next level

  • 网络新起步;升下一级所需经验值;升下一级声望所需经验值

next levelnext level

next level


滨崎步 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... 2008:GUILTY( 原罪) 2009:NEXT LEVEL新起步) 2010:Rock'n'Roll Circus( …


黑暗史诗_百度百科 ... Experience = 现有的经验值 Next level = 升下一级所需经验值 Renown = 声望等级 ...


黑暗史诗_百度百科 ... Fame = 声望值 Next level = 升下一级声望所需经验值 Strength = 力量 ...


《邪灵入侵》_互动百科 ... Current level: 当前等级 next level下一等级 required level: 需要等级 ...


不定期更新,教你玩转超时空战士2... ... custom maps: 其他地图 next level下一关 xfliqz:achievements 也可以指成就(挖 …

Even the second-rate rail systems of the next level are at least as good as anything pulling out of an American station. 即使他们的二等铁路系统也不比从我们火车站里拖出的任何一辆火车差。
With her wealth of experience, I believe that Regina will be a tremendous asset to the team and will help drive the hotel to the next level. 她拥有丰富的阅历与经验,我相信她的到来将会给我们团队带来巨大的财富,推动酒店进入下一个全新的台阶。
I expected to walk out with all the money we needed to take this project to the next level. 我本以为会带着把这个项目带到下一层次所需的全部资金回来。
They then went back and eliminated 21 of the trials, leaving only the "low-bias" ones. This was the next level of quality standard. 然后他们返回将其中的21个试验结果排除,保留低偏差的一组,这是第二水平的质量标准。
I do pretty well, but I'm trying to take it to the next level. One step at a time! 我做得还不错,但希望能上升到更高一层次,不过一次只能一个步骤。
As you have been told many, many times over the last decade, your world is evolving to the next level of existence. 由于你们被告知了很多了,在上个世纪许多次,你们的世界在进化进入下一阶段的水平。
We don't seem to be able to break through to the next level of weights in the gym. 我们似乎无法在体育馆中突破到下一个级别。
Once you can keep your level of self-discipline, you will be ready to move on to the next level by stretching yourself. 一旦你可以保持你自律的水平,你就可以通过自我扩展进行到下一个阶段。
The amount is sent to the next level, but the holding manager keeps part of it as a salary for the members of his holding brotherhood. 数额送到下一一级但持保留经理作为工资部分的成员,他的兄弟控股。
However, Mr Zhang said: "The build-up of senior banking talent is an investment to take our franchise to the next level. " 但张红力表示:“招聘高级银行人才是一项投资,这将把我们的市场地位提升到一个新的层次。”
the general objective is to clean up the planet while trying to reach a Designated finish unit in the roadway to warp to the next level. 总的目标是要清理这个星球,而试图达到指定的巷道一经完成单位到新的水平。
It is important for you to keep up the momentum and take it to the next level and the next focal point. 你们应该相信并运用自己的能量去保持这样的势头,好让它达到下一个阶段和焦点。
But to take a company to the next level, it is often essential to shell-out big bucks on such things. 但是如果想把企业提升到更高层次,在这些事情上花费大量资金往往是必须的。
That way the power of a traditional facilitator is not needed, and the group's capacity to take itself to the next level is increased. 那样的话,传统意义上的诱导者就不需要了,并且这个小组提升自己到下一个层次的能力也增强了。
Now I've got to take that to the next level, perform in the next game and win man of the match again. 现在我要把状态带到下一个档次(的比赛里),在下一场比赛里出色发挥,并再次赢得最佳球员称号。
And she's never satisfied with her game, and she believes that by going on the PGA tour, she's gonna take her game up to the next level. 而她从未对自己的比赛满意,她在PGA巡回赛中相信这一点,她会将自己的比赛带入下一个高度。
You have been managing a team for a while and you feel ready to step up to the next level. 你管理一个团队已经有些时日了,你觉得自己应该能够得到提升了。
As packets arrive at their destination they are picked up by the network interface, ready to be sent to the next level. 当数据包到达他们的目的地,网络界面将会接收到他们。
You need to build a senior team that's able to manage all the critical areas of your business to take it to the next level. 你需要建立一个高级团队来管理所有的关键部门,以使你的事业上升到一个新的水平。
Regardless of the area we focus on, the intent is usually to make some degree of positive improvement, to notch things up to the next level. 无论关注哪些方面,我们通常是想去做些积极的改善,为了使一切都提升一个层面。
Think of it as informing a helpful friend that you need her assistance to move to the next level in your life. 想象自己在对一个乐于伸出援手的朋友倾诉,你需要她的帮助来进入生命的下一个阶段。
Finally with Families would celebrate that students are moving up to the next level love of their education. 家庭应该在他们的孩子在教育阶段提高到下个等级时举行庆祝。
You need to hold the ball across the playing field with multiple obstacles to the finish to advance to the next level. 你需要拿球穿越运动场多障碍地完成提前到下一水平。
Half a year went by and we were eventually moved up to the next level, practice times were changed. 半年过去了。我们也都到了另外的一个级别,练习阶段结束了。
"But he asked me if I had an idea what the next level for integrated circuits would be and I said, 'Memory' " . 但是他问我集成电路的下一个发展阶段应该是什么,我马上回答道,‘内存’。
Keep and practicing. You're about to make a jump up to the next level of understanding. What you've been doing starts getting easy. 继续学习和练习,你将进入认知的新阶段,现在著手的事会愈来愈容易。
So, if you're trying to get to the next level, work on your stroke production more than anything else. 因此,如果你正在尝试达到下一个水准,那麽努力著手于产生打击力,比其他事更重要。
"Many leaders are relatively ill-prepared to step up to the next level, " says Steve Newhall, managing director of consultants DDI. 咨询公司DDI的董事总经理史蒂夫•纽霍尔(SteveNewhall)表示:“相对来说,许多领导人对步入新级别的准备不足。”
Follow a guided program, or work out with a partner, an instructor, or a coach, someone or something that will push you to the next level. 遵循一个指导方法、或和伙伴、指导老师、教练、某个能把你提升到下一阶段的人或物一起锻炼。
When you've collected enough XP to level up to the next level, the message "" Boost Attr. "" will blink next to your name. 当你为下一等级积累了足够的经验,“boostattr(升级)”信息会出现在你名字的旁边。