子上仅有一个小小的红色疤痕,这名害羞的小女孩终于可以笑逐颜开了。
all the shy piled high in red on the face And dare not look directly at his eyes. 所有的害羞堆满在红红的脸上,不敢直视他的目光。
At the prow of the Shy Maid, Young Griff stood with the third pole, to push them away from hazards as they loomed up through the mists. 在害羞小姐号的穿透,小格里夫站在第三个撑杆边,将在雾霭中摸索的众人推离危险。
I considered myself a chameleon, blending in with my surrounding and remaining the shy sixth-grader I had always been. 我觉得自己就像一条变色龙,与周围的环境融为一体,保持着自己作为一个六年级学生一贯的腼腆形象。
Whether you were the shy one at high school or the most popular person on campus, starting university is a clean slate for everyone. 不管高中时你是腼腆少年,还是校园中的风云人物;升入大学,每个人都是一张白纸。
A number of peasants are working inthe fields with the sun burning in the shy. 许多农民顶着烈日在地里耕作。
The humble are not the shy and meek, they are the bravest warriors of them all for they possess both confidence and selflessness. 谦逊并不是害羞或驯服,耶稣和苏格拉底是所有人中最为勇敢的勇士,因为他们拥有自信与无私的品质。
I had come to meet the shy-looking 17-year-old for a deeper glimpse into the opportunities offered by Start. 我约见这个17岁的羞涩孩子,以便对Start提供的机会有更深入的看法。
The shy former theology professor once admitted he had "no talent for. . . administration or organisation" . 这位腼腆的神学教授曾承认自己“缺乏行政管理或是组织能力”。
It looks like the shy snow white. don't let us see her beautiful face. 雪山又像是一个羞羞答答的白雪公主,一直躲在云雾不肯露出他的面容。
The Upper Rhoyne was full of snags and sawyers, any one of which could rip out the Shy Maid's hull. 罗伊达上游的水中漂浮着木桩等各种障碍,任何一种都可能把害羞小姐号的船体撕得粉碎。
ONLY its third fully-fledged head of state since it became independent half a century ago, Guinea's Moussa Dadis Camara is not the shy type. 自从在半个世纪前独立以来,做为其第三任完全成熟的元首,几内亚的穆萨•达迪斯•卡马拉可不是腼腆派。