
美 [.di ju 'aɪ]英 [.diː juː 'aɪ]
  • n.【乐】二重唱;(演员的)一对
  • 网络兑;药物利用指数(drug utilization index);酒后驾驶(driving under the influence)



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中国姓氏 - wuhansen123的日志 - 网易博客 ... DUAN MU 队 DUI DUI 趸 ...

药物利用指数(drug utilization index)

DUI(drug utilization index)药物利用指数,是以DDDs除以实际用药天数,可作为判别临床用药是否合理的标准。若DUI大于1.0…

酒后驾驶(driving under the influence)

您如果酒后驾驶(DUI),可能需付出以下代价(近似值): 拖车费-------------------------------------------150美元 存车费-----------...


去年,她因涉嫌酒后驾车DUI)被逮捕。 亚莉斯•拉赫蒂•约翰斯顿是一位大学生,同时也是一位高尔夫球新秀,最近几周她与 …

The spokesman said Hilton worked all day and drank on an empty stomach before getting arrested on suspicion of DUI . 发言人称希尔顿在因涉嫌酒后驾车被捕前整日工作并空腹喝酒。
I never want to be arrested, and I never want to get a DUI, those are my moral values. 我可不想被逮捕,我也不想得到一个酒后驾车的违章罚单,这些是我的道德标准。
This should prove to be a useful supplement to the reading of the Ma Wang Dui Han Tomb Texts. 此应可对现有之《马王堆汉墓帛书》释读成绩,作一些补充。
Since his DUI arrest last spring he has stopped driving, only drinks wine and has cut down on his clubbing . 自去年春天他酒醉驾驶之后被拘捕他已经停止驾驶,只喝葡萄酒、果子酒之类而且已经减少俱乐部的活动。
Chinese Xiangqi Dui obvious advantages, the two grandmaster swept the top two matches, Xu Yinchuan gold medal, silver medal harvest Hongzhi. 中国象棋队优势明显,两位特级大师包揽了比赛的前两名,许银川获得金牌,洪智收获银牌。
unfortunately not. He was charged with a DUI when he was in university. 可惜不是。他上大学的时候就因为醉酒驾车被起诉过一次。
She was found not guilty of the DUI charge, but guilty of driving on a suspended license. 她被裁定罪名不成立的阶主管,但犯驾驶的一个暂停执照。
Locate the choice is Dui De that, if capital is not our De strong point, we also should spend Li of double De Nu, know other De industry. 那次定位选择是对的,假如资金不是我们的强项,我们也要花加倍的努力,了解其他的产业。
Today, I saw a car swerving in front of me on the freeway, so I whipped out my cell to report the DUI. 今天我在高速上看到前面一辆车胡乱变向,就摸出电话向有关部门报告酒后驾车。
Will be wholeheartedly only infatuated Yu Dui tomorrow's brilliant fantasy and the design, today will be void bored, light impetuous. 一心只痴迷于对明天的烂漫幻想与设计,今天将空虚无聊,轻飘浮躁。
Lawsuit of Chang of needle Dui Zhe, second response of Bai Du Liang all calls tall Du attention, and Di attune is answered. 针对这场诉讼,百度两次回应均称高度关注,并低调应对。
From a dual perspective, Yuanjia writers has been formed to pursue the art of thinking on Pian dui and a lot of creative practice. 从对偶看,元嘉作家已经形成追求骈对的艺术思维,并进行了大量的创作实践。
The DUI is far and away the nation's number-one overall cause of annoying sports stories. It's also the most preventable. 醉酒驾驶无疑是全国第一令人讨厌的体育话题的第一原因,而且它差不多是可以预防的。
InApril 2006, the Avatar actress pleaded guilty to a DUI charge in a Hawaii court and spent five days in jail. 在2006年4月,这位阿凡达女演员因醉酒驾驶在夏威夷法庭被判入狱5天。
Late one night a police officer was patrolling a rowdy bar to anticipate possible DUI violations. 一天深夜,一名警察去经常有人闹事的酒吧门口巡逻,有酒后驾车的情况。
Zhang Binglin's main contribution in ancient Chinese phonology is his setting the independence category of rhyme "dui" . 章炳麟在汉语音韵学史上最重要的贡献是独立出“队”部。
This is online map of the address "Jin Ling Shang Cheng Dui Mian Lian Jian Fang , Changxing County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China" . 这是地址“中国浙江省湖州市长兴县金陵商城对面联建房”匹配的在线电子地图。
This is online map of the address "Li Long Xiang Dui Mi Cun , Mainling County, Nyingchi Prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region, China" . 这是地址“中国西藏自治区林芝地区米林县里龙乡堆米村”匹配的在线电子地图。
Rosenzweig said Dui Hua believes the document is authentic based on comparisons with other Chinese legal papers the foundation has seen. 证交所说,堆华认为,这份文件是真实的基础上进行比较与中国其他法律文件基金会拭目以待。
This is online map of the address "Ping Shan Zhen Xian Jian Cha Yuan Dui Mian , Huidong County, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省惠州市惠东县平山镇县检察院对面”匹配的在线电子地图。
This is online map of the address "Tun Ken Dui Zhen , Shangdu County, Wulanchabu City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China" . 这是地址“中国内蒙古自治区乌兰察布市商都县屯垦队镇”匹配的在线电子地图。
This is online map of the address "Liang Zhu Zhen Jian Zhu Dui Ban Gong Lou , Yuhang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China" . 这是地址“中国浙江省杭州市余杭区良渚镇建筑队办公楼”匹配的在线电子地图。
This is online map of the address "Xiao Tang Shi Ling Zhang Dui Shi Chang Lu , Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省佛山市南海区小塘狮岭张队石场路”匹配的在线电子地图。
This is online map of the address "Peng Ling Lu Yuan Jiao Jing Da Dui Zhi , Chenghai District, Shantou City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省汕头市澄海区蓬岭路原交警大队址”匹配的在线电子地图。
This is online map of the address "Yan Zhuang Zhen Ben Kang Lu Dui Mian , Wengyuan County, Shaoguan City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省韶关市翁源县岩庄镇奔康路对面”匹配的在线电子地图。
Bush, and everything will be fine. Nab Ted Kennedy on a DUI, and the nation's problems will be solved. 弹劾乔治布什,所有的事都好了,肯尼迪酒后开车,国家的问题就解决了。
This is online map of the address "Beng Hu Xin Lian Da Dui Zhen Lian Jie , Baiyun District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省广州市白云区蚌湖新联大队镇联街”匹配的在线电子地图。
This is online map of the address "Gui Cheng Shi Ken Zhong Cun Zhong Er Dui , Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省佛山市南海区桂城石肯中村中二队”匹配的在线电子地图。
This is online map of the address "Hai Xi Xiang Dong Jiang Shui Dui Shang , Qingtian County, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, China" . 这是地址“中国浙江省丽水市青田县海溪乡东江水碓上”匹配的在线电子地图。
This is online map of the address "Huang Dui Ji Xiang Chen Lou Xing Zheng Cun , Yuncheng County, Heze City, Shandong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国山东省荷泽市郓城县黄堆集乡陈楼行政村”匹配的在线电子地图。