
美 [twik]英 [twiːk]
  • n.拧;扭;扯;(对机器、系统等的)轻微调整
  • v.拧;扭;扯;稍稍调整(机器、系统等)
  • 网络捏;特威克;用力拉

复数:tweaks 现在分词:tweaking 过去式:tweaked



v. n.

1.~ sth扭;拧;扯to pull or twist sth suddenly

2.~ sth稍稍调整(机器、系统等)to make slight changes to a machine, system, etc. to improve it

Chicken Run_在线英语听力室 ... ) wee a. 很小的,很少的 ) tweak v. ) bandage n. 绷带 ...

创新衰败之困(1)- 双语新闻 - 21英语网 ... nifty 小巧的 tweak ,拧 endeavor 努力 ...

英语单词中有tw像twelve读音相同的单词_百度知道 ... twang 弦声, 鼻音, 砰然一声 tweak 扭; 拧; ; 苦恼, 焦急 n. 鸣叫 ...


GRE颠峰词汇列表 - 豆丁网 ... tumble 滚落 tweak 调整 twirl 旋转 ...


妈妈鞋 【行情 价格 评价 正品行货】 ... 熙客 seekour 特威克 tweak 宝人 boree ...


雅思基础动词表—非常重要!!! ... 537. wring: 拧,紧握,折磨 538. tweak: 扭,用力拉,开足马力 539. bother: 烦扰, …


Index of Electrical Engineering Terms -... ... tuned circuit( 谐振腔) Tweak( 微调) Twisted-Pair( 双绞线对儿) ...


smartgrid_海盗船长_新浪博客 ... cross-border arbitrage 跨境套利 tweak 调节;调整 foment 激起:促进…的发展 ...

As you would expect, new versions of these open source word processors usually tweak the document format a bit. 如您所料,这些开放源代码字处理程序的新版本通常会稍微改变一下文档格式。
When I write a column, I take an existing idea and give it a tweak of my own. 我写专栏的时候,会拿出一个现成的观点,稍作修改把它变成自己的。
over the last couple of months I've realised how much I rely on being able to tweak my sleep. 过去的几个月里,我终于明白了我有多依赖能够纠正我的睡眠。
Trying to tweak the offense and being precise with our cuts or passes. Defensively, we gotta trust each other and figure it out. 进攻上,更准确的跑位和传球,防守上,我们必须互相信任。
"It felt like a little tweak, and I tried to shake it off and stretch it out, " he said. “这让我感觉扭了一下,我试着摆动让它舒展开,”他说。
Mac: And sprained the anterior tendon connecting your radius to your humerus. I gave it a wee bit of a tweak, Jimmy, and wrapped him up. 麦克:还扭伤了连接你肱部的前腱。吉米,我稍微拧动了一下,然后给他做了包扎。
Whatever routine you decide on, stick with it long enough to see if it works and tweak it gently and one thing at a time if it doesn't. 无论你定下了怎样的作息规律,你都需要坚持一段时间,看它是否奏效,如效果不理想,可以就某一部分稍作调整。
It provides buy and sell signals, but leaves it up to you to select good markets, tweak parameters, and supply the discipline. 它提供了买卖信号,但你自己要选择市场,调节参数,形成纪律。
You know, all well maybe do is tweak some little things that we dont like about it, some systems that we think were maybe a little broken. 我们所需要做的是对一些我们不满意的小细节进行改进,一些系统出现了小问题。
You can now also experiment with the Parameters tab; this allows you to tweak the configuration of each instance of a core. 现在也可以体验一下Parameters选项卡;该选项卡允许您调整核心的每个实例的配置。
On other projects you want to be able to tweak everything and define the exact behavior and lay-out for every single button. 另外一个项目里面,也许需要严格的定义每一步的动作,甚至是每一个按钮的样式。
shot (10 Off). A sitting puck when struck reacts as if it weights a ton. Tweak the shot action. 射击(10关)。一个坐在冰球击中时的反应,犹如一吨重。调整铅球行动。
These churn out proteins, and those proteins bind to the receptors, but they do not tweak them in a way that passes the message on. 这样就使蛋白质难以识别,这些蛋白质附着在受体上,但已经不能使受体起到传递信息的作用了。
There are a number of other settings you can tweak, but I'll leave you to explore them on your own. 还有一些其他的设定可以进行调节,但是我会留给你自己去体会。
Calling the Heat "Wade's team" is a fun way to tweak LeBron, but I'm not sure what such a statement even means. 把热火队称为“韦德的球队”,对于勒布朗詹姆斯来说很可笑,而且我不知道这么一句话有什么意思。
And that you might need to tweak even the best long-term portfolio once a year or so. 即使是最好的长期投资组合,你也可能需要每年或一定时间做些调整。
You're also ready to tweak your personal style a bit. 你还需要对你的个人风格做一点微调。
For the most part, the defaults work fine; however, if you know enough about the relevant systems, you can tweak options to suit your needs. 大多数情况下,默认就可以了,但是,如果您对相关系统有足够的了解,您可以调整选项以满足您的需求。
Go through each tweak and disable them one at a time to see if your iPhone's performance increases. 没调整和禁用它们一个,检查您的iPhone性能是否得到提高。
Viewers can rotate the image in real time. The engineer can tweak a parameter to see how it affects the entire design. 观众可以实时旋转图片,而工程师则可以对各个参数进行微调,看看微调之后对整个设计会有哪些影响。
If you think China's central planners can tweak levers in a control room to correct the situation, you're not really thinking. 假如认为,中国中央决策者能坐在控制室里想出妙计改变这个局面,那么,你根本没用脑子思考。
daughter-in-law says: I do not know " , grandpa has what tweak, although said us, act accordingly even if. " 媳妇说:“我不知道,公公有什么好办法,尽管说了我们照办就是。”
One other tweak I would like to make, and then I promise I'll stop refactoring and put this module to bed. 还有另外一个我想做的改动调整,我保证这是最后一个,之后我会停下来,让这个模块歇歇。
This small application lets you to choose, tweak and set any number of wallpapers as a slideshow background. 这个小程序可以让你选择设置任何数量的图片作为壁纸像是幻灯片一样自动更换。
For a small fee, the producers of your favorite musician will tweak her performance to exquisitely match the acoustics of your living room. 只需花一点钱,制作人就会让你钟爱的音乐家的演奏精确的符合你家客厅的声学结构。
As a kid, I used to tweak the antenna continually and maybe even pound the top of our TV's wood cabinet. 我小时候会一直调整天线,甚至还会敲电视机的木造外壳。更详细。
What your boss is saying is, you need to tweak it a little. 老板的意思是让你稍微调整一下自己。
Note: The position of these ground locators can be adjusted later to tweak the falloff of the shadow attenuation. 注意:那些地面上的定位器的位置能稍后时被调整去配合阴影衰减的散开。
Duncan Smith is not going to save the underclass from chaotic lives with a marriage tax break or benefit tweak. 邓肯·史密斯(DuncanSmith)不会为了改变底层阶级的混乱生活而去破坏婚姻税法或调整福利。
Tweak the numbers to support your case that you need to put some full-time resources on cleaning up the debt. 调整数字来支持您的案例,您需要投入一些全时资源(full-timeresources)来清理债务。