the end of the world

  • un.说起话来两头都能用;天崩地裂
  • 网络世界末日;世界的尽头;世界尽头

the end of the worldthe end of the world

the end of the world


神秘博士_百度百科 ... ROSE 罗斯 The End of the World 世界末日 The Unquiet Dead 借尸还魂 ...


最新电子琴... ... 07 交换舞伴( Changing Partners) 08 世界的尽头The End of The World) 09 情感( Feelings) ...


岁月如歌:曾感动你我... ... 18、奔放的旋律 Unchained Melody 19、世界尽头 The End Of The World 20、阳光季节 Seasons I…


英文经典_百度百科 ... 05 玫瑰园 Rose garden 06 世界终结时 The end of the world 07 雨中旋律 Rhythm of the rain ...


where is the end? – 《海上钢琴师》影评 ... 我看不到世界的尽头 The end of the world 用钢琴打比方 You take a piano ...

This book is so funny that I never tired of reading it, The earthquake ruined everything as if the end of the world had come. 这本书真有趣,我百读不厌。地震摧毁了一切,仿佛到了世界末日。
It will not be the end of the world, at least not far quite a while yet, but the world will slowly become a different place. 别担心,这不会是世界末日,至少需要相当长一段时间,但世界却会变得不同。
Humanity's been awaiting the end of the world since darn near the beginning of the world, and, to date, all predictions have been vaporware. 自从混沌初开以来,人类就一直在等待世界末日,不过至今为止,一切预言都是“雾件”。
But as Kaplan's life demonstrates, failure to win admission to the next stage of your planned education is not the end of the world either. 但正如卡普兰的人生所证明的,未能如你规划的那样顺利进入教育的下一阶段,也不代表世界末日的来临。
So many reports of strange things seem to tell us that the "end of the world" is coming indeed? 今年的奇事尤其多,这些似乎在向我们暗示“2012”年的“世界末日”真的即将来临?
The world's farthest distance , not the end of the world, but I am around you , you do not know that I love you. 世界上最远的距离,不是天涯海角,而是我在你身边,却不知道我爱你。
That would not be the end of the world, but it would be a step backwards. 这并不是世界末日,但是这是一个倒退。
and I'll cherish every moment as if it was the end of the world. . . 我会珍惜每一刻,就好像它是世界的尽头…
Missing a few hours of sleep on occasion isn't the end of the world, because it's easy to make up the sleep with no lasting side effects. 偶尔缺几个小时觉没什么大不了的,因为很容易事后及时补觉而不会有长期的副作用。
Those, it seems to me, are good watchwords for investors, regardless of whether or not the end of the world has ended. 在我看来,这对投资者来说是条很好的格言,无论世界末日是否已经到头。
There was a terrible storm; it was like the end of the world . 下了一场可怕的暴风雨,就象世界的末日来临一样。
God, what an awful sight. You ought to see it in there. Something like the end of the world. 上帝,这是一个多么可怕的情景。你应该到那儿看它。好像世界末日来了。
Mr. Holmes, if it was the end of the world, if this was the very last night. . . would you have dinner with me? 福尔摩斯先生,如果这是世界末日,如果这是毁灭前的最后一晚,你会和我一起吃晚饭吗?
You know. . . when you're young, everything feels like the end of the world. 你知道吗……人年轻时候,一点破事也会想成是世界末日。
So being without our iphones, GPS devices, and Blackberries might seem like the end of the world to some folks, come to think of it. 因此,这么想起来,对某些人来说不能使用我们的iphone,GPS设备和黑莓,看起来更像是世界末日。
So what? You say that as if it is the end of the world. 那怎么了?你说的好象是世界末日一样。
This is very important as many designers are not prepared to handle this and is not the end of the world if people don't like what you do. 这一点非常重要,因为很多设计师都还没有做好心理准备,事实上,就算有人不喜欢他们的作品,也不是世界的末日。
And for a minute, it really seemed like the end of the world. 一时间,真的仿佛是世界末日了。
And, if it turns out that something like bankruptcy is the only answer, it's still not the end of the world. 如果失败了,那么破产是唯一的答案,但它还不是世界的末日。
The watcher looks on impassively , unlike those around him, for he knows that this is not the end of the world. 观察者冷漠地朝上看着,不象他身边的那些人。因为他知道现在并不是这个世界结束的时间。
"I got an upset stomach, and I did not feel rested at all, " He said. "The end of the holiday felt like the end of the world. " 他说:“我肚子不舒服,人也根本就没好好休息过。假期结束就好像像世界末日要来了一样。”
Such a radical change might look like "the end of the world" but it is really just a test, and this moment is forging new strength in you. 这种激进的改变可能看起来像“世界的尽头”,但它实际上只是一个试验,在这一刻你是锻造新的力量。
If she won't go out with you, it's not the end of the world. 如果她不和你约会,那也没什么大不了的。
She remembers waking up in the hospital thinking that this was the end of the world. 她记得在医院醒来时想到,一切都完了。
Some people thought it was the end of the world and that all the stars had fallen from the sky. 当时有人以为世界末日到了,天上的星星都掉下来了。
Oh yeah, I found out that Alice gave you a knock-back but it's not the end of the world. There are plenty more fish in the sea you know. 奥,是这样,我发现爱丽丝拒绝了你,但这不是世界末日。你知道这个世界上还有很多姑娘。
To put it other way, the question of the essence of space is mere speculation, the secrets stay buried at the end of the world. 也就是说,一切的关于空间的本质的问题将只能是猜测,空间的秘密将被雪藏至世界的尽头。
Just telling someone that you don't want to hang out with them right now is not the end of the world. 就是告诉他你不要和他们兜圈子,而这并不是最终的目的。
Because my wanna be is to fly with you to the end of the world. . . 因为我的志愿是和你一同飞向遥远的天边……
Growing up step by step in tears, one is all alone, walking to the end of the world, will love let go? 一个人在眼泪里,一步步长大,走到世界的尽头,爱会放请吗?