
美 [ˈɪrə]英 [ˈɪərə]
  • n.新时期;纪元;年代;新时代
  • 网络防御率(Earned Run Average);反应装甲(explosive reactive armor)


enter era,inaugurate era,herald era,mark era
golden era,early era,bygone era,past era



1.时代;年代;纪元a period of time, usually in history, that is different from other periods because of particular characteristics or events


新概念英语第三册词汇_百度文库 ... china n. 瓷器 era n. 时代 camera n. 摄像机 ...


3个字母的英语单词_百度知道 ... dew n. 露水 era n. 时代,年代,阶段,纪元 eat v. 吃,喝(汤) ...


3个字母的英语单词_百度知道 ... dew n. 露水 era n. 时代,年代,阶段,纪元 eat v. 吃,喝(汤) ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... specializing specializingvbl. 专攻 era n. 时代, 纪元, 时期, [地]代 doctoral adj. 博士的 ...

防御率(Earned Run Average)

防御率(Era)责任失分乘九除以投球局数K/9值(夺三振率)三振乘九除以投球局数被安打率(H/9)被安打数乘九除以投球局数被打击 …


四级单词逆序词表_百度文库 ... zebra n. 斑马 era n. 时代,年代;纪元 camera n. 照相机,摄影机 ...

反应装甲(explosive reactive armor)


With trends like this, the Age of the Internet could usher in an era of unprecedented citizen enlightenment. 有了这样的发展趋势,互联网时代将有可能迎来公民空前觉醒时期的到来。
by a growing sense of alienation from the state; and by the unease of anticipation as the end of an era inevitably looms ever closer. 对国家的疏离感越来越严重,并作为一个时代结束的不安预期日益迫近。
During the crisis, pundits talked as if consumers would return to depression-era habits, and just hoard all the essentials. 在金融危机时期,专家们说的好像消费者们要回到大萧条时期了,大家都要广积粮、深挖洞了。
Deprivedof hallucinogenic drugs though he might have been, Mr Gates emerged as theundisputed champion of the personal-computer era. 盖茨则成为个人电脑时代毋庸置疑的胜者,而乔布斯本可以代替他站在巅峰。
If those challenges cannot be tackled, however, the landscape around Aynak will be disfigured by more than just a few Soviet-era holes. 但是,如果无法解决这些难题,艾娜克铜矿的景致将面目全非,留下的伤痕决不止是区区几个苏联时期的钻孔。
And Russia is trying to maintain the dominant position it held since the Soviet era as the lead foreign supplier to India's military. 苏联时代开始就已经是印度军事最大的供应者,俄罗斯希望保持这种主导地位。
While the Hu-Wen era was one of construction, Xi and Li will have to put more effort into maintenance. 胡-温时代是建设的时代,习-李必将更多的精力放在维护上。
Wang Jiyu was born in the year of disintegration of the Soviet Union and grew up in an era of great changes in entertainment. 王基宇是在苏联解体的那年出生,成长在一个大转变的娱乐时代里。
Sadly, what was forgotten amid the Bush-era hubris was that America's edge always has been as much moral and economic as military. 美国在道德和经济方面的优势总是与军事优势并驾齐驱。不幸的是,傲慢的布什总统忘记了这一点。
Baipu, the concept of the formation of a marriage is because of the era, one is due to his own experience. 白朴这一婚恋观的形成一则是由于时代的原因,一则是由于自身的经历。
But it's also clear that new generations of Singaporeans are ready to move onto a new era, and the PAP will have to reflect that or wither. 但是,同样清楚的是,新一代新加坡人已经准备走进新时代,人民行动党要么顺应,要么衰败。
The biblical account suggests that, in that era at least, this was a standard post-conflict resolution of property questions. 上述圣经中的记录表明,至少在那个时代,这是战后解决财产问题的标准方式。
A white machine Nintendo era of the classic game, the rules of the game is also very simple collision destroyed by the enemy can be. 一款任天堂红白机时代的经典游戏,游戏规则也很简单,通过碰撞消灭掉敌人即可。
But in that hour of trial he gave thanks -- because he believed America would weather the storm and emerge into a new era of liberty. 但是他感激磨难,因为他相信美国一定能渡过难关,并走进新自由时代。
A thousand pounds of metal is an enormous amount of wealth in this era. To waste so much of it in a burial is pretty unusual. 在那个时代,一千磅的金属材料是一笔数额巨大的财富,耗费这么多的材料用来埋葬是相当不寻常的。
You know, we're now in the era of rocket science, so even a gadget with ordinary function must carry a very impressive high-tech look. 众所周知,我们如今所处的是火箭科学时代,哪怕是一个再普通不过的小玩意也要给人留下高科技的深刻印象。
Far from moving towards a world in which religion is absent or marginal, it would be truer to say that the secular era is in the past. 我们远远不是向着一个没有宗教或宗教边缘化的世界迈进,更确切的说法应该是,世俗时代已经过去。
Rabelais like him all the humanists of that era, like the game is to go beyond simply the height of the daily entertainment. 拉伯雷像他那个时代的所有人文主义者一样,是将游戏提高到超越单纯日常消遣的高度的。
His men and women looked as if they were out of the Past, although I wasn't completely clear as to what era of the Past they were from. 看起来他所描绘的男人与女人都好像来自过去,尽管我不能完全确定他们来自过去的哪个时代。
This vigorous approach, in Ms Varney's view, was an important part of "that era's legacy for modern economic policy" . 就瓦尔尼署长看来,这个有力的方式曾是“那个时代对于现代经济政策的宝贵遗产”中的一个重要组成部分。
Through the first five years of the LeBron James Era, the Cavaliers were in a perennial search for stability in the backcourt. 詹姆斯时代的这五年来,骑士长期都在寻求着一个稳定的后场阵容。
"During the era of Mao Zedong it was much tougher, " said the cotton farmer who also raises chickens and ducks for home consumption. “在毛的年代,要更团结。”这位棉农说,他喂养着供自己吃的鸡鸭。
The first took place in 1937, when Franklin Roosevelt mistakenly heeded the advice of his own era's deficit worriers. 第一次发生在1937年,当时,富兰克林.罗斯福错误地听取他那时代财政赤字悲观者的意见。
We have not, in short, witnessed just the first shots of a trade war. We are at the beginning of an era of decreasing trade. 总之,我们看到的并不只是贸易战的第一枪,而是在目睹全球贸易逐渐萧条的时代正在揭幕。
Deep down we love this club and do not wish to see this era of mediocrity continue and we urge you to take some action. 我们在心底爱着这家俱乐部而且不希望这几年的平庸继续下去,我们强烈要求你采取一些行动。
But the era of excess was as much about policy blunders and regulatory negligence as about mistakes by financial institutions. 不过,过剩时代的形成,政策失误和监管疏忽方面的原因与金融机构的失误同样重要。
Not far away from the love of this era, but many people no thought from the beginning with a strong heart to another heart. 不是这个年代远离了爱情,而是许多人从一开始就没想过用一颗心去坚定另一颗心。
Yu Hua is the author grew up in eighties, his body both writers of this era has its own personality similarities. 余华是八十年代成长起来的作家,他身上既有这个时代作家的共性又有自己的个性。
It was in use throughout the eastern Mediterranean as the language of commerce and diplomacy in and around the Renaissance era. 这是在使用整个地中海东部商业和外交的语言和周围的文艺复兴时代。
Like the era itself, "Pleasure Bound" is restrained and a bit of a tease. 就象那个时代本身,“禁锢的欢喜”意味着受压制,也还带点玩笑。