
美 [nek]英 [nek]
  • n.颈;脖子;颈部;领子
  • v.搂着脖子亲吻;相拥互吻
  • 网络琴颈;颈项;颈圈

复数:necks 现在分词:necking 过去式:necked

break neck


n. v.

1.[c]颈;脖子the part of the body between the head and the shoulders

2.[c]衣领;领子;领圈the part of a piece of clothing that fits around the neck

3.-necked有…衣领的;有…脖子的having the type of neck mentioned

4.[c]~ (of sth)(物体的)细长部分,颈部a long narrow part of sth

5.[u]~ (of sth)(烹制食用的)动物颈肉the neck of an animal, cooked and eaten


be up to your neck in sth

深陷于;忙于应付to have a lot of sth to deal with

by a neck

以微弱优势(领先)if a person or an animal wins a raceby a neck , they win it by a short distance

get it in the neck

受到严厉责骂;受重罚to be shouted at or punished because of sth that you have done

neck and neck (with sb/sth)

(比赛中)势均力敌,不分上下,平手level with sb in a race or competition

neck of the woods

某地方;某地区a particular place or area


人教版八年级上册英语单词表(含音标) ... 66 leg n. 腿 68 neck n. 脖子,颈 71 tooth n. 牙齿 ...

人教版八年级上册英语单词表(含音标) ... 66 leg n. 腿 68 neck n. 脖子, 71 tooth n. 牙齿 ...


人教版八年级上册英语单词_百度文库 ... mouth n. 嘴 neck n. 脖子,颈部 nose n. 鼻子 ...


音乐形容词 - benhe30的日志 - 网易博客 ... fret 品 neck 琴颈 nut 回纹柱 ...

服装英语_百度百科 ... n. to w.=n.-w.=nape to waist 腰直(后颈点到腰线的距离) n.=neck ,颈 n.p.=neck point 肩颈点 ...


颈字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 颈部〖 neck〗 颈项neck〗 颈 jǐng ...


服装英语_百度百科 ... nil.=nothing 无 nk.=neck 颈圈 o.s.=outside seam 外长 ...


服装尺码解析 » 海淘资讯 ... BUST = (女性的)胸围 NECK = 颈围 SLEEVE = 袖子 ...

Neck: The front of the neck from the throat to the point of shoulder should be shaved or scissored short. 颈部:脖子的前面从喉咙到肩膀的高度的毛应当剃掉或剪短。
Jane begins to have this thick neck and muscular arms, which she did not have in real life. Jane开始有了粗壮的脖子和肌肉发达的手臂,而现实中,她不是这样的。
As he turned Mr. Mornant saw that his coat was open and that there was something hanging round his neck. 正当若比转向他的时候摩赫南先生发现他的外套是敞开的,有什么东西挂在他脖子上。
This needs to come through to me for visibility but I should not be a bottle-neck for adding content. 这需要通过能见度来我,但我不应该是一个瓶子的颈部添加内容。
The girl blushed when people stared at all the hickeys on her neck . 当别人盯着她脖子上的吻痕时,她脸都红了。
Another major Hindu god, Lord Shiva, is usually depicted with a cobra wrapped like a scarf around his neck. 而印度教的另一主神湿婆神(LordShiva)的画像中总有一条眼镜蛇像围巾一样缠绕着他的脖子。
Direct the wide end around behind the skinny end and up through the loop around your neck, letting the wide end fall down the front. 将宽的一头从圈里穿过由短边和你脖子形成的圈,然后让宽边自然下垂到前面。
She said, "Please take the bell from around my neck. If you ring it as hard as you can, I'll be able to dance even faster. " 她说:“请你把我脖子上的铃铛解下来,如果你能用尽全力来摇响这个铃铛,那么我会跳得更快。”
Clark, you know Della and I never get along. She's always looking over my shoulder and breathing down my neck. 克拉克,你也知道黛拉跟我从来就合不来.她总是在我背后百般挑剔,密切监视我。
No, he said and touched her neck, You are the only one who might understand. 不是的,他抚摸着她的脖颈说道,也许只有你才会明白。
This time she found a little bottle on it and tied round the neck of the bottle was a paper label. 这一次,她在它上面找到了一只小瓶,瓶颈上系着一个纸标签。
She said she knew nothing about the robbery , but I'm sure she's in it up to her neck. 她说她对这起抢劫案一无所知,不过我敢肯定她深深卷入其中。
Well, I was making love to her, kissing on her neck and I gave a little bite, then she farted and flew out the window. 我正跟她做爱,亲她脖子的时候咬了她一小口,然后她就放屁,还飞出窗外呢。
The key is often strung around the child's neck or left hidden under a mat (or some other object) at the rear door to the property. 孩子都把钥匙挂在脖子上或者藏在房子后门的门垫(或其它物件)底下。
Weight is usually the main cause of snoring so shedding excess fat around the neck will stop extra pressure being put on the airways. 受压通常都是打鼾的主要因素,因此减少颈部周围过量的脂肪能够为呼吸道减压,从而减少打鼾。
He had been bleeding from the mouth, and his neck and the front of his shirt were stained a brilliant red. 他的嘴里渗出了血,他的脖子和衬衣前部都被染上了灿烂的红色。
My training might have not been where I wanted it to be, so I don't race at break neck pace. 我的训练可能达不到我想达到的效果,所以,我不会以自杀配速参加比赛。
A child might be made to bow every time he met a certain person by pressure on his neck muscles, and bowing would finally become automatic. 我们可以压迫一个孩子的颈部肌肉,使他每遇到一个人就鞠躬,到了后来,鞠躬成为一种自动的行动。
Lynn disappointed, but she did not give up, she once again Forget touch the cheek and neck, she whispers, Rouqingsishui cried " brother" . 琳有些失望,但她却没有放弃,她再一次忘情的抚摸明的脸颊和脖颈,她轻声的,柔情似水地叫了一声“哥哥”。
she was brought out on the scaffold, and the hangman said, 'Now, lass, thou must hang by the neck till thou be'st dead. 她被押上了绞刑台,刽子手说:“姑娘,你现在必须被绞死。”
She bears little outward sign of her medical history, unless she pulls up her hair to show scars on her neck and an open wound on her scalp. 表面上看不出她的症状有多严重,除非她撩开头发,露出脖子上的伤疤和头皮上尚未愈合的伤口。
As she hung her septa's crystal about her neck, to nestle in the cleft between her breasts, she teased him with a smile. 当她把他的修女水晶挂在脖颈搭在双乳间时她露出个嘲笑的笑容。
He no longer snapped awake in the quiet hours, forced to confront, all over again, the fact that he had no sensation from the neck down. 他不会再从安宁的睡眠中突然惊醒而努力强迫自己去面对他从颈部以下失去知觉的现实。
Oh no, you're getting it all over the carpet. Now what's the other thing? Key down the back of your neck. 你把水全弄到地毯上了。什么其他的事?关键是你脖子后面。
My driver, Mr. Yu, found a length of cable and tied it around the puppy's neck. 司机老余找了一根长绳子拴在小狗脖子上。
The sinews bulged out of his neck like webbing, and, as he inhaled, the air burned through his chest and lungs. 颈部的肌肉像一根带子一样凸起来,呼入的空气也像是要在胸腔和肺腔燃烧起来。
She took off her clothes and, with her belongings in a nylon bag held above her head, she stepped into the chilling, neck-deep water. 她脱下衣服,把他们统统塞进尼龙袋里,用手把袋子托在头顶上,跨入齐脖子深的冷水里。
The horseman who knocks off the last piece of wood will get a prize cup and a wreath will put around the horse's neck. 击落最后一片木块的骑士获得奖杯,马也给带上花环。
as if I had already flown out of the room, straddled the neck of the North Wind and galloped off into space. 但是我的血沸腾,我似乎已经飞出了房间,跨在北风的颈上,砉然驱驰于长空!
Short hair works best for shorter men as long hair tends to hide the neck and shoulders making them look one part of the body. 身材矮的男士适合短发型,因为长发型会遮盖住脖子跟肩膀,导致看上去跟身体连成一个整体,从而缩短身材。