to be patient

  • 网络要忍耐;忍耐英语作文;耐心点吧

to be patientto be patient

to be patient


2007年英语模范短文背诵[转]_小叶子_新浪博客 ... WAR 战争 TO BE PATIENT 要忍耐 THE VALUE OF TIME 爱惜时光 ...


凡事要学会忍耐英语作文(TO BE PATIENT)范文,请您参考。忍耐也会带给我们成功。


Shame on me_小野_新浪博客 ... Well,just wait and see. 好吧,尽管等一等,看情况吧。 To be patient. 耐心点吧


悌|大正跆拳道 ... 言辞 words 忍让 to be patient 忿恨 resentment ...


用英语说成语_蓝色小妖_新浪博客 ... to wash one“hands of evil practice 倾盆洗手 to be patient 稍安勿燥 to stagger 趔趔趄趄 ...


要忍受(to be patient)书店店主请你提出一些吸收主顾的倡议 A young idler,an old beggar英语作文 A Trip 我的座右铭My Motto …

Usually it had to be relayed by an operator, and you have to be patient in waiting. 它通常需要人工转换,你得耐心等待。
'I mean what other words did you use to call your father and mother? How did you call them? ' I said, trying to be patient and polite. “我的意思的是你还用什么字眼喊你的父亲、母亲?你怎么喊他们的?”我说,努力保持礼貌与耐心。
The drunkards were disappointed. They would not be able to drink again as soon as they wanted. But they decided to be patient and wait. 酒鬼们很失望。因为他们想到自己不能再喝酒。但他们决定要耐心地等待。
Lawmakers trying to avert the strike are calling for labor leaders to be patient. 试图避免发生罢工的议员呼吁劳工领导人要有耐心。
Jens Lehmann pulled out of the second German game. His elbow has blown up, it is bad bruising so we have to be patient with him. 莱曼没有参加德国队的第二场比赛,他的肘部肿起来了,是因为檫伤的缘故,因此我们必须要对他有耐心。
Pepe and Kaka, who've also had a rough time with injury this season, have been giving me a lot of support and telling me to be patient. 佩佩和卡卡,他们本赛季也同样经历着伤病的困扰,他们给我很多支持,还给我分享了些关于伤病的经验。
I'm trying to be patient with him. 我会试着容忍他的。
I persuaded him to be patient, careful calculation, he was endorsed my views, out of an appropriate margin! 我耐心地说服着他,仔细测算之后,他倒是认可了我的意见,流出了适当的裕量!
I tell her to be patient and keep trying, but she's getting depressed. 我告诉她要耐心,继续尝试,但她越来越消沉。
We need only to be patient as the current profit phase expires and a new cash buildup phase gets ready to fuel the next advance. 我们只需要耐心的当前利润阶段届满和新的建设阶段得到的现金准备燃料在未来推进。
"I have always said we have to be patient with him, " said the Frenchman. 法国人说:“我一直都说嘛,我们要对他保持耐心。”
Electro-acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of moderate simple, low cost, side effects of small, easy to be patient. 电针及温和灸治疗简便,成本低廉,毒副作用小,易于被患者接受。
He lifts her brows slightly with a couple of judiciously placed Botox injections and tells her to be patient. 他用两个妥善配置的肉毒杆菌注射剂将她的眉毛稍稍提起,然后告诉她耐心等待。
Wenger - Bendtner needs to be patient "I communicate every day with him and he never told me that, " responded Wenger. “我每天都和他在交流,他从来没有告诉过我打不上首发就走人那些话,”温格答复说。
If someone prays for patience, you think God will give him the patience, or give him the opportunity to be patient? 如果有个人希望自己更有耐心,你认为上天会直接赐予他耐心呢,还是给他一个培养耐心的机会?
But he said he is willing to be patient and he remains optimistic about the future. 但是他说,他愿意对未来保持耐心和乐观的态度。
Just try to be patient with it. Your friends are using this type of card too and they were able to connect. 不要着急,慢慢打,会打通的。你的朋友也用这种卡,都能打通。
Have to wait four dead wife, the wife birthday to remember that his wife are willing to spend money, and abused wives have to be patient. 四得是太太化妆要等得,太太生日要记得,太太花钱要舍得,太太打骂要忍得。
You've got to be patient, because paying yourself too much too soon is a sure recipe for disaster. 你一定要有耐心,因为奖励自己太快太多肯定会是一种灾难。
As long as you are willing to be patient and to eat nothing but rice for dinner occasionally. 只要你愿意是耐心的,并愿意为此而付出。
The storm showed no sign of abating. We'd have to be patient and wait it out. 风暴丝毫没有减弱的迹象,我们只得耐心地等待它过去。
Often impulsive , occasionally over-eager, Danny had to learn to be patient before he could become skilled in the ways of the long con. 丹尼经常意气用事,有时也会操之过急,因而在他成为放长线钓大鱼的高手之前,还得好好学会如何耐心行事。
Life is like a road, need to be patient. Walked out of the bustling landscape, maybe it will in the desolate. 人生如路,须要耐心。走着走着,说不定就会在凄凉中走出繁华的风景。
the best policy is to only invest money that you can afford to be patient with if the market stalls or backtracks . 最好的方针是只投资当市场停滞或下跌时你能支付得起的那么多钱。
Speaking at his second prime-time news conference, the President urged Americans to be patient, saying the recovery would take time. 总统在他的第二次黄金时段新闻发布会上说复苏需要时间,希望国民耐心等待。
A lot of my classmates have found a job. But I told myself to be patient and remember that every dog has his day. 我许多同学都找到工作了,但是我告诉自己要耐心点,记得每个人都有走运的一天。
Donors need to be patient so charities will not feel pressured to plunge in and offer ineffective aid, simply to placate impatient donors. 捐赠者需要有耐心。这样慈善组织才能从容地工作,不会为了安抚心急的捐赠者匆忙投入人力物力却事与愿违。
If not, you're going to have to be patient and wait until the two weeks is up before you get to taste the wines. 如果没有,你还是耐心度过这两个星期再去品尝葡萄酒。
The seventh step to getting where God wants you to be is to be patient and persistent. Why? 完成上帝的旨意的第七步是耐心和毅力,为什么呢?
And I strive to be patient because, after all, there are many rooms in my inner house and a lot of them are in need of cleaning. 并且我力求要有耐心,因为不管怎样,在我的内部房屋里有很多的房间,并且它们很多都需要清扫。