the other side

  • na.欧洲
  • 网络另一面;另一边;彼岸

the other sidethe other side

the other side


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Carácter « 对 » - Dicionário de sinogramas ... 对调[ exchange;swop] 对方[ the other side;opposing party] 对付[ deal with] ...


"other"是什么意思?_百度知道 ... some others 另外的什么人[物] the other side [美]欧洲 the other world 来世 ...

Then David crossed over to the other side and stood on top of the hill some distance away; there was a wide space between them. 大卫过到那边去,远远地站在山顶上,与他们相离甚远。
The Mayor appeared at the door. He had shaved the left side of his face, but the other side, swollen and in pain, had a five-day-old beard. 市长出现在门口,左侧的脸刮过了,另一侧因为肿胀疼痛,已经五天没有刮胡子了。
"two other caterpillars surprised to see him, " rest? do not see the other side of flowers in the flower pretty soon, someone else light it? 另外两条毛毛虫诧异地看他,“休息?没看到对岸花丛中的花都快被别人采光了吗?”
The United States is in the other side of the door, but he just stepped can reach his destination, but he did not. 美国就在门的另一边,其实他只要迈出一步就可以到达他的目的地,可是他没有这么做。
Hostile advertising seems to work not so much by firing up a candidate's own supporters but by suppressing the turnout for the other side. 不友善的广告并不能发挥很好的作用,一方面不能激发候选人己方支持者的热情,另一方面又为对方制造了机会。
Through communications satellites, we are able to be in touch with events on the other side of the world almost as they happen. 通过通讯卫星,我们几乎在同时就可以了解到世界另一边发生的事情。
The other side of the mind is now exposed --- the dark side that comes uppermost in solitude, not the light side that shows in company. 此时展现的是心灵的另一面,不是我们与朋友聚会(结伴)时显现出来的轻松一面,而是孤独时最容易萌生(感受最深)的郁阴一面。
Equally, the other side of this coin is not to be neglected: we often turn out to be wrong, even with giant, classic papers. 相等的,硬币的另一面是无法忽视的:即便面对巨匠或者经典文章,我们也总想要挑出点毛病。
After a minute or two we heard someone on the other side of the door. A low gasp. 过了两分钟,我们听到了门的另一边的人。低喘。
There was something beyond that and it had to do with understanding the pain of others, especially those from the other side of the mirror. 然而有些事远超过这个的重要,那就是理解他人的痛苦,尤其是那些身处镜子另一侧的人们。
When Jesus had finished saying these things, he left Galilee and went into the region of Judea to the other side of the Jordan. 耶稣说完了这些话,就离开加利利,来到犹太的境界,约但河外。
If you feel strongly about something, you should spend at least some time trying to understand the other side. 如果你对某件事情感受非常强烈,那么你至少应该花些时间来理解它的另一面。
She thought of her lover opening the door on the other side of which waited the sharp teeth of the tiger! 她在想她的爱人打开一扇门时等着他的是老虎锋利的尖牙!!
You're clear that this is the other side of a negotiation, let you into a more difficult conditions. 你很清楚,这是对方的一种谈判方式,让你陷入了一个更困难的条件。
And when Jesus had crossed over again in the boat to the other side, a great crowd gathered to Him, and He was beside the sea. 耶稣坐船又渡到对岸去,就有大批的群众聚集到他那里;他正在海边。
You can think of these bumps in the road as tests to see how badly you want what's on the other side. 你可以把人生旅途中的重重障碍看作是各种考验,它们想看看到底你到达终点时会变得有多糟。
I walked away from her to the other side of the shelf and picked up a different brand of Australian oatmeal that was half the price. 我离开她,走到另一边的货架那儿,拿起一包不同品牌的澳大利亚麦片。这种只有一半的价格。
Because of her students look like, the other side basically do not want to talk seriously with her. 由于她的学生样子,另一方基本上不想谈论她的认真。
On the other side of the ledger, the Israeli invasion of Gaza has led to a rupture in the long-standing relationship with Israel. 另一方面,以色列入侵加沙导致土以的长期关系出现破裂。
I looked over on the other side , and there was just two or three inches between the Chevvy and a Buick . 我小心地看着另一边,在雪韦和别克车中间只有两三英寸的距离。
"Oh, yes, from clear across the other side of town, " she said, warming to the kindness in his voice. “唔,是的,从城镇对面一直走过来的呢!”她答道,由于哨兵说话的气使她感觉暖和起来。
Hark back to the stranger who appeared out of the gate into yesterday, then jumped back in the other side a day later to form a closed loop. 让我们再回到时空穿梭者的例子:他出现在进入昨天的时间之门外,接着跳回一天后的另一边,形成了一个封闭的循环。
Lord, we do not like to be an unturned cake, but we do not know how to turn to the other side. 主啊,我们不要作没有翻过的饼,但我们不知道如何翻到另一面。
Do not believe what love at first sight, because you can not see at a glance how much money the other side. 不要相信什么一见钟情,因为你不能一眼看出对方挣多少钱。
We cannot wage a perpetual campaign where the only goal is to see who can get the most embarrassing headlines about the other side. 我们不能永无休止地竞选,唯一的目的就是看谁能让另一方在媒体上最难堪。
The equinox flower just a joke, stand on this side at the shore, with the station on the other side to see what difference? 彼岸花只是佛祖开的一个玩笑,站在此岸看彼岸,跟站在彼岸看此岸又有什么区别呢?
On the other side of the JSON controller, the application can be hooked up to MySQL, PostgreSQL, an XML file repository, or nothing at all. 在JSON控制器的另一面,应用程序可以被钩挂(hook)到MySQL、PostgreSQL、一个XML文件存储库、或者什么也不挂。
The next key control around players dribble, and by all the other members of the other side under the basket for one-third of the ball. 上下左右键控制球员运球,过了对方所有队员到对方篮筐下投三分球。
The other side in a reasonable period of time not to restore capacity and did not provide economic security, termination side can terminate. 对方在合理期限内未恢复履行能力并且未提供经济担保的,终止方可以解除合同。
One can get awfully. Later the woman presented, lose to let the other side in the body painting tortoise, can be. 人打得不亦乐乎。后来女的提出,输了的就让对方在身上画乌龟,可以。