
美 [noʊˈbɛl]英 [nəʊˈbel]
  • n.诺贝尔;Alfred Bernhard Nobel 诺贝尔



The Nobel Foundation give a Peace Prize to Kim Dae Jung and along with it a diploma. 诺贝尔基金会向金大中颁发了和平奖并附有一张证书。
We conducted our own, entirely unscientific, survey to ascertain just how much chocolate Nobel laureates ate. 我们开展了完全没有科学依据的调查,来探知诺贝尔奖获得者们的巧克力消费量。
He figures finding a magnetic monopole would put him on the fast track for a Nobel Prize. And he would be right. 他幻想着找到一个磁单极子而把他送上获得诺贝尔奖的快车道:他是对的。
If somebody made the breakthrough that led to the prevention of breast cancer, it would win a Nobel Prize, she said. 她说,只要有人在乳房癌预防方面取得突破,他肯定能得诺贝尔奖。
But, regrettably, he never received the Nobel Prize, because his theory has no scientific basis. 但是很遗憾,他从没有获得诺贝尔奖,因为他的理论还没有科学依据。
The world thinks of him the way he wanted to be remembered: Nobel a man of peace . 这个世界也按他想被人们记忆的方式看待他:诺贝尔,一个(热爱)和平的人。
"If he took down the Wall, " Reagan told an aide after returning from Berlin, "he'd win the Nobel Prize. " 从柏林回来的路上,里根对助手说,“若戈尔巴乔夫能推倒掉柏林墙,那诺贝尔和平就是他的了。”
But it is hardly surprising that medical research had a fascination for a man of Dr. Nobel's nature and attitude to life. 这不足为奇,诺贝尔博士迷恋上医学研究出自一个人的本性和人生态度。
The foundation is a not-for-profit organization founded by His Holiness the Dalai Lama with the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to him in 1989. 普世责任基金会是由嘉瓦仁波切创建的公益组织,他曾在1989年获得了诺贝尔和平奖。
Nobel may have been hesitant to compete with this established prize by creating one of his own. 诺贝尔可能觉得对设立一个新的数学奖会与国王的数学奖形成竞争,因此犹豫不决。
The Nobel Committee has achieved something of a first by bringing the fractious Twitterverse into such widespread agreement. 而诺委会首次使难以调和的Twitter达成如此广泛的共识,他们真的做到了。
Obame'sname had been mentioned in speculation before the award , but many Nobel watches believed it was to early to award the president. 被授奖前奥巴马的名字曾在投机活动中被提及过,但多数诺贝尔奖观察员认为授这个奖为时过早。
He said the Nobel was "a nice thing to have, but I don't think this is going to change my life. " 他说道”获得诺贝尔奖很棒,但不会改变他的生活“。
One reason Franklin was missing was that she had died of cancer four years before the Nobel decision. 富兰克林被遗忘的原因之一是她于诺贝尔奖确定前四年死于癌症。
The Nobel committee evidently wants to encourage him but it might have been wiser to hold judgment until he has achieved more. 诺奖委员会明显想用这个奖鼓励他,但也许更明智的选择是,等到他再积累一些成就再行决定。
The winner of the Nobel economics prize has just been announced, and it's something of a surprise. 刚刚宣布了诺贝尔经济学奖得主,结果多少有点出乎意料。
The Nobel Committee said the imaginative force and poetic voice of her writing gave life to an important part of American reality. 诺贝尔委员会说,富有想象力的力量和声音给了她写作的诗意生活美国现实的一个重要组成部分。
Nobel Prizes can be taken as a symbol or a voice to the whole world, and China has no reason to be absent for long. 诺贝尔奖是传递给世界的符号或声音,中国绝没理由这么长久的缺席。
I was one of three lucky ones in the category "outstanding person" ; so was the Canadian Nobel Prize winner Robert Mendell. 我是三位被幸运地归类为“杰出人士”之中的一个,三人中还有一个是加拿大诺贝尔奖获得者罗伯特·门德尔;
At 85, Edwards is now too frail to give interviews, but his wife told the Nobel Foundation of his happiness at receiving the prize. 85岁高龄的爱德华,爱德华兹由于身体欠佳,无法在获奖后立即接受采访。他的妻子对诺贝尔基金委转达了他得奖后的喜悦心情。
Sweden, however, was an anomaly. It had a very high number of Nobel laureates but its people consumed much less chocolate on average. 瑞典的情况则有一些特殊,其诺贝尔奖获奖人数很高,但巧克力消费量比较平均。
He and his wife, Michelle, whirled through a day filled with Nobel pomp and ceremony in this Nordic capital(Oslo). 奥巴马和夫人米歇尔前往挪威首都奥斯陆领奖的当天举办了一系列诺贝尔奖的颁奖典礼和庆祝活动。
He said the Nobel peace prize winner, who has suffered from various illnesses in recent years, was "very healthy and very engaged" . 他透露这位近年来受到各种疾病困扰的诺贝尔和平奖得主“非常健康且非常忙碌”。
The University's achievements in the sciences can be measured by the sixty or more Nobel Prizes awarded to its members over the years. 剑桥大学的理科成就可以由历年来大学成员获得的60升至更多的诺贝尔奖来衡量。
But the Nobel committee could have made a braver, more difficult, choice by declaring that there would be no recipient at all. 但是诺贝尔委员会本应(通过和平奖)缔造一个勇敢者。在声明中说没有一个候选人符合条件是很困难的。
He is a Nobel Prize Laureate, as you know, and an internationally recognised religious and cultural leader. 他是诺贝尔获得者,如你所知,是国际认可的宗教和文化领袖。
Love could be great just like the sky. It is so nobel. And it could be chickenshit , just like a little flower in the clay. 仁爱可以峻极于天,极为高贵伟大,也可以微浅如地,像灰尘里开的一朵小花。
The Norwegian government has stressed that it had no influence over the Nobel committee's decision. 挪威政府强调,它对诺贝尔委员会的决定没有影响力。
There was no guarantee that Mittag-Leffler would have been a recipient of a Nobel Prize in mathematics. 如果有这个奖项的话,毫无疑问,米塔格-莱弗勒将是诺贝尔数学奖得主。
Eagleburger believes President Obama received the peace prize because his world view coincides with that of the Nobel Committee. 伊格伯格认为,奥巴马之所以获得和平奖,是因为他对世界的看法与诺贝尔评审会不谋而合。