take off

  • v.(飞机)起飞;出去;拿掉;移送
  • 网络脱下;脱掉;脱去

第三人称单数:takes off 现在分词:taking off 过去式:took off 过去分词:taken off

take offtake off

take off


普吉岛中英泰常用词汇对照表(非常实用) ... 安全通行证 safe-conduct, pass 起飞 take off 落地 touch down ...


初中英语短语大全 ... 67.put on 穿上,戴上 68.take off 脱下,摘下 69.good night 晚安 ...


人大附中初二年级《英 语》 ... take exercise 锻炼 take off 脱掉;起飞 take photos 照相,拍照 ...


灵通少儿英语(第一册)_学习园地_一一幼教网 ... swim swim 游泳 248 take off 拿掉 251 take out 带…出去 252 ...


字典中 解 字的解释 ... (13) 晓悟;明白[ understand;know] (15) 脱去;松开[ take off; loosen] (17) 打开,开放[ open] ...


初中八年级英语短语大全_百度知道 ... 231. take it easy 从容;轻松;不要紧 232. take off 起飞;脱衣服 233. take out 取出 ...


词汇,语法练习 - 豆丁网 ... cheat 欺骗 take off 脱下 飞机起飞 take on 承担责任,雇佣 ...

There may be signs of where it is all leading before the year-end, but in any event we are totally ready to take off. 也许将是在今年结束之前在所有地区引领的迹象,但是在任何的事件中,我们都完全的准备好去“搞定”。
"Daniel, would you take off your jacket for me for just a moment? " the conjuror asked. “Daniel你能把夹克脱下来借我用一下吗?”魔术师说。
And we never thought this would take off the way it has, cause we were all doing other things as well. 我们从来没想我们能如此突飞猛进,因为我们也一直在做其它事。
The big take-off is in two years' time, when two pilots will attempt a transatlantic flight before trying to fly around the globe. 正式起飞将在两年后隆重登场,两位飞行员会先尝试飞越大西洋,然后才是环绕全球。
If fiscal policy as a left- wing economic take -off , then monetary policy is no doubt that it is the right - wing. 如果把财政政策比作经济腾飞的左翼,那么货币政策无疑就是它的右翼。
He always sits on the edge of his chair when he's working, as though about to take off. 他工作时总是坐在椅子边上,好像随时要离开。
He always sits on the very edge of his chair when he is working as though about to take off. 他工作的时候,总是坐在椅子边上,好像随时都会跳起身来的样子。
When a man and a woman go in or out of a room together, a man should also help the woman take off or put on her coat. 当他们同时进门或出门的时候,男士别忘了接女士脱下来的风衣或帮她拿外套。
During production of industrial water, filtration of a take-off of the clear run can be used to save valuable drinking or well water. 在生产过程中的工业用水,一个起飞的明确运行可以用来节省宝贵的饮用水或井水过滤。
So far, none of his vertical take-off and landing prototypes has risen much more than a few feet. 目前为止,他的任何一款垂直起降的原型机还没有离地超过几英尺。
The plane was ready to take off when somebody told the police there was a bomb on the plane. 飞机正要起飞,这时候,有人告诉警察飞机上有炸弹。
Their necks become longer. Their necks are sometimes two or three times the normal size. Some women die if they take off the rings. 有时候她们的脖子比正常人的脖子长两三倍,但是她们如果把金属环摘下来,有些人就会死掉。
if the chicks eyes open Large, lift your head, ready to take off on its daring greater is the top grade birds, you can select. 如果幼鸟眼睛睁大,挺胸昂首,准备起飞,说明其胆子较大,是上品鸟,可以选取。
BT - game , do not cross the line take off , the consequences would be unthinkable, oh, let alone not remind you . 超BT的游戏,千万不要越线起跳,后果不堪设想哦,别说没提醒你。
Austen sets the scene, develops some characters and themes, and then, just as the plot seems to take off, it abruptly ends. 奥斯汀铺设了背景,确定了几个人物和主题,然后,正当情节似乎就要展开时,小说戛然而止。
I'm so pleased that I've been able to take off all that weight and get into my good clothes again! 我的体重终于减轻,那些漂亮的衣服又合身了,我真高兴!
Remark: it is normal if it has certain heat when working. If you do not use emergency charger, put take off the battery. 注:本产品在充电工作时有一定的热量,属于正常。当不使用此应急充电器时,请将其内部电池取出。
Don't be so nervous. How much can you take off? 不要紧张。多少价格您能够接受?
"If it is under siege for a long time that country's currency gets destroyed, so gold in that country's currency will take off, " he said. “长期处于战火煎熬的国家,该国的货币会遭到毁灭性打击,之后黄金将取代该国货币,”他说。
But when Adam is lonely, God determined to make him a spouse, then in his sleep during take off one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh. 但那时的亚当是孤独的,上帝决心为他造一个配偶,便在他沉睡之际取下他一根肋骨,又把肉合起来。
To take off her boots or to put them on was an agony to her, but it had been an agony for year. 脱鞋或穿鞋对她是一种痛苦,但这已是多年以来的痛苦了。
Take off coveralls and hang up for later use or place in designated laundry hampers if they need to be washed. 脱去工作服,挂起来再次备用,或是如果需要清洗的话,放在制定的地方。
"BELLA, WHY DON'T YOU TAKE OFF, " MIKE SUGGESTED, his eyes focused off to the side, not really looking at me. “贝拉,不如你先下班吧。”迈克提议,他的转移注意力向我这边,并没有真正在看我。
Apparently off the cuff, he recently said he was a citizen like any other and could take off his uniform to stand for election. 显然这不是即兴的,他最近宣称他与其他人一样是一名普通公民,他可以摆脱他的身份来支持选举。
Now he began leisurely to take off his clothes, but stopped first with his coat, and tucked it along the crack under the door. 现在他开始不慌不忙地脱衣服,但是他先只脱了上衣,用它塞住门下的缝隙。
I'll be able to take off the mask in a few days. 再过几天我就能不戴面具了。
Smilling, he said, "The children were trying to tell you that you forgot to take off the lens' cap. " 酋长微笑着说:“孩子们想告诉你你忘记打开镜头盖了。”
A few are already small enough to be carried in a briefcase; others are the size of a jet fighter and need a runway for take-off. 有一些已经小到可以放在手提箱中;另一些大小与喷气式飞机差不多,需借助跑道来起飞。
It showed a caveman trying to use a pterodactyl for an express delivery, only to watch it be gobbled up on take-off by a tyrannosaur. 广告中,一个洞穴人设法让翼手龙快递包裹,却眼睁睁地看着它刚一起飞就被霸王龙一口吞下。
Welcome to take-off "I" of the sky. Hope that our friends will always be happy, to the point I remember reading the comments and opinions! 欢迎大家坐客“我”的天空。希望网友能永远幸福,看完记得给点评论和意见哦!