exchange rate

  • na.汇率
  • 网络兑换率;外汇率;汇价

复数:exchange rates

exchange rateexchange rate

exchange rate


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商务英语词汇大全_外语教育网 ... convertible currencies 可兑换货币 exchange rate 汇率,兑换率 foreign exchange 外汇 ...


常见银行英语词汇 ... foreign exchange 外汇 exchange rate 外汇率 conversion rate 折合率 ...


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外汇汇率( exchange rate)是指不同货币之间兑换的比率或比价,也可理解为用一国货币表示的另一国货币的价格。 主要货币符 …


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中国寰球化学... ... 信用证、信贷书 letter of credit 外汇兑换率 exchange rate 兑换单、汇票单据 documentary vill of exchange ...

Mr Yam noted that the question of exchange rate systems was a crucial element in the management of international capital flows. 任志刚指出,汇率制度是管理国际资金流向的核心部分。
Back in June, Timothy Geithner, the Treasury secretary, praised China's announcement that it would move to a more flexible exchange rate. 早在六月,美国财长蒂莫西-盖特纳赞扬中国的公告,称其将转向更灵活的汇率。
'China is not the only country with a predatory exchange rate policy, ' Mr. Levin said. He called Japan's move 'deeply disturbing. ' 日本在9月15日采取干预措施后不久,列文就说,中国并不是唯一一个实施掠夺性汇率政策的国家,日本此举“让人深感不安”。
"An excessive, permanent increase in money is, in my view, an indirect manipulation of the (foreign exchange) rate, " he said. “在我看来,货币供应长期过度地增加,等同于间接操纵汇率,”他说道。
But as long as Beijing maintains its current exchange-rate regime, the central bank has no control over the size of its reserves. 可只要中国政府继续维持现行的汇率制度,中国央行就无法控制其外汇储备的规模。
But a movement to a fully floating exchange rate could well have been coupled with a movement toward free capital mobility. 但是,要做到完全的浮动汇率,就一定要做到自由的资本流动。
China is often accused of keeping its exchange rate artificially low to promote exports. 中国经常被指责为促进其出口而人为地实施低汇率政策。
They stand ready to pounce whenever the offshore renminbi exchange rate strays too far from its onshore equivalent. 一旦离岸人民币汇率与在岸汇率之间的溢价够高,它们能随时出手。
Mr Bernanke calls for greater exchange rate flexibility in the long run but acknowledges that it cannot be achieved overnight . 伯南克呼吁最终提高汇率的灵活性,但他承认,这不可能一蹴而就。
Every time I looked at the exchange rate, it seemed to be mocking me, laughing at how much more my tuition would cost. 每回看到汇率,都觉得它在嘲笑我,嘲笑我为上学支付的这一切。
"The high exchange rate is likely to persist and is not just a temporary development, " the bank said. 高汇率很可能持续下去,而不是暂时的。
The USD was no longer the only foreign currency around which RMB exchange rate stuck. There is a more flexible system of RMB exchange rate. 人民币汇率不再盯住单一美元,形成更富弹性的人民币汇率机制。
A: You are trying to ask whether China would agree to discuss the RMB exchange rate issue at the G20 summit. 答:你的问题概括起来就是中方是否同意在G20峰会上讨论人民币汇率问题。
In May, Snow said China must move to a more flexible exchange rate if it is to avoid future designation as a currency manipulator. 斯诺在今年5月说,中国如要避免将来被视作操纵汇率,必须向更灵活的汇率过渡。
Classification and measurement of RMB's real exchange rate has always been a drawback of empirical works in RMB exchange rate issue. 真实汇率的分类测算一直是深入展开人民币汇率实证研究的瓶颈。
welcome their commitment over time to move to a more flexible, market-determined exchange rate, ' he said. 他说,我们……欢迎他们致力于逐步向更灵活的、市场决定的汇率推进的做法。
China's exchange rate is not the significant factor in the bilateral trade balance many make it out to be. 中国的汇率不是双边贸易平衡的重要因素,大家已经很清楚此事。
He was reminding China that it is not the responsibility of the U. S. to help China avoid adjusting its exchange rate. 他提醒中国,美国没有责任帮助中国避免调整其汇率。
Today's system has no tie to gold or any other anchor, and contains a variety of exchange-rate regimes and capital controls. 当下的货币体系包括了五花八门的汇率体制和资本管制,与黄金无关,与其他什么也无关。
It was the combination of a virtually fixed nominal exchange rate with a depreciating real exchange rate that made it so. 是近乎固定的名义汇率与不断下降的实际汇率的结合,才造成了这种结果。
'We're a very local business, ' he said. 'We're not being impacted by that exchange rate. . . We're not impacted like a typical exporter. ' 他说,我们是十分本土化的企业,我们没有受到汇率的冲击,我们不像典型出口商那样受到影响。
In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Mr. Geithner said the world sorely needs to agree on guidelines for exchange-rate policy. 盖特纳接受《华尔街日报》采访时说,全世界迫切需要在汇率政策的指导原则上达成一致。
The low exchange rate in addition to high tariffs have doubled the company's expenses and challenged its profitability, " said the report. " 但是,低汇率再加上高关税,导致麦当劳所需食材的成本翻倍,利润大幅降低。
Did beggar-thy-neighbour exchange rate policies during the interwar period operate to open or to close markets? 两次世界大战期间“损人利己”的汇率政策所起到的作用,是开放市场还是关闭市场呢?
Mr Obama alluded to his hope that China's exchange rate might become more market-driven, but there was no hint of agreement. 奥巴马先生曾在访华时提及希望人民币汇率可以更加“市场化”,而中方并未表态。
If it is undervalued and China sticks to its exchange rate policy, all that will happen is real revaluation through inflation. 如果人民币被低估,而中国坚持其汇率政策,那么将发生的事情是,通过通货膨胀造成人民币实际升值。
Finally, the eurozone is moving towards fiscal tightening, with the offset, at least for the moment, of a weaker exchange rate. 最后,欧元区逐渐转向财政紧缩,至少就目前而言,它抵消了欧元汇率下跌的影响。
The appreciation of RMB and the fluctuations of exchange rate have no doubt increased the risk of the enterprises in international trade. 人民币升值和汇率波动,无疑加大了企业国际贸易的汇率风险。
A devaluation leads to a real depreciation in the short run but has no effect on the real exchange rate in the long run. 贬值导致了短期内真实的跌价,但是它对长期实际汇率并无影响。
When asked if the leaders discussed the yuan's exchange rate, Mr. Wu only said the topic wasn't on the meeting's agenda. 当被问及各国领导人是否讨论了人民币汇率问题时,吴海龙仅仅表示,该问题不在此次会议的议程中。