
美 [taɪp]英 [taɪp]
  • n.类型;种类;字体;典型
  • v.定型;(用计算机或打字机)打字;测定…的类型;分型
  • 网络型号;类别;型式

复数:types 现在分词:typing 过去式:typed

same type,specific type,particular type,Common type,standard type
select type,specify type,choose type,determine type,define type


n. v.

1.[c]~ (of sth)类型;种类a class or group of people or things that share particular qualities or features and are part of a larger group; a kind or sort

2.[sing](informal)具有某种特征的人;典型a person of a particular character, with particular features, etc.

3.属于…类型的;具有…特征的having the qualities or features of the group, person or thing mentioned

4.[u](印刷或打印的)文字,字体,字型letters that are printed or typed


类型(最重要)——在文件资源上称为类型type),在主体程序上称为(domain)这三个字段在targeted政策下的对应如下 S…


报价单_百度百科 ... 货号( Item No.) 型号Type) 产品名称( Product’s Name) ...


类别type) 字符型 16 英文字符和数字的组合(主码),为Teacher|Master|Graduate 计费标准(criteria) 浮点型 Single类型 …


种字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 种块〖 seedpiece〗 种类〖 kind;sort;type〗 种麻〖 thefemaleplantofhemp〗 ...


渐缩管--上海肖特管件有限公司 ... 代号 Code 型式 Type 大 端 Large End ...


九年级英语单词表 ... online 联网;在线 type 打字 mostly 多半;主要地 ...


机型(type),是采用同一设计同一模具同一外形的一类型号的总称,例如t23, t30, t40, t41, x30, x31, x40, r40e, r40, r50等等,每 …

This type of chart grouping makes it easy to compare data from different parts of an application, or even across applications and servers. 这种类型的图表组可方便用来比较一个程序不同部分的、或甚至不同程序之间、服务器之间的数据。
In addition, research will help you to determine the type of movie you are about to enjoy. . . is it a remake? 此外,这种调查将有助于确定你将观赏的影片的类型。是旧片翻拍?
FSB and FSB-D type centrifugal pump, overflow part is made of Fluor plastic alloy, compact in structure and easy to operate with low price. FSB和FSB-D型离心泵,过流部件全部采用氟塑料合金制造,结构紧凑、操作简单、价格低廉。
This type of income is called residual income and is often coined an intangible asset. 这类收入往往被称为创造了剩余收入和无形资产。
To send a message, you simply type the message into a text box and press Enter, just like any other instant messaging client. 要发送消息,只需在一个文本框中输入消息,并按Enter键,就跟任何其他的即时消息客户机一样。
Might need to be serializable, so you might have to provide a type converter, depending on which resource writer is used. 可能需要序列化,因此您可能必须提供类型转换器,这具体取决于使用的是哪种资源编写器。
It almost looked like the outline of a player's body had been given a type of shading, emphasizing the differences between shapes. 看起来好像球员身体轮廓加入阴影,更强调了不同体型。
Telling a lie as a joke or to fool someone is a harmless type of lie, also known as a jocose lie. 开玩笑或捉弄人般地说谎是无害的谎言,也称为戏虐性的谎言。
Select the BodyText property and type This dialog allows you to specify the name of the database to be created on the database server. 选择“BodyText”属性并键入“此对话框允许指定将在数据库服务器上创建的数据库的名称”。
A "gravitational lens" of this type could be powerful enough to map the continents and oceans of a planet in a distant star system. 此类“引力透镜”的放大倍数可能足以映现遥远星系中一颗行星的大陆和海洋。
It was the type of writing which he enjoyed, because it permitted him to give free rein to his imagination. 这就是他喜欢的写作方式,因为可以使他充分发挥想象力。
It allows you to navigate directly to a particular class or type, or to a procedure or member within it. 允许直接定位到特定的类或类型,或定位到其中的过程或成员。
It is usually used for docks of framework type and ships due to the small size of its bottom width. 由于底部宽度尺寸小,一般适用于框架式码头和船舷安装使用。
Debris flows, also known as mudslides, are a common type of fast-moving landslide that tends to flow in channels. 泥石流(debrisflows,通常也叫mudslides)是一种能够在沟谷深壑中快速流动的滑坡体。
Negatively I say, I even do not know when I began to love this type of life. 说得消极点就是,我不知道什么时候开始喜欢这种模式的生活。
Finally, we hope against hope that we have the courage to ensure that this type of catastrophe can be prevented or mitigated. 最后,我们还是抱有一线希望,希望我们有勇气保证能够预防或者减轻这样的大灾难。
vi users will love being able to type mail in KMail using a vi text-editor component (such a component is under development). vi用户喜欢使用vi文本编辑器组件(这种组件正处于开发阶段)在KMail中输入邮件。
Europe and America from simple color swatch, lines create a strong visual impact that this type of product is easy to use printed card. 泰西夸不小以繁明的色块、线条给人工不败刚烈的触觉攻击,这类产物便于用刚印制卡。
Clerk : Unfortunately, this type of bedding doesn't seem to help much with that type of allergy. 店员:那就很抱歉了,这种寝具对于您那种过敏似乎没有什麽帮助。
Disconnect the highlighted hub from its current port and switch it with one of the hubs shown in bold type. 从其当前端口中断突出显示的集线器连接,并将其跟用粗体字显示的一个集线器切换。
For the latter type he claims that developers would be happy not to use multi-threading if it were a viable option. 对于后一种类型,Guy说如果这是个可选项,开发人员会非常乐意不去使用多线程。
It is, of course, the realization of the four modernizations, or as I said before, the realization of a Chinese type of modernization. 当然就是实现四个现代化,或者像我在前面说的,实现中国式的现代化。
We'll also discuss how the size of your operation can influence whether your best choice of a cloud service type is public or private. 我们还将讨论,运营规模如何影响您的最佳云服务类型选择——公共云还是私有云。
Also review the options under Show type and Advance slides to see that the settings are the ones you want. 另外请检查“放映类型”和“换片方式”下的选项,确定是否选择了所需的设置。
Now it's up to you to decide what type of link bar is best for your Web site. 现在您可以决定什么类型的链接栏最适合您的Web站点了。
The sculptural and architectural beauty of Greece still tells you of a type of creative genius which has never been excelled. 希腊的雕刻与建筑之美依然向你诉说着一种从未被超越的创造天赋。
The return type and parameter types of a delegate type must be at least as accessible as the delegate type itself. 委托类型的返回类型和参数类型必须至少与委托类型本身具有同样的可访问性。
In other words, if the set of possible values of the new type is a superset of that of the old type, then you have expanded the type. 换一种说法,如果新类型的可能值是旧类型的超集,那么您就已经对类型进行了扩展。
On the region label, look for the name of any region type that might be assigned to that content region. 在区域标签上,查找任何可能分配给该内容区域的区域类型的名称。
Three labels that have been attached to me since the day I was born with a rare type of growth restriction, known as Pseudoachondroplasia. 这三个标签从我一出世就跟随着我。这是一种罕见的发育受限症状,称之为“假性软骨发育不全”。