
美 [ˈjuʒuəl]英 [ˈjuːʒʊəl]
  • adj.通常的;寻常的;惯常的
  • n.惯常的事物;(尤指)常喝的饮料

usual way,usual place,usual practice,usual manner,usual standard


1.通常的;寻常的;惯常的that happens or is done most of the time or in most cases

But the copy he gave him had not been written out in full as usual. It was simply a blank sheet of paper. 这是一个简单的一张白纸,相反,他给他复印件已经像往常那样把全文写的。
The romance of the French, the usual coffee with a bowl of milk (Oulei coffee), continued to play up a happy mood throughout the morning. 而浪漫的法国人,则惯常用一大碗牛奶咖啡(欧蕾咖啡),渲染持续一整个早上的雀跃心情。
Yet despite our collective best efforts, one year on, the capital markets seem to be reverting to business as usual. 不过,尽管我们共同竭尽全力,但一年过去了,资本市场似乎正在回归常态。
But the copy he gave him had not, as usual, been written out in full. (他给他的那封信,就像平常一样,没有被全文写出)比较。
In effect, the usual constraints that tightly control cellular proliferation and identity seem to have been lifted from cancer cells. 事实上,癌细胞已经摆脱了原本应该严密控制细胞身份和繁殖所受的规范。
The ocean may be a little colder than usual, but I think you might still be able to hop in. 海水可能比平时凉一点,不过我想你还是可以下海游泳的。
So we applied for the usual W. P. A. coverage and let our customers deal with the matter of breakage. 所以我们只投保了通常的水渍险,而让我们的客户自行办理破碎险事宜。
I went to work the next day and, as usual, stood on the garbage bin, ready to dispose of the litter. Suddenly my feet slipped and I fell! 第二天早上我去上班,如同往常一样我站在垃圾桶上处理垃圾,可是我却一脚踩滑了!
She was as usual disentangling her eyeglasses, which had got caught in her lace tie. 她像往常一样把挂在她花边领结里的眼镜解下来。
Yet U. S. policy makers seem intent on keeping it alive, and Wall Street management acts as if it's business as usual. 然而美国的政策制定者似乎还想让它活着,而华尔街的管理层表现得仿佛什么事儿都没发生似的。
With older children we try to distract them. If you do the usual holding and comforting, I'm not sure how much sucrose would add. 对于大一点的孩子,我们会试着分散他们的注意力。如果你只是单纯的抱住他们安抚他们,我无法确定到底需要附加多少糖果。
Meanwhile, Kenyon stated it is business as usual for Chelsea despite the fact Arsenal are set to investigate the matter. 同时,凯尼恩声明不管阿森纳怎么想这就是生意。
As usual, a great proportion was trumpery which had begun to accumulate in his father's day. 照常,大部分的东西是华而不实的,还是他父亲手里就开始积藏了。
Driver appeared to re-uninstall the device, assuming that the original show did not install device drivers, as usual devices. 卸装显现器驱动重新装置,假设原本没装显现器驱动,往常装置。
Miss Emily met them at the door, dressed as usual and with no trace of grief on her face. 爱米丽小姐在家门口接待她们,衣着和平日一样,脸上没有一丝哀愁。
EXAMPLE: The rental agreement for the house near the river was the usual contract except for a rider about water damage that had been added. 河边那套房子的租借协议是一份常见的合同,但增补了一段有关水体破坏的附文。
Patient: I have not been feeling well for some time, I seem to be losing my usual pep and vigor. 我最近一段时间感到很不好,好像精神和体力都不行了。
It's true that scientists don't know exactly how much world temperatures will rise if we persist with business as usual. 的确,科学家并不能准确地得知,如果我们一切照旧行事,世界的气温将会上升多少。
The sun actually moved out of extreme NE during the heatwave last week and moved back to its usual rising today. 在上周的热浪期间,太阳实际上极端偏向东北方,而今天又移回了它往常升起的位置。
There was, as usual, a crowd of folks about the door, but none that Rip recollected. 门口,和往常一样,聚着一堆人,但是瑞普一个也不认识。
Every moment she expected to hear the pounding of his horse's hooves and see him come charging up the hill at his usual breakneck speed. 她分分秒秒地期待着听到得得的马蹄声,看到父亲用他那吓死人的速度驰上山冈。
Jack's grade in the exam was much higher than usual and he might have cheated, but the teacher gave him the benefit of the doubts. 杰克的考试成绩比平时高出很多,可能作了弊,不过老师宁信其无,没有追究。
Some of the better basketball players seem to have lost their usual skills. This made me even more nervous. 有些平时篮球打得很好的同学都发挥失常了,这也让我更加紧张。
As usual, the forces of darkness have triumphed over good. Life is nothing but misery, briefly interspersed with agony . 就像往常一样,黑暗的力量占了上风。我的生活中除了痛苦,还是痛苦。
In the meantime, her organisation, funded entirely by a government grant, is trying to go about business as usual. 在此期间,这个完全由政府拨付支持运转的组织正尽力像往常一样完成自己的工作。
And as I said above, recognition is usually for doing something out of the ordinary and beyond your usual job or role. 正如我上述所说的,获得认可是因为你做了一些不平常的事,或是你的服务超出了你的职责范围。
As usual, if you know of other fascinating people that would suit a similar follow up list, be sure to tell us in the comments. 象往常一样,假如你还知道其他有意思的人物,他们的事迹也类似以下名单中的人物,那么请务必在评论里告诉我们。
Should the father wake the children from the dream of the fairy tale, or let them wake subconsciously like the Sundays as usual? 作为父亲,该把孩子从童话梦里面唤醒,还是让他们能象过周日一样睡到“自然醒”?
A group of swan geese, in their usual formation, fly in the dark welkin to the south to which they said goodbye such a long time ago. 在灰暗的天宇之上,一群人字形的大雁,要飞去久别的南方。
It is not our usual policy to allow any of our young players to leave Kenilworth Road for another club. 这不是我们的一贯作风让年轻球员离开凯尼尔沃斯到其他俱乐部。