run away

  • na.私奔;逃;弄不好
  • 网络逃跑;逃走;跑开

第三人称单数:runs away 现在分词:running away 过去式:ran away

run awayrun away

run away


初中英语短语大全 ... 50. sooner or later 迟早 51. run away 逃跑 52. eat up 吃光,吃完 ...


... rule n. 规则;规定,尺子 run away . 流失;逃跑;逃走 rush v. 冲;奔跑 ...


人教版八年级下册英语重点短语 - 好研 ... 10. a police officer 警官 11. run away 跑开,逃跑 12. walk around 四处走走 ...


八年级英语下册重点语法和短语 ... take off 起飞 run away 逃跑;跑掉 come in 进来 ...


张根硕_百度百科 ... Shake it 摇摆 Run Away 逃跑吧 Behind The Scene 拍摄花絮 ...


明明 出演的影片列表 ... 父子关系= The two of us 策马入林 Run away 龙云和蒋介石 Long Yun and Chang Kai- shek ...


2010高考英语词汇完型单... ... run v. move quickly on foot,control operate. 奔跑,操作. run away 逃走 逃脱 run out of 用完 ...


人教版高一英语词组_百度百科 ... run after 追赶;追捕 run away 不辞而别;失去控制 owe sb. 把......归功于某人 ...

The fire killed everybody in the policeman's apartment; only a puppy was able to run away from the flames. 大火烧死了警官公寓里的所有人,只有一只小狗从火中得以逃脱。
He tried to run away, hiding his gold pieces in his mouth, under his tongue. 皮诺奇一边跑,一边把金币藏在了舌头底下。
By now, the young boy saw fearful, has frightened has no more to do with to run away, the wallaby with is also drilling from the baby bag. 这时,小男孩看到了可怕的一幕,吓得拔腿就逃,小袋鼠也跟着从幼儿袋里钻出来。
I'm running away from an old woman, an old man and a little boy, and I can run away from you, too. 我在逃离一个老奶奶、一个老爷爷和一个小男孩的追赶,我也能逃离你的追赶。
And I knew he was telling me to run away from Kweilin. I knew what happened to officers and their families when the Japanese arrived. 我知道日本人来了后,那些军官家属是什么下场,他的意思是我得赶快逃离桂林。
The few servants who had not died had run away in the night. No one had remembered little Miss Mary. She was all alone. 活下来的几个用人也趁半夜逃走了。没人想起年幼的玛丽小姐,就只剩下她一个人了。
He won't have time to run away before the Frenchman will think of his gun, and knock him on the head. 如果法国人想起自己的枪,用刺刀刺杀他的话,他连跑都来不及了。
In 1849, worried that she and the other slaves on the plantation were going to be sold, Tubman decided to run away. 1849年时,担心自己及农场内的其他奴隶将被卖掉,塔布曼决定要逃跑。
And when you're down and feel alone. Just wanna run away. Trust yourself and don't give up. You know you're better than anyone else. 在你跌倒的地方感觉到孤独。仅想逃离。相信你自己并且不要放弃。你知道你比任何人都坚强。
I am still waiting at this garden, my indulging thoughts is allowed to run away like the sky full of snow flakes. 我依然固守这片花园,放任漫天思念如雪开
Once there was a little bunny who wanted to run away. so he said to his mother, 'I am running away. 从前有一只小兔子,他很想要离家出走。有一天,他对妈妈说“我要逃走了”
As you can see, I have no arms so I can't beat you, and I have no legs so I can't run away from you. 你看,我没胳膊,所以我不会打你的,而我又没有腿,所以我不会一人跑丢下你的。
If I had not run away from home and if Father were here now, I should not be dying of hunger. 如果我不从家里进出去,如果我爸爸在这儿,这会儿我就不会饿得要命了!
Robert wanted very much to run away from her, instead he took her in his car and drove her home. 罗伯特非常想离开她,但是他还是用车载她送了她回家
In another part of the town, a man killed a woman with a knife and was seen to run away in a taxi. 在镇的另一个地方,一名男子用刀杀害了一名女子。有人目睹了杀人男子坐出租车逃走了。
When he made a noise, however, and the woman screamed, he had to run away back into hiding again. 但是,他弄出了响声,女人尖叫着,他只得又跑回窝藏地点躲起来。
That's when he heard something rustling behind him in the bushes: another elk, a small bull that had smelled him and run away. 就在这时,他听到身后的灌木丛有沙沙的声音,一只小公鹿闻到他的气味就跑开了。
One slipper was not to be found again, and a boy had seized the other, and run away with it. 一只鞋,她怎样也找不到,另一只又被一个男孩捡起来抢跑了。
I might have been trapped in the fire if I had not run away fast enough. 要不是我跑得快,我也许陷入大火之中了。事实上并未陷入大火。
As the fox began to run away with it, he called out, "Your voice is fine, indeed, but your brain is not. " 当狐狸带着奶酪要跑开时,他大声说道:『妳的声音还真不错,就是头脑差了点。』
People praise virtue, but they hate it, they run away from it. It freezes you to death, and in this world you've got to keep your feet warm. 人们称赞美德,但却怨恨它,并远离它。美德冻得你要死,而在这个世界中你得让你的两脚保温。
I'm running away from an old woman, an old man, a little boy, a bear, a pig and a wolf, and I can run away from yon, too. 我在逃离一个老奶奶、一个老爷爷、一个小男孩、一只熊、一头猪和一只狼的追赶,我也能逃离你的追赶。
In the name of the company, its long-standing tradition and pride, we never run away from our problems or pretend we don't notice them. 我以丰田的名字及其悠久的传统和荣耀的名义保证,我们从不曾回避责任,或对任何问题视若无睹。
If you know of something that people say is good but you know is harmful in the long term, run away from it. 如果你明白别人说的话是好的,但是长远来看却是有害的,那么就远离它。
How do Will and Druitt manage to see Nigel's invisible granddaughter, Clara, as she attempts to run away from them? 当奈杰尔的隐形孙女,克莱拉试图从威尔和督依特的身边逃走时,他们怎么设法看到她?
I remember there were two or three shop-assistants behind the counter. Before we wanted to report to the police, the robber had run away. 我记得好象有两三个售货员在柜台里,等我们反应过来报案时,他已经逃跑了。
When she saw him, his mother burst into tears. She said he had never run away before. 当他的母亲见到他时,不禁失声痛哭起来。她说他以前从未出走过。
Some mix of fear, love, hopelessness and shattered self-esteem keep her from trying to run away. 爱,恨,无奈,破碎的尊严交织在一起,让她无力逃跑。
I felt as if she challenged him to run away. 我觉得她好象要逼着他溜跑似的。
It would be irresponsible of you to run away from difficulties. You ought to face up to them boldly. 见了困难就躲是不负责的态度。你应该勇敢地正视困难。