
美 [rɪˈvil]英 [rɪˈviːl]
  • v.透露;揭露;启示
  • n.显露;【建】窗侧壁;门侧;(汽车的)窗框

第三人称单数:reveals 现在分词:revealing 过去式:revealed

reveal secret,reveal information,reveal identity,reveal truth,reveal presence
clearly reveal,inadvertently reveal,publicly reveal


But there has not been a single medical bulletin, and even the precise location of the "baseball-sized" tumour has still not been revealed. 但连一份简单的医疗情况报道都没有,甚至是这块“棒球大小的”肿瘤在什么位置都没透露。
Earlier this year the Prince, who works at RAF Valley in Anglesey, revealed how he gave Kate his mother's blue sapphire engagement ring. 今年春天,在英国安格尔皇家空军基地工作的王子,展示了准备赠送凯特——已故母亲佩带的蓝宝石订婚戒指。
No consummate form in sending out amounts congeries is revealed very easy to be therefore likely. 发量堆积中的不完美的形状就会很容易暴露出来。
But where "The Long Tail" revealed something unexpected and informative, "Free" often feels as though it is stating the obvious. “长尾巴”向我们揭示的一些事情着实让人感到意外和豁然开朗,然而,“Free”一书感觉却像是在陈述明显的事实。
In the main the secret died with him. But it was revealed in many writings in his big box. 从主要之处看,秘密随他死去了,但它在他的大盒子中的很多文稿中被披露出来了。
The chemical analyses also revealed that some of the chemical ingredients in the fakes might have been produced in southern China. 对药品的化学分析表明假药中的一些化学成分可能是在中国南部生产的。
The head of the talus revealed avascular necrosis but the body did not. 该负责人透露距骨缺血性坏死,但身体没有。
Three weeks ago it revealed the existence of a uranium enrichment plant, potentially giving it a new pathway to make nuclear bomb material. 三周前,它透露国内拥有可采集制造核弹材料的浓缩铀工厂。
But a routine blood test revealed the Londoner had a problem with four tiny glands in her neck, which needed to be removed. 但一项例行血检显示,问题出在她脖子上的应该切除四个小腺体。
The entries he made in his ledger revealed who owed what to whom, and especially how much life had been borrowed by mammon from man. 他账簿的条目里透露了谁欠谁什么东西,特别是财神从人身上借走了多少时间。
The government has never revealed how much debt the local-government vehicles took on. 中国政府从未透露过地方政府的投资机构背负了多少债务。
Three other incidents revealed the extent to which the president opposed or refused to encourage advanced progressive legislation. 还有三件事表明总统反对或拒绝支持先进的进步立法达到何等程度。
Analysis revealed living with a son and his wife to be highly detrimental to a woman's health. 分析发现,与儿子和儿子的老婆共同生活,高度有害女性健康。
The only unusual thing about this was that the religious component was revealed. 这次协议的唯一特别之处在于透露出宗教内容。
Ronaldo revealed that he did not know what is Coronation Street until he was told that the Brit population is absolutely obsessed with it. 罗纳尔多透露,他一直不知道什么是“加冕街”,直到有人告诉他这是英国最受欢迎的一部肥皂剧,大家都着迷于它。
The scientist revealed that the geomagnetic field surrounding the planet was one of the primary influences of the entire biosphere. 科学家揭露,围绕地球的地磁场是整个生物圈的主要影响之一。
3 mind reading disorder (being revealed feeling) : he minds think what ear heard a not his own voice in said he thought. 读心症(被揭露感):他脑子想什么,耳边就听到一个不是他自己的声音在说他所想之事。
Even after a test revealed liver damage, he said, "The factory said it was normal. " 已经有测验结果显示他出现了肝损伤,但他说:“厂里说这种事属于正常。”
These records now clearly revealed that the employee's claim was entirely illegitimate; if anyone had a claim to make, it was the firm. 现在的记录显示这位员工的索赔完全是无理取闹;如果非要索赔的话,应该是公司。
Study of the inscriptions on the shells and shoulder bones of oxen revealed these had been used in divination by a Shang King. 对刻字甲骨和牛骨的研究表明,它们曾被商朝皇帝用以卜辞。
Results of this study demonstrate that this method enables most of significant shortcomings in risk analysis to be revealed. 研究结果表明:评价风险分析质量的方法能揭示风险分析中大多数的重大缺陷。
This time SAAB has loosened up a bit on the black disguises and revealed both the front and rear lights. 这一次萨伯放宽了位的黑色伪装,露出了前部和后部灯。
He said the updated list revealed "only the tip of the iceberg" in the overall pollution situation. 他表示更新后的黑名单揭露了整个污染情形的“冰山一角”。
Men only think three pairs of underpants are sufficient for a week's holiday, it has been revealed. 调查显示,男人认为度一周假只拿三条内裤就足够了。
Google CEO Eric Schmidt revealed Monday to The Wall Street Journal that the company is 'thinking' about returning cash to shareholders. 谷歌首席执行长施密特(EricSchmidt)周一对《华尔街日报》表示,公司正在“考虑”向股东派发现金。
But it was the result of the 2010 mid-term elections that most clearly revealed entitlements as a driving political force. 2010年的中期选择无疑更清晰的显示出了这种政治驱动力。
On January 12, socialite Zhao Xinyu revealed to the media that Zhang was being punished for her involvement with a married businessman. 在2010年1月12日,名媛赵欣喻爆料给媒体说章子怡之所以被泼墨是因为她与一名已婚富商有染。
Mystical powers were forecast; out-of-body experiences were to be expected; fundamental secrets were to be revealed. 神秘力量可预见;体外经验可期待;最根本的秘密被揭示。
He revealed that professionals inspect the heavy machinery in the lab every two or three weeks to see whether anything needs to be replaced. 他透露到,每隔两到三周专业人员会对实验室中的重型机械进行检查,以确保是否需要更换某些零件。
Just as some financial institutions proved "too big to fail" , some Japanese suppliers are now revealed to be too crucial to do without. 正如一些金融机构被证明“太大而不能倒”,现在人们发现日本的一些供应商太重要以至于不能缺少。