be here

  • v.在这里
  • 网络从一处移动到某一目的地;到这儿;在这儿

be herebe here

be here


CCTV-音乐频道-网络歌曲 ... 新作《感动 eMOTIVe》 2005年获格莱美提名专辑《在这里》" Be here" 新专辑《觉醒 Awake》 ...


来_互动百科 ... 【guest;visitor】 来访的客人 【arrive;come;be here从一处移动到某一目的地 【set in】 进入一种特定状态 ...


求新概念英语第二册第60课的课堂笔记。急... ... less than an hour: 不到1小时 be here: 到这儿 be at the station to: 到达车站 ...


main_frame ... be out = be not in 不在家,在外,出去 be here 在这儿 be away 出去了,不在这儿 如: ...


英语900句基础篇6_等你来聊_新浪博客 ... so late. 天色已晚。 be here 你不再多呆一会儿了? too late. 是这样的话我就不多留 …


Wishing You Were Somehow Here - Yahoo... ... somehow you would 你却 be here . . . 都会在这 Wishing I could 希望我能 ...


...及凯斯艾本(Keith Urban)和他的新专辑《伴你一生Be here)》之前均入围本届格莱美提名,百代(中国)也已经陆续引进 …

You know, to be here at an age where I can take in that sort of love and be at an age where I can embrace it is a tremendous feeling. 在我现在这个年龄,还能得到大家如此的厚爱,这种感觉是无与伦比的,让我永生难忘。
I'll only be here for a few days, but I'd like to attend your company's conference, if that's possible. 我只能去几天,但是如果可能的话,我想参加贵公司的大会。
I am honored to be here with you today and to have the opportunity to say a few words. 今天我很荣幸地能同大家在一起,并且还有机会来说几句话。
Even the grandest of the archangels, many who are here on this night, cannot be here with you when you cross the chasm. 即使是许多今天晚上在这里的,最崇高的天使长,在你横渡峡谷时也不能一道陪你。
Dear boy! You're as close to your mother as you could be, here in her garden. 好孩子!在你妈妈的花园里,你离她要多近有多近。
If Jackson had to be here, nothing was going to stop him from pairing O'Neal and Bryant, who won him three titles, amid misunderstandings. 如果杰克逊不得不在这儿,他一定会让鲨鱼和科比一同作战,他们为他夺过三次总冠军,不过他们之间也有些误会。
B: Sorry, John. I'm not in tomorrow so I'd like you to be here if it's OK. 对不起,John,明天我不在,如果可以的话我还是希望你能在这里。
It is a pleasure for me to be here to speak to such a distinguished group from all over the island. 我能在此地向全岛各地来参加的各位杰出人士演讲感到愉快。
If she wants to call me or anything, I'll be here all day. 如果她要找我或有其他什么事,我整天都在这儿。
You know me well enough to know if I had anywhere else to go, I wouldn't be here. 你很清楚的,如果我还有其他地方可去,我是不会来这里的。
On the day the proxy father was to arrive, Mr. Smith kissed his wife and said, "I'm off. The man should be here soon" . 有一天,代孕爸爸马上就要到了,史密斯先生和妻子吻别,说:“我先离开一会儿,那人很快就到了。”
Well, I suppose one of us should press the button or we'll be here all day, won't we? 嗯,我想,我们其中一个应该按下按钮,否则我们将在这里一整天,不是吗?
I'm sure that you know my brave wife who would be here by my side, if she were able. 我相信你们一定认识我勇敢的妻子,只要她能够,她一定会站在我身边。
Thanks for providing me this opportunity to be here with you and exchange my views and thoughts on climate issue. 很高兴今天能来这里和大家交流有关气候变化问题的认识和看法。
According to what he said, he ought to be here now. 按他所说的,他现在应该到了。
It would have been inconceivable for a boat to be here just a few years ago. 数年前在这找到一艘船是不可思议的
Rachel: Wait a minute! Not so fast! We'll be here for a few days. Let's see if we like the hamburgers first! 拉结:等一下!不要这麽快!我们要在这里好几天。让我们先看看我们是否喜欢汉堡!
Hello, everyone, glad to be here to share with you for one year to the understanding and feelings of well logging. 大家好,很高兴站在这里能与大家分享一下工作一年来对测井的理解和感触。
We must remember that we are all here for a reason. If you were not meant to be here, you would not be here. You would be someplace else. 我们必须记起我们来到这里是有原由的,如果你不成为你自己,你就不会在这里,你会在别处。
"I'm just so happy to be here, " she said ebulliently as she entered the rocket Monday, watched by about a dozen relatives. 周一,安萨里登上火箭时兴奋的说:“我太开心了。”她的很多亲戚朋友前来为她送行。
And that you were going to be here. It's funny because I read an article on your book, and, uh, it sounded vaguely familiar? 知道你会来这里。有趣的是我读了一段你的书,嗯,有一点依稀的熟悉感?
"Your Grace, " the scientist directed up to her, bowing. "The Regent regrets that he could not be here in person to bestow his gift. " “女王殿下,”这个科学家径直走向她,鞠躬说道,“摄政王很遗憾他不能亲自来这送上他的礼物。”
If I had not studied English, I would never be here to teach you grammar today. 如果我没有学过英语,我现在就不能在这里教你们语法了。
So I come today. Hebei, I come. (smile) So glad to be here today to meet with you and the netizens. 所以今天我来了,河北,我来了。(笑)所以很高兴今天能够在这里跟大家见面,跟网友们见见。
I am sure he would already be here if the decision was only up to him, but it seems there might be some problems. 如果由舍瓦一个人做决定的话,我想他已经做好了回来的准备,不过还是有很多的问题要解决。
If you had not had some intellectual bias -even of quite a mild sort -it is unlikely that you would be here today to receive a degree . 因为如果你们不曾具备那种能力,哪怕是一点点,今天你们也不大可能在这里拿到自己的学位了。
The problem is, all of their big men are on the National team. They won't be here with me. I'll just have the younger guys. 问题是,球队所有的大个子都是国家队,他们都不在这跟我一起,我只有一些更年轻的小伙…
If I do not do well and one day the Club is not happy with me then I can completely understand that I will not be here anymore. 如果我做得不好,有一天,俱乐部对我感到不满意,那么我可以完全理解我将再也不能待在这里。
Ladies and gentlemen, good morning, it's my great honor to be here and I am very happy to see you all. Thank you for being here. 女士们,先生们,早上好!我很荣幸来到这里,并且很高兴见到大家。谢谢你们的光临。
it's so great to be here! I'm so excited to help you and my daughter with your new home! 来这儿真是不错!我很高兴能帮你和我女儿收拾新房。