as well as

  • na.和…一样;…不用说
  • 网络也;既…又;和...一样

as well asas well as

as well as

大学英语四级常用词组 ... as well 也,又 as well as (除…之外),既…又 ay as well 还是…的好 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... as well 也,又 as well as (除…之外)也,既…又 ay as well 还是…的好 ...

大学英语自学教程 - 豆丁网 ... carry over 继续下去,遗留下来 as well as 除„之外(也); over and over 反复 ...


英语词组大全 - 豆丁网 ... as well 也;一样 as well as …… 和……一样; 除……外,还…… for help ( 向某人 ) 求助 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... as well 同样,也,还 as well as 除...外(也),即...又 aside from 除...外(还有) ...


医学用语_百度文库 ... provide vt. 提供 as well as conj. 又;以及 periodical n. 期刊 a.周期的 ...


初中英语短语大全 ... again and again (再三)反复叫喊 well as 除…之外 158.get to the road 到达公路 ...

Small, but it is in France's top schools, because it is out of a number of artists: philosophers, biologists, as well as the president. 规模不大,但它在法国是顶尖学校,因为它出了许多名家:哲学家,生物学家,还有总统。有个总统是大家都知道的蓬皮杜。
The Basel club is now making a stab at this task as well as trying to co-ordinate resolution schemes globally. 巴塞尔俱乐部现在正在努力完成这项任务并在全球协调解决方案。
" The General Assembly elected central leading organs, Chen served as the secretary of the Central Bureau. As well as " Communist. 大会选举了中央领导机构,由陈独秀担任中央局书记。
After reading Part 1, you could install Ganglia, as well as answer the monitoring questions that different user groups tend to ask. 学习了第1部分之后,您可能已经安装了Ganglia,也能回答不同用户组可能咨询的监视问题。
For the dynamic behaviour of piles, a beam-column element was used for considering the axial force-dependency as well as the volume effect. 对于桩的动力本构行为,则采用了可以考虑体积效应和轴向力影响的梁—柱单元来模拟。
The format of a message, as well as its contents, is able to be configured based on the needs of each Outbound Broker instance. 消息的格式以及它的内容可根据每个OutboundBroker实例的需要进行配置。
Electrons, being waves as well as particles, produce a diffraction pattern when transmitted through a crystal. 电子和粒子同时产生波动,当电子穿过一块晶体时产生衍射模式。
Ocean freight is the most widely used form of transportation in international trade as well as the most efficient form in terms of energy. 海洋运输是国际贸易运输中采用最广泛的一种形式,从能源来讲也是最有效的形式。
Vanessa: You know as well as I do that money talks. He's just trying to make a splash in the business community. 你和我都知道金钱万能。他只是努力想在商界引起轰动。
Study photogenic people as well as photos in which you think you looked best. 学习上相人士以及你认为那些看起来在相片中不错的人。
During a break, Khan says he and many friends enlisted in the ANA out of a sense of patriotism as well as pressure from relatives. 在训练的间隙,汗告诉记者,他和许多朋友加入到国民军既是出于爱国之情也有来自亲友的压力。
At heart, JavaFX is a JVM-based domain language for constructing rich user interfaces, as well as a set of APIs for that language. 实质上,JavaFX是一个基于JVM的域语言用来构建富用户界面,以及作为语言的一套API。
This is often the case in many of the ethical dilemmas that are faced by individuals as well as professional accountants. 这是常有的事在众多的专业伦理两难面临个人以及专业会计师。
Your goal is to protect the system as well as you can within the constraints of the business . 您的目标是在业务约束下尽可能地保护系统。
Dialogue can be established within the framework of an already increasing number of forums, as well as in project formulation. 根据许多业已存在的日渐增多的论坛和制定计划的规则,可以建立对话机制。
If you make only favorable remarks about him and act as if he's a fine person, you'll be helping him as well as yourself. 如果你只说丈夫的好话并且表现出他是一个好人,那你就不仅是帮助了他,而且也帮助了你自己。
If it works as well as it did in mice, Bear says, it could be a first step to treating other causes of autism. 如果这种药物在人身上也能起到同样的效果的话,将是向治疗其他原因导致的自闭症迈出的第一步。
Beijing has signed up to United Nations principles on the rights of citizens as well as states. But it will only go so far. 中国政府已签署了《联合国公民权利和政治权利国际公约》,但也只会做到这一步了。
Biti said he has allocated enough money for a census next year, as well as a referendum for a new constitution which is still being drafted. 比提说,他已经分配了足够的钱用于明年的人口普查和就一部新宪法举行的全民公决,这份新宪法仍在起草之中。
My camera and camcorder were unable to pick up the detail of the lights in the sky near as well as the naked eye could. 我的相机和摄像机不能捕捉到在天空中很近肉眼也能看得很清楚光源的细节。
Canada bans corporal punishment for children under two and over twelve years of age, as well as the use of any objects such as a paddle. 加拿大禁止体罚两岁以下和十二岁以上的孩子,并且禁止使用实物殴打孩子。
It is correct to say that we wanted the spectator to share in the interior life of Barton Fink as well as his point of view. 可以说我们希望观众去分享巴顿芬克的内心世界以及他看问题的角度。
So today, i wanted to say thank you to everyone for giving me hope, as well as thank Sina for forgiving me a few mistakes. 所以现在,我想说,谢谢每一位朋友,是你们给我带来希望,同时也感谢新浪能原谅我的一些错误。
I said inshallah [God willing], too, but now I know as well as he does that this will never happen in his lifetime. 可是,现在我知道了,他也一定知道:在他有生之年,我们永远都不可能在巴格达见面了。
Just think of all the great jobs from manufacturing to retail as well as the benefits to society that have come from these breakthroughs. 试想想,从制造到零售所有的非常好的工作,以及这些突破给社会带来的好处。
The G-Men also found a hard drive. On it was an address book with website URLs, as well as the user's web traffic history. 执法官员同时找到一个硬盘,其中有记录了网页链接的地址簿,并有用户上网活动历史记录。
Every room has 4 beds, an air-conditioner as well as a balcony, wardrobes, an electric fan and a TV connection. 每个房间配有阳台、空调、风扇和有线电视接口,四个人住一间;
The secrecy surrounding the trip is a sign of its sensitivenaturalnature as well as the fact that this is a gamble by Washington. 围绕这场访问之旅的秘密是其敏感自然的象征,也是这是华盛顿放手一搏的的事实的象征。
The stakeholders did not define goals and objectives as well as cross-organizational roles and responsibilities. 涉众没有定义目的和目标以及跨组织的角色和职责。
We don't know why we didn't start as well as we have done but I suppose like everything else that you get, these things happen. 我们不清楚为什么比赛开始打地那么糟糕,我想球场上什么都有可能发生在你身上。