
美 [ˈɑrbɪˌtreri]英 [ˈɑː(r)bɪtrəri]
  • adj.任意的;武断的;随心所欲的;专横的
  • 网络专断的;随意的;任意角度

arbitrary decision,arbitrary boundary


1.任意的;武断的;随心所欲的not seeming to be based on a reason, system or plan and sometimes seeming unfair

2.专横的;专制的using power without restriction and without considering other people


大学英语精读单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... court n. 法院; 法庭 arbitrary a. 任意的, 武断的 circumstance n. 情况, 环境 ...


考研英语常见词根的来历(词源) - 豆丁网 ... arbiter 法官 arbitrary 武断的 15. arith-arid 贫瘠的,乏味的 来源不可考 如: ...


英语专业八级词汇表_百度文库 ... appropriation n. 拨款,挪用公款 1 arbitrary a. 随心所欲的;专断的 archbishop n. 大教主 ...


项目管理术语英汉对照表 - MBA智库百科 ... Approved Project Requirements 批准的项目需求 Arbitrary 随意的 Arbitration 仲裁 ...


英语专业八级词汇表_百度文库 ... appropriation n. 拨款,挪用公款 1 arbitrary a. 随心所欲的;专断的 archbishop n. 大教主 ...


GRE 词汇表(红宝书) - 豆丁网 ... arbiter n. 权威人士,泰斗 arbitrary adj. 专横的,不理智的 arbitrate v. 仲裁,公断 ...


PS快捷键_百度百科 ... Variations-( 变化) Arbitrary-( 任意角度) Flip Horizontal-( 水平翻转) ...

This was the sort of arbitrary decision that no doubt cooled any enthusiasm he might have had for the new regime. 这种专断的决定毫无疑问扑灭了赫亚兹对新政权可能会有的热情。
Its choice of the vulnerable host is often arbitrary. 它选择宿主往往是偶然、随机不可测的。
However, it would be wrong to think that this made Chinese governance arbitrary, irrational, or despotic. 不过,要是认为中国统治因此变得更加独断、荒谬或专制,那就错了。
An arbitrary key is usually just a sequential number, where the next available number is assigned when a new key is required. 任意键通常只是一个序列号,当需要一个新键时,就分配下一个可用的号码。
It behaves as though it were a giant hash table, looking up key = value pairs. Give it a key, and set or get some arbitrary data. Memcached的奇妙之处在于它的两阶段hash的方法,它通过一个巨大的hash表来查找key=value对,给它一个key,就可以set或get数据了。
It is an arbitrary value the company gives the stock in company's articles of incorporation and has no effect on the stock's market price. 其是公司在公司章程中给予股票的一个任意价值,对于该股票市场价格没有影响。
others of their own lives, the concern must be concerned about and should not be concerned Do not care about, not to arbitrary interference. 别人对自己的生活,该关心的一定要关心,不该关心的绝对不要关心,更不能横加干涉。
Similarly, when the arbitrary chunk of XML is received it is wrapped up in a Message for propagation up the channel stack. 同样,当收到任意XML块时,它都将包装在消息中以便向信道堆栈的上层传播。
against a political regime that they felt was insular, arbitrary, and corrupt, and that did not allow them adequate voice. (突尼斯和开罗的抗议者)是为了反对他们认为孤立、专制、腐败、不允许他们充分发言的政治统治进行集会。
This procedure may seem somewhat arbitrary, as long JAVA useless, but others recently wrote to me for help one, So. 这个程序可能看起来有点乱,因为很久没用JAVA了,但是最近别人要我帮忙写一个,所以就…
Any pair of operations in a secure program must still work correctly if arbitrary amounts of another thread's code is executed between them. 在安全程序中,不管在任何一对指令中间运行了多少其他线程的代码,程序都必须正确地运行。
Hence, keeping information about filename and mime type is important if it is possible to upload data of an arbitrary nature. 因此,如果能上载任意类型的数据,那么保存关于文件名和mime类型的信息是很重要的。
The nature of such a tool is to read an arbitrary input stream and determine whether or not it satisfies the grammar. 这种工具的实质是阅读一个任意的输入流并确定其是否符合此语法。
It is a more or less arbitrary set-up and out of kilter with the integrated nature of the world economy and financial markets. 这或多或少是一种专制体制,与世界经济及金融市场的公平特质是不相符的。
A Geronimo module is an arbitrary component made up of a set of classes: dependencies, other modules, and a serialized configured state. Geronimo模块是由一组类(依赖性、其他模块和序列化配置状态)组成的随机组件。
An exception is the function ST_Distance, which must be used in a less-than comparison with an arbitrary distance. 一个例外是ST_Distance函数,它必须出现在针对一个任意距离的小于比较式中。
An accompanying footnote, however, seemed to leave the door open to review under the arbitrary and capricious standard. 然而,在其后的脚注中,为那些按照武断而多变的标准进行审查似乎敞开了一扇门。
Classes can be composed of classes which themselves have parts, allowing you to hierarchically decompose a system to any arbitrary level. 类可以由那些拥有部件的类组成,允许您按照层级结构将一个系统逐步分解成任意的层次。
You are not allowed to execute arbitrary external applications. If you want to be able to do this, contact your system administrator. 您不允许执行此外部应用程序。如果您想要打破此限制,请联系您的系统管理员。
No PCT dog products can be suitable for children of different ages and arbitrary allocation of the growth stage of the children. 无厘狗产品系列可适合不同年龄段孩子并任意配置各成长阶段的儿童房。
Later I got to the worse ones, which tended to get the E and F ratings. These letters are not a grade, but are arbitrary assignments. 到后期某些差劲的输出牛就会以E及F来厘定。这些字母不是代表级别,纯綷属于随意行为。
And the sort of arbitrary and brutal credit decisions being dished out to customers mean parts of the banking system are breaking down. 而那些加诸于客户、独断而残忍的信贷决定,意味着银行系统的某些部分开始失灵。
The scene of the crime is at once arbitrary and crucial: this place, to which they have never been, changed their lives forever. 犯罪现场立刻就变得任意和至关重要:这个他们不曾涉足的地方,永远改变了他们的生活。
Regulators want banks to be better capitalised. But how much better is essentially arbitrary. 监管机构希望银行有更充足的资本金,但充足到什么程度本质上可以是任意数。
But for now analysts work with a snapshot of that genome, represented by an arbitrary number of markers spaced along it. 但目前为止,分析人员都是使用基因快照做鉴定,即在基因中任意选取几个标记点做分析。
The constitutive relation thus obtained may be applied to fault of any occurrence and subjected to arbitrary stress conditions. 这些关系可应用于承受任何应力的不同走向和倾角的断层。
A five-minute time span seems to be the emerging norm, but it's an arbitrary standard and protocols differ. 5分钟,似乎是一个临界点,但这里面还存在时间裁定标准的问题,且不同的协约也有所不同。
Arbitrary or unlawful search of the body of any resident or deprivation or restriction of the freedom of the person shall be prohibited. 禁止任意或非法搜查居民的身体、剥夺或限制居民的人身自由。
Choosing our 10 Best Books of the Year was not an arbitrary process, but neither was it a scientific one. 挑选年度最佳书目并不是想当然的结果,但也没有什么科学化的标准。
That morning, Bouazizi got into a tussle with town inspectors who accused him of failing to pay a fine for some arbitrary infraction. 那天早上,博阿齐齐与镇上的检查人员发生了争执,他们随意认定他有违法行为,指责他不缴纳罚金。