
美 [ˈterəb(ə)l]英 ['terəb(ə)l]
  • adv.
  • adj.非常讨厌的;令人极不快的;可怕的;危害极大的
  • n.可怕的人[东西]
  • 网络糟糕的;很糟的;极坏的

terrible accident,terrible thing,terrible pain,terrible mess,terrible weather


1.非常讨厌的;令人极不快的;可怕的very unpleasant; making you feel very unhappy, upset or frightened

2.危害极大的;造成极大伤害的;非常严重的causing great harm or injury; very serious

3.[nbn]不痛快;有病unhappy or ill/sick

4.(informal)劣质的;劣等的;拙劣的of very bad quality; very bad

5.[obn]极度的;极其严重的used to show the great extent or degree of sth bad


词汇竞赛 - 中国习网 ... Shorten 缩短 terrible 可怕的 Recognize 认可,承认 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... terminal a. (火车,汽车,飞机的)终点站 terrible a. 可怕的;糟糕的 terrify vt. 使人感到恐怖 ...


feelinglm的博客 - feelinglm - 网易博客 ... The performance is merely fair 性能尚好 Terrible 极坏的,很糟的 So so 马马虎虎 ...


feelinglm的博客 - feelinglm - 网易博客 ... The performance is merely fair 性能尚好 Terrible 极坏的,很糟的 So so 马马虎虎 ...


我的单词:越背越过瘾 ... tenth num. 第十;十分之一 terrible a. 可怕的;极度的 text n. 原文,本文;课文 ...


练习口语的经典句式,词组_百度知道 ... Surprise!- 给你一个惊喜! Terrible!- 好可怕! Toast!- 干杯! ...

This is a terrible state of metabolism for a man who's trying to lose weight, because surplus insulin boosts body-fat storage. 对一个正想减肥的人来说这是新陈代谢的一种可怕的状态。因为过剩的胰岛素会增加体内脂肪的存储。
I don't like this unit because the view is terrible. Take a look, it is so close to the other old buildings. 我不喜欢这单位,因为观景很差。你看,太接近那些旧式大厦了。
And, of course, you are bound to bump into some astral entities or a black hole. You could get lost forever, and that would be terrible! 当然一定会卡在阿修罗境界或是陷入黑洞中,也许会永远迷失在那里,那实在太可怕了!
Writing less than a year away from the destruction of the World Trade Center, her thoughts are inevitably affected by that terrible event. 撰写此文时,离世贸中心被毁还不到一周年,她的思考不可避免地带有这一可怕事件的阴影。
The pain was terrible, but there didn't seem to be much use crying because there was no one home to offer sympathy. 痛得太厉害了,但哭似乎没有多大用处,因为没有人在家可以表示同情。
He said he had made a terrible mistake and was tormented by what had happened. 他说他犯了可怕的错误,并被发生的事情所折磨。
He did not believe in the terrible aspect of Kali, much less in Her benign aspect. 他不相信恐怖外貌的卡利女神,更加不会提及她仁慈的一面。
The terrorist attacks that took place in Bali in 2002 had a terrible impact on the tourist industry of that lovely island. 2002年巴厘岛发生的恐怖袭击给这个美丽岛屿的旅游业带来严重影响。
Hold your horses! I'll tell you in a minute. Let me catch my breach. I just got here and I told you traffic was terrible. 耐心地等一下!待会儿就告诉你。让我先缓口气。我刚到这儿,而且我告诉你了,交通阻塞。
To his terrible embarrassment, he found that he had no enough money with him after dinner. 令他极为尴尬的是,饭后他发现没带足够的确钱。
A great and terrible hatred rose up in him for the butchers who had refused him credit. 他恨透了不肯赊账给他的肉店老板。
Refusing to go with an irrational flow hurts performance for a while, and could prove durably stupid if the terrible event actually happens. 拒绝追随无理性的大流,会在短期内影响业绩,而且,一旦灾难性事件真的发生,还可能长时间贴上愚蠢的标签。
B. K. thought Sue was just playing games. He couldn't understand how she could forgive him for such a terrible crime. 想这是sue玩的手段,他不明白她为什么要原谅一个罪犯。
If I had a dollar for every time I visited a blog that had been tweaked to the point of looking terrible, I'd be as rich as Bill Gates. 如果每浏览一个被其主人扭曲到惨不忍睹的博客,我都有一美元入账,那我现在已经富比盖茨了。
By this time it blew a terrible storm indeed, and now I began to see terror and amazement in the faces even of the seamen themselves. 这时,风暴来势大得可怕,我看到,连水手们的脸上也显出惊恐的神色。
Even when things appear to be terrible, you can trust that God is still working out his divine plan for your life. 即便有时情况糟糕透顶,你总是可以相信,在上天的安排下,你自有你自己的天命。
I didn't like the atmosphere. The organization was terrible, and there was no discipline. 我不喜欢那里的气氛,组织得很糟糕,又没有纪律性。
He's feeling absolutely terrible, and he thinks he might have flu. 而且他认为他可能得了流感。
"He made a terrible mistake in having these files on his computer and going to China, " Tunick said. "He never intended to harm anyone. " “他把这些文件下载到自己的电脑里,而且去了中国,犯了一个严重的错误,”图尼克说,“他从未意图伤害任何人。”
From Saturday morning the rumour mill was working and Mark must have realised it was his last game. It was a terrible position to be in. 从周末早晨流言就在到处传播,休斯一定知道这就是他的最后一场球。他的处境一定很难。
He would get terrible letters from the public objecting to the First Lady cashing in on her position in the White House to make money. 他常常收到公众写来的一些措词激烈的信件,这些来信反对第一夫人利用她在白宫的地位赚钱。
I find it terrible for her to wear the big earrings. 我觉得她戴上那付大耳环后非常糟糕。
He would have some hot water before he began what he foresaw was to be a terrible journey to the ship. 现在,在他开始走向那艘船的这段可以预见其可怕前景的路程前,他打算先喝点热水。
All at once sky was covered with dark clouds and less than a minute we were in a terrible storm. 突然天空乌云笼罩,不到一分钟,我们就被卷入了可怕的暴风雨中。
In Russia this has been a terrible time to be a democrat, a journalist, an independent businessman. Just ask Garry Kasparov. 现在的俄罗斯对民主主义者,记者,独立商人都是艰难时期只要问问加里kasparov,象棋大师,有史以来最伟大的第一流大师。
Was it a call from God? I felt as if I was under a terrible spell, and I trembled, afraid that I might not be able to escape. 这是上帝的召唤吗?我感到自己被附上了可怕的咒语,我颤抖着,害怕自己无法逃脱出来。
The 'great Necromancer' referred to is obviously Kerghan the Terrible, after whose death was formed the Order of the Dead. 而“那个巫师”明显是指“混世魔王寇刚”,死亡军团就是为了追念死去的他而设立的。
I believe the general mood of society will be so terrible that our society won't work normally in the long term. 从长远上,我认为社会风气将会很糟糕以至于社会不能正常发展。
The news of her mother's death was a terrible shock to her. 她母亲去世的消息使她极为震惊。极为震惊。
Hours of melancholy calculation and terrible guilt gave no progress, and left me with a woeful regret for the day's events. 几小时忧郁的盘算和强烈的负罪感没能带来任何进展,却留给我对当天事件的一腔痛苦悔恨。