
美 [ˌʌndərˈstænd]英 [ˌʌndə(r)ˈstænd]
  • v.理解;了解;懂;清楚
  • 网络明白;懂得;领会

过去式:understood 过去分词:understanded 第三人称单数:understands 现在分词:understanding

fully understand,clearly understand,hardly understand,thoroughly understand,completely understand
understand meaning
understand word,understand situation,understand nature,thing understand,understand significance




1.[t][i]懂;理解;领会to know or realize the meaning of words, a language, what sb says, etc.

运作;发生how sth works/happens

2.[t][i]了解;认识到;明了to know or realize how or why sth happens, how it works or why it is important

了解某人know sb

3.[t][i]了解;谅解;体谅to know sb's character, how they feel and why they behave in the way they do


4.[t]得知;据信;认为to think or believe that sth is true because you have been told that it is

得到赞同be agreed

5.[t]it is understood that…默认;默许;不言而喻to agree sth with sb without it needing to be said

省略的字missing word

6.[t][usupass]~ sth领会;清楚;推断出to realize that a word in a phrase or sentence is not expressed and to supply it in your mind


英语构词法 - 搜搜百科 ... overthrow 推翻, understand 理解 broadcast 广播, ...


字典中 然 字的解释 ... (1) 如此,这样,那样[ so;like that] (5) 明白[ understand] (6) 耀;照耀[ dazzle] ...


字典中 明 字的解释 ... (3) 点燃,点亮[ fire;light] (5) 懂得,了解[ understand] (7) 阐明,表明[ make known;expound] ...

新概念英语单词表带音标(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... pleasantly 愉快地 understand ,明白 speak 讲,说 ...


字典中 明 字的解释 ... (3) 点燃,点亮[ fire;light] (5) 懂得,了解[ understand] (7) 阐明,表明[ make known;expound] ...


会晤是什么意思?_百度知道 ... [meet] 相见,会面晤谈. [understand] 领会;解悟. ...


听字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 听书〖 listentostorytelling〗 听说〖 hear;understand;betold;getwindof〗 听随〖 obey;allow〗 ...


星火考研词汇 - 豆丁网 ... trip n. 旅行 v.绊倒 understand vt. 理解;揣测;获悉 uniform n. 制服 a.一致的;均匀的 ...

Try to understand their viewpoint and experiences - they're going to be different than your own. 试着理解他们的观点和经验——他们是与你不同的。
Encapsulating this code into a function makes it easier to understand and reuse, and also makes the script easier to read. 将这些代码封装到一个函数中,便于理解和重用,并且使脚本更加易于阅读。
They work although the human pilots do not understand more than the general basics of their mechanisms. 他们的工作虽然人类飞行员不明白他们的基本机制更比一般。
he might need a little more encouragement, i understand this point. 他可能需要更多一点的鼓励,这一点我理解。
The interventions have been classified in a way that makes the evidence easy for policy makers and programme managers to understand and use. 对干预措施进行了分类,以便使决策者和规划管理人员便于了解和使用证据。
To understand Jobs's prognosis, it is necessary to appreciate the precise type of cancer he had, and the subtype he is believed to have had. 为了解乔布斯病情的预测,必须精确确定所患癌症类型,他患有的亚型。
Your friend seems to understand my inevitability of my victory. 你的朋友似乎理解到我胜利的不可避免性。
At first, perhaps because the first song they knew well, they did not understand what the lyrics said in French, it was easy to remember. 首先,也许因为他们非常熟悉我的第一首歌,虽然不懂法语,听不懂我在唱什么,但却很容易被记住。
We recommend you to be in a state of acceptance of what you will come to experience and eventually understand. 我们建议你们处在一种接受你即将经验的和最终领会的状态当中。
Once we understand something there is no need to be afraid. Fear is often based on ignorance. 生活中没有什么可怕的,只是要去理解他们。
He did not understand English. When he arrived in the United States, he take the bus to the hotel. 他不懂英语,当他到达美国时,他坐公车去旅馆。
Mr Soufan's main aim is to help Americans understand the enemy that has preoccupied them for over a decade. Soufan第一意图旨在帮助美国人了解侵略他们几十年的敌人,但他同时也在澄清问题。
And so, you've got to understand all this stuff in Science to enjoy the type of civilization we do today. 因此,你已经开始了解所有些事物与科学的关系,并享受今天它给我带来的文明。
We have prepared this Birth Plan to help you understand our philosophy and the kind of care we hope to have for the birth of our child. 我们准备了这份生产计划书,希望能够帮助你们理解我们生孩子的理念以及我们在孩子出生这个问题上所希望得到的照料方式。
Clients, the business stakeholders, do not always fully understand the benefits new software products can offer. 客户(即业务干系人)通常并不能完全了解新软件产品可以带来的好处。
I understand that. I find the business of getting up in the morning and going to the typewriter absolutely awful. 我能理解,我发现每天早上起来就趴到打字机前的生活太痛苦了。
They use this type of indexing because term-based search algorithms are well established and relatively easy to understand and implement. 之所以要使用这种索引方式,是因为基于词汇的搜索算法已经成熟,而且比较容易理解和实现。
Been cheated once so I know a lot of love, is silly to be all right, or, your broken heart to understand, and thank you for your deception. 已被骗过一次,所以我知道有很多爱,是愚蠢的所有权利,或者,你的心都碎了理解,并感谢你的欺骗。
The leading characters believed that there was no obstacle for the audience to understand the all-English performance. 虽然是全英文演出,但是在主演们看来这并不会成为观众理解的障碍。
For hours, they observed and documented the sea floor, struggling to understand the nature of polar life far below the surface. 他们花费数个小时观察和记录海底,努力了解水下深处极地生命的性质。
I try to make him understand that I am not interested in him, but he never gets the message. 我试图使他了解,我对他不感兴趣,可是他怎么也搞不明白这个意思。
And ZhangDanQiao, the last she said to me is that she has already no interests to understand me. 再说说张丹乔,她跟我说的最后的话是她已经没有兴趣了解我了。
The scientists do not fully understand how supplements may trigger early death, but they may interfere with the body's natural defences. 科学家尚不完全清楚维生素制剂导致过早死亡的原因,但这些制剂会妨碍人体的自然抵抗力。
If someone smells a flower and says he does not understand, the reply to him is: there is nothing to understand, it is only a scent. 倘若有人一面闻一朵花,一面说他不懂它,那对他的回答是:这里不需要理解,它仅仅是香气而已。
61548; Read the paragraph sentence by sentence, trying to understand new words from context. 阅读各段落时,要逐句阅读,根据上下文去理解生词。
Strong problem solving skills. Able to understand a business problem and implement a technical solution. 解决问题的能力强。能够理解业务问题和实施技术解决方案。
For friends comments here, i think most of them are grown-ups, social experienced, beginning to understand the world in a deeper manner. 对于来这里的朋友来说,我想大多数都已经成为大人,具有社会阅历,开始能够更深入的了解我们生活的这个世界。
I found a few 2 minute you tube video's which you might like to watch to understand this posture even more. 我发现,要是试用一些只有两分钟的视频的话,你可能会喜欢通过看来更好地领会动作姿势。
So, to understand sorrow or to go beyond it, one must see actually what is inwardly taking place, and not cover it up. 所以,了解悲伤或者超越它,你必须真实地看到内心发生着什么,而不去掩盖它。
Our goal is to help you understand these two components, to allow you to better plan your Workplace Web Content Management installation. 我们的目的是帮助您了解这两个组件,使您能够更好地计划您的WorkplaceWebContentManagement安装。